Developing and debugging zxdb

This document covers various topics to help you as you develop and debug the zxdb debugger:

Run tests

To run the zxdb frontend tests:

fx test zxdb_tests

To run the debug_agent tests:

fx test debug_agent_unit_tests
fx test debug_agent_integration_tests

To run the end-to-end tests:

fx test --e2e zxdb_e2e_tests

Reload after a new build

Since the debug_agent_launcher is a long-running process, your system does not try to update the debug_agent package after the first ffx debug connect invocation.

To force the system to unload

ffx component stop /core/debug_agent

Enable debug logging in debug_agent

To enable the debug logging of the debug_agent, add --set-severity core/debug_agent#DEBUG to fx log. For example:

fx log --set-severity core/debug_agent#DEBUG --tag debug_agent --hide_metadata --pretty

Enable debug logging in zxdb

To enable debug logging in zxdb:

ffx debug connect -- --debug-mode

Launch zxdb in another debugger

You can have ffx debug launch zxdb in another debugger such as lldb. For example:

ffx debug connect --debugger lldb

This command brings the lldb shell and you can use run to start zxdb.

Alternatively, instead of lldb you could specify another debugger such as gdb. However, if you use gdb, you may run into some of the following issues:

  • Older versions of gdb may not support all DWARF 5 standards. Which may result some missing information such as source file listing.
  • Ctrl-C does not return you from zxdb to gdb. To stop zxdb, from another terminal, run:

    pkill -INT zxdb`

Debug debug_agent in another debug_agent

You can attach a debug_agent to another debug_agent:

  1. Run the debugger that attaches to the "to-be-debugged" debug_agent that you want to debug:

    ffx debug connect
  2. From the zxdb console, run:

    attach debug_agent
    Waiting for process matching "debug_agent".
    Type "filter" to see the current filters.
    Attached Process 1 state=Running koid=345223
    Attached Process 2 state=Running koid=345403 name=/pkg/bin/debug_agent
  3. The first debug_agent captures the launcher and itself. You can detach the processes to avoid any deadlock.

    For example, to detach process 1:

    [zxdb] pr 1 detach

    For example, to detach process 2:

    [zxdb] pr 2 detach
  4. Create a breakpoint on the $main function:

    [zxdb] break $main
  5. From another terminal, launch another zxdb instance:

    ffx debug connect
  6. In the initial terminal with zxdb, you should see an output like:

    Attached Process 1 state=Running koid=12345 name=/pkg/bin/debug_agent
    Breakpoint 1 now matching 1 addrs for $main
    🛑 process 1 on bp 1 main(int, const char**) •
      100 int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    ▶ 101   debug_agent::CommandLineOptions options;
      102   cmdline::Status status = ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, &options);
      103   if (status.has_error()) {

    You now have two instances of zxdb running.