User guide for CTF

This user guide provides a comprehensive overview of Compatibility Testing for Fuchsia (CTF), a mechanism for freezing artifacts on release branches and loading them on the main branch for testing purposes.

The most common use case of CTF is to freeze a test on a release branch and then run that test against components on the main branch in CI/CQ. This prevents backwards-incompatible changes that would break pre-built clients.

To learn more about CTF as a whole, see the overview and motivation documents.

Basic usage

This section describes how to use CTF and how to handle common scenarios.

Freezing a Fuchsia Package

To freeze a Fuchsia package called my-package, do the following:

  1. Change the package from fuchsia_package to ctf_fuchsia_package.
  2. Include the {PACKAGE_NAME}_archive target in //sdk/ctf/tests:tests.


# Old src/my-package/

fuchsia_package("my-package") {
  # ...

Change your file to this:

# New src/my-package/

ctf_fuchsia_package("my-package") {
  # ...

And update //sdk/ctf/tests/

group("tests") {
  deps = [
    # ...

You can also create a group("ctf_tests") in your local, and reference that in //sdk/ctf/tests/

This will result in your package being compiled and stored in ctf-artifacts when the next Fuchsia milestone is released. After completing this step, you must include instructions for loading your package (see next section).

Loading a Fuchsia Package

To load a frozen Fuchsia package you need to update generate_ctf_tests.gni to include instructions for loading your package.

You will need to define a new template in the generate_ctf_tests.gni file that is named generate_my-package, and this template must expand to a Fuchsia test package.

The template will receive a parameter called test_info which includes the downloaded package's label as test_info.target_label.

For example:

template("generate_my-package") {
  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "test_info" ])
  fuchsia_package_with_test(target_name) {
    test_component = "//src/my-package:my-package-test-root",
    test_component_name = ""
    subpackages = [
      test_info.target_label, # prebuilt version of the test suite.
      # other packages needed to implement the test, such as a RealmFactory.

Freezing a host test

To freeze a host test do the following:

  1. Change the build rule from host_test to ctf_host_test.
  2. Include that target in //sdk/ctf/tests:tests.


# Old src/my-host-test/

host_test("my-host-test") {
  # ...

Change your file to this:

# New src/my-host-test/

ctf_host_test("my-host-test") {
  # ...

And update //sdk/ctf/tests/

group("tests") {
  deps = [
    # ...

You can also create a group("ctf_tests") in your local, and reference that in //sdk/ctf/tests/

This will result in your host test and its dependencies being bundled in ctf-artifacts when the next Fuchsia milestone is released. After completing this step, your test will automatically run in CTF using any arguments you pass to ctf_host_test.

Basic concepts

CTF consists of two mechanisms:

  1. Build rules to freeze an artifact and upload it to CIPD.
  2. Build rules to thaw that artifact and turn it into a test.

The freezing and loading process is exercised at the tip of the fuchsia.git repository for local tests through the //sdk/ctf build target. Including --with-test //sdk/ctf in your fx set args results in the following build output:

$FUCHSIA_DIR/out/default/cts/*.far       # Packages referenced in manifest
$FUCHSIA_DIR/out/default/cts/host_x64/*  # Host tests referenced in manifest

This results in both the original tests and the thawed version of those tests being included in your build:

$ fx test --dry

Rules defined in generate_ctf_tests.gni are responsible for thawing packages referenced in package_archives.json by turning them into normal Fuchsia test packages. Since these packages were thawed from the CTF build at the tip of tree, they all have a ctf_in_development suffix. All of these tests can be run using fx test.

Each Fuchsia milestone release (for example, F16 and F17) is associated with a release branch in git (for example, refs/heads/releases/F16. The process above happens for each change to a release branch, resulting in a new ctf directory containing packages and host tests referenced in manifests. On release branches, however, the resulting directory is zipped and uploaded to CIPD where it is downloaded as a prebuilt by jiri run-hooks. You can find these downloaded prebuilts in your fuchsia.git checkout at prebuilt/ctf/f*, where there is one directory per Fuchsia milestone release. The source of truth for which milestones' prebuilts are downloaded is version_history.json, which lists supported API levels to test.

The build target defined at //sdk/ctf/release:tests iterates over the downloaded prebuilts and applies the generate_ctf_tests.gni rules to thaw each downloaded package in the same way that the in-development packages were thawed. They can be included using --with-test //sdk/ctf/release:tests in your fx set args.

This will add new tests for each supported level to your build:

$ fx test --dry

Each thawed test has a suffix indicating the release branch where the frozen package originated (e.g. ctf18, ctf19 for F18 and F19 respectively). All of these tests can be run using fx test.

Troubleshooting failures

CTF tests are designed to fail when there is an incompatibility between the frozen package and packages produced at tip of fuchsia.git, and this can cause the core.x64-debug-ctf builder to fail during CL submission. See the dedicated troubleshooting guide for detailed instructions on handling failure scenarios to unblock CL submission.