Compatibility Tests for Fuchsia

Compatibility Testing for Fuchsia (CTF) is a mechanism for running different versions of pre-built Fuchsia software against the Fuchsia platform surface area to detect compatibility problems.

CTF tests ensure that a client frozen at a previous release milestone is compatible with the Application Programming Interface (API) and Application Binary Interface (ABI) made available to developers via the SDK. It simulates the situation where a behavioral change is landed in the Fuchsia platform that breaks a pre-compiled client.

CTF fundamentally consists of the following parts:

  • A mechanism to freeze artifacts on a release branch and then use those artifacts in a test on the main branch.
  • A set of build rules to select artifacts to freeze, and a set of build rules to simplify thawing those frozen artifacts on main.
  • A suite of tests using those build rules to test the compatibility of old client code with the latest platform surface area.
  • The coverage provided by that suite of tests, in terms of which FIDL methods and syscalls are tested for compatibility across versions.

CTF was originally proposed as RFC 0015, and the project code is located at //sdk/ctf.


The Fuchsia platform defines a surface area consisting of a number of FIDL protocols which are exposed in the Fuchsia SDK. Developers may download and use the Fuchsia SDK to write software targeting Fuchsia systems at a specific API level.

As the Fuchsia platform surface area evolves over time, changes are represented through availability annotations on FIDL protocols:

protocol Entry {
  SetValue(struct { value string; });

  GetTimestamp() -> (struct { timestamp int64; });

  @available(added=13, removed=20)

In the above example, the protocol Entry has three methods:

  • SetValue, which was added at API level 12
  • GetTimestamp, which was added at API level 20
  • Encrypt, which was added at API level 13 but removed at API level 20 when it was found to not be needed any longer.

Components built using the Fuchsia SDK must declare the API level they target, affecting which definitions are visible. Consider the following scenarios:

  • A component is built targeting API level 19:
    • SetValue and Encrypt are visible.
    • GetTimestamp is absent, because it did not yet exist at API level 19.
  • A component is built targeting API level 21:
    • SetValue and GetTimestamp are visible.
    • Encrypt is absent, because it was removed at API level 20.

Not all API levels are currently supported by the Fuchsia Platform. The canonical list of supported API levels is checked in to the fuchsia.git repository and is used to determine which API levels will be supported in releases of the Fuchsia SDK.

Targeting a supported API level ensures that a client can connect only to protocols that are supported and guaranteed to be implemented, but it does not provide a guarantee that the behavior of the platform will remain consistent for pre-built components targeting that API level.

Ensuring consistent behavior is important to support components built outside of the fuchsia.git repository, especially when those components are downloaded as pre-built binaries and assembled into product images.

Example: A compatibility problem

Consider a simplified version of the Entry protocol above:

protocol Entry {
  GetTimestamp() -> (struct { timestamp int64; });

The GetTimestamp method returns the timestamp of an Entry in seconds.

We can test it as follows:

TEST(Timestamp) {
  EntrySyncPtr entry = CreateEntryAtMidnightJan1stUTC();
  ASSERT_EQ(entry.GetTimestamp(), 1704067200);

Suppose that we decide we actually want nanosecond granularity. We will change the implementation of GetTimestamp to return nanoseconds, but note that the FIDL definition does not change.

We would update our test as follows:

TEST(Timestamp) {
  EntrySyncPtr entry = CreateEntryAtMidnightJan1stUTC();
- ASSERT_EQ(entry.GetTimestamp(), 17040672000);
+ ASSERT_EQ(entry.GetTimestamp(), 17040672000000000);

This will pass all checks in fuchsia.git and submit, but we have now introduced a compatibility breakage to the Fuchsia Platform.

Failure timeline

Let's look at a complete timeline that leads to a breakage.

  1. Before the SDK change: Suppose the FooWidget team wants to implement their FooWidget for Fuchsia. They download the latest Fuchsia SDK and build their component targeting API level 20. This component uses the Entry protocol and calls the GetTimestamp method. At this point in time, GetTimestamp returns seconds.

    This works for them, so the FooWidget team will publish a Fuchsia package called foo-widget. Upon inspection, users of this package see it targets API level 20.

  2. FooWidget is included in a Fuchsia product: A Fuchsia product is assembled that includes the foo-widget package and the Fuchsia platform from an SDK. The foo-widget package was ingested as a pre-built binary without source code access, but product assembly sees that the package was built targeting API level 20 and that the Fuchsia platform image supports API level 20.

  3. The SDK change is rolled: At this point, the change we defined above lands in fuchsia.git, a new SDK is produced, and it is released.

  4. The product is assembled with the new SDK: The product repository rolls to the new SDK and assembles the product using a new Fuchsia platform image combined with the existing pre-built foo-widget.

  5. FooWidget is broken on that product: When the foo-widget component calls GetTimestamp(), the results will be in nanoseconds rather than seconds, which can have very strange results. For instance, the FooWidget UI may start displaying times millions of years in the future because it is treating nanoseconds as seconds!

    It is dangerous to change the behavior of platform functionality when pre-existing software depends on the old behavior.

Catching compatibility problems

CTF tests simulate the above scenario by taking advantage of Fuchsia's release branching process. If a CTF test fails, it means that pre-built components targeting an old Fuchsia platform implementation will fail when targeting the latest platform implementation. It works as follows:

  1. Each Fuchsia milestone release has an associated release branch in fuchsia.git. This represents the state of Fuchsia's platform implementation at the time of release.
  2. That platform implementation passes the set of tests on that release branch.
  3. A set of artifacts are included in a CTF Artifacts bundle for that release branch.
  4. When the release branch is created and/or modified, the CTF Artifacts for that branch are compiled and uploaded to CIPD.
  5. The CTF Artifacts for each supported API level are downloaded as pre-builts on the main branch and are thawed by turning them into test packages.
  6. Those test packages are run against the latest Fuchsia platform on the main branch, which will block CL submission if they fail.

This exactly maps to the scenario in which a component is built against an old Fuchsia SDK and platform, and then is run as a pre-built against the current Fuchsia platform.

Background and history

CTF exists to prevent breaking changes to the implemented Fuchsia API and ABI from landing in the platform.

CTF originally was designed to provide confidence that an arbitrary Fuchsia system correctly implemented the platform surface area for a particular ABI revision. This would mean that components built for that revision would work on the system, and that the system is backwards compatible with that revision.

The current purpose of CTF is to provide a mechanism for freezing and "thawing" test artifacts across release branches.

This mechanism can be applied to ensure the current Fuchsia platform supports the old API and ABI behavior for each version that is supposed to be supported. Additionally, the frozen tests may be applied to arbitrary Fuchsia images to achieve the original goal of CTF if desired.