Debug tests using zxdb

This page provides details and examples related to using the Fuchsia debugger (zxdb) with the fx test command.

Additionally, you can see the Tutorial: Debug tests using zxdb for more information on using zxdb with tests.

Starting a zxdb session from fx test

The fx test command supports the --break-on-failure and --breakpoint flags, which allow you to debug tests using zxdb. If your test uses a compatible test runner (that is, gTest, gUnit, or Rust), adding the --break-on-failure flag causes test failures to pause test execution and enter the zxdb debug environment, for example:

fx test --break-on-failure

The command returns an output like:

<...fx test startup...>

Running 1 tests

Starting: fuchsia-pkg://
Command: fx ffx test run --max-severity-logs WARN --break-on-failure fuchsia-pkg://

Status: [duration: 13.3s]  [tasks: 3 running, 15/18 complete]
  Running 1 tests                      [                                                                                                     ]           0.0%
  👋 zxdb is loading symbols to debug test failure in, please wait.
  ⚠️  test failure in, type `frame` or `help` to get started.
    84     #[test]
    85     fn test_should_fail() {
  ▶ 86         assert_eq!(0, 1);
    87     }
    88 }
  🛑 process 1 rust_crasher_bin_test::tests::test_should_fail() •

Since you have started a zxdb session, you can now use most of the regular zxdb workflows. However, in this example the thread is already in a fatal exception, typical execution commands such as step, next, and until are not available. Inspection commands such as print, frame, and backtrace are available for the duration of the debugging session.

Executing test cases in parallel

zxdb is designed to handle multi-process debugging. You can inspect the current attached processes and their execution states with the process noun or with the status command. The currently "active" process is marked with a "▶" sign.

For more detailed information, see Interaction model (or use the help command).

Depending on the options that you provide to fx test or the test runner default configurations, multiple test cases may fail in parallel. Supported test runners all spawn an individual process for each test case, and the default configuration may allow for multiple test processes to be running at the same time.

When running with fx test, zxdb attaches to all processes in your test's realm. A test case failure only stops that particular process.

Parallel execution only stops if and only if the number of test case failures is equal to the number of allowed parallel test cases. Once any process is detached from zxdb, another test case process begins immediately.

Closing the debugger

After inspecting your test failure, you can resume the test execution by detaching from your test process, for example, by using kill, detach, or continue.

As mentioned in Executing test cases in parallel, multiple test cases may fail in parallel. If you do not explicitly detach from all attached processes, zxdb remains in the foreground. You can see all attached processes using the process noun.

You can also use certain commands to detach from all processes (for example, quit, detach *, and ctrl+d) and resume execution of the test suite immediately.