Best practices on using async Python in Fuchsia Controller

This page discusses the common task flows of async Python as well as possible pitfalls when using async Python.

Before you continue, check out this official documentation on asyncio and the tutorial for Fuchsia Controller.


The following items concern asynchronous code in general, not necessarily specific to Python:

  • Async code is not necessarily multi-threaded. In the case of Fuchsia Controller related code, almost everything is single-threaded.
  • Async code runs inside of a loop (also known as an executor), which is yielded to whenever an await happens.

Because of these, it can make certain things difficult to debug, like if you have a background task that intends to run forever but raises an exception. If you never await this task, the exception is only visible in logs.

Common pitfalls

Not holding references to tasks

If you launch a task in a loop, for example:

# Don't do this!

and you do not hold a reference to the value returned, it is possible that the Python garbage collector may cancel and delete this task at an arbitrary point in the future.

Always make sure to store the tasks you create in a variable, for example:

# Always store a variable!
foo_bar_task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(foo_bar())

Then ensure that the lifetime of the task is tied to what needs it. If this is a specific test case, store the task as a member of the test case class, canceling it during teardown.

Mixing blocking code with async code

While testing your code, it's common for some experiments to throw in a sleep statement for certain events. Make sure not to mix up asyncio.sleep with time.sleep. The former returns a coroutine while the latter blocks the whole loop.

For example:

import asyncio
import time

async def printer():
    """ Prints a thing."""

async def main():
    task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(printer())
     time.sleep(1) # THIS WILL BLOCK EXECUTION. 

if __name__ == "__main__":

The code above would print out nothing. However, it would print HELLO if you replaced the time.sleep(1) with await asyncio.sleep(1), which yields to the async loop.

FIDL server errors

Given the nature of async programming, it's possible that you can have a runtime error in your FIDL server implementation and not know it, especially if your FIDL server implementation is connected to a component on a Fuchsia device.

This, unfortunately, is difficult to debug and may only surface as a PEER_CLOSED error on the device due to your FIDL server implementation crashing.

One approach (for debugging) is to add a callback to the task that checks if an exception has occurred in the task and sends something to logs (or even hard crash the program).

For example:

def log_exception(task):
        _ = task.result()
    except Exception as e:
        # Can log the exception here for debugging.

task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(foobar())

Common task flows

Synchronizing tasks

To start, it's recommended to take a look at the Python doc page for a primer on synchronization objects available. Note that these objects are not thread-safe. Some of them merit examples, however.

Waiting for multiple tasks

You'll likely need to wait for multiple tasks to complete. This can be done using asyncio.wait. If you want to do something similar to the select syscall, set the return_when parameter to asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, for example:

done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
    [task1, task2, task3],

The result contains a tuple of tasks (in this case, done and pending). Which can be treated like any other task object. So for the done object, one can iterate over these and collect the results by checking the result() function.

Running async code inside synchronous code

At the time of writing, most of Fuchsia Controller code is being called from synchronous code. To ensure tasks can run in the background, it may make sense to keep an instance of a loop via asyncio.new_event_loop().

The reason for this is that asyncio tasks must remain on a single loop. This is also the case for synchronization objects like asyncio.Queue.

If the code you interact with is sufficiently simple (running a single FIDL method at a time), you can do this using:


But if you need to run tasks or handle synchronization, you'll want to encapsulate things in a class containing a loop. Just make sure that if this is in a test or an object, there is teardown code for shutting down the loop, for example:

class FidlHandlingClass():

    def __init__(self):
        self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        # Can launch tasks here.
        self._important_task = self._loop.create_task(foo())

    def __del__(self):

You can also extend the class with a decorator so that the loop is implicitly used in all public functions (though they will appear synchronous to callers) for example:

from functools import wraps

class FidlInstance():

    def __init__(self, proxy_channel):
        self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.echo_proxy = fidl.fuchsia_developer_ffx.Echo.Client(proxy_channel)

    def __del__(self):

    def _asyncmethod(f):
        def wrapped(inst, *args, **kwargs):
            coro = f(inst, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapped

    async def echo(self, string: str):
        return await self.echo_proxy.echo_string(value=string)

Then the class above can be invoked using the following code:

client_channel = ...
inst = FidlInstance(client_channel)

While this instance can run inside a non-async context, it is still runs async code. However, this can make it much easier to read and write overall.

Adapting code to support async Python

FIDL is a language designed around being async. However, test frameworks like Mobly expect synchronous Python functions for running tests. If you have an interface that you'd like to test and it is primarily used in synchronous Python, then this applies to you.

fuchsia-controller comes with some mixin code under its wrappers module to support using async code in synchronous contexts, in particular AsyncAdapter, which can be used as a wrapper or a mixin, and the decorator asyncmethod.

When used in conjunction with each other, this creates a setup where all code run in a given instance will execute against a common asyncio event loop.

For most cases async Python can be run in synchronous Python with the use of However, when you may have queues or async tasks expected to check on state across function calls, this becomes prohibitively difficult to do. Each invocation of creates a totally new event loop, which can create headaches for managing asynchronous data structures, which expect to be used in just one event loop at a time. By keeping a single asyncio event loop, you can avoid running into these exceptions.

For example, let's say you're writing a Mobly test case, but the class you're exposing relies on some underlying async Python, you can write your code like so to allow for its use in Mobly:

import asyncio
from mobly import asserts, base_test, test_runner
from fuchsia_controller_py.wrappers import AsyncAdapter, asyncmethod

# AsyncAdapter should be included first in the list of base classes.
class ClassYouWantToTest(AsyncAdapter, SomeBaseClass):

    def __init__(self):

    async def async_init(self):
        self.queue: asyncio.Queue[int] = asyncio.Queue()
        await self.queue.put(1)

    async def function_we_care_about(self) -> int:
        got = await self.queue.get()
        return got

class ExampleTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):

    def test_case_example(self) -> None:
        """Example... doesn't really do much useful."""
        c = ClassYouWantToTest()
        asserts.assert_equal(c.function_we_care_about(), 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The method function_we_care_about will be wrapped so that functionally the following code is being executed when the Mobly test case is executed:

def function_we_care_about(self) -> None:
  coro = self._function_we_care_about_impl()