
Configurations related to page scanner behavior.

zero_page_scans_per_second ZeroPageScanCount This option configures the maximal number of candidate pages the zero page scanner will consider every second. The page scanner must be running for this option to have any effect. It can be enabled at boot unless `disable_at_boot` is set to True.
page_table_eviction_policy PagetableEvictionPolicy Sets the reclamation policy for user page tables that are not accessed.
disable_eviction bool When set, disable the page scanner to evict user pager backed pages. Eviction can reduce memory usage and prevent out of memory scenarios, but removes some timing predictability from system behavior.
disable_at_boot bool This option causes the kernels active memory scanner to be initially disabled on startup if the value is true. You can also enable and disable it using the kernel console. If you disable the scanner, you can have additional system predictability since it removes time based and background memory eviction. Every action the scanner performs can be individually configured and disabled. If all actions are disabled then enabling the scanner has no effect.