Component manifest (.cml) reference

A .cml file contains a single json5 object literal with the keys below.

Where string values are expected, a list of valid values is generally documented. The following string value types are reused and must follow specific rules.

The .cml file is compiled into a FIDL wire format (.cm) file.

String types


Both capabilities and a component's children are named. A name string may consist of one or more of the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, ., -. It must not exceed 255 characters in length and may not start with . or -.


Paths are sequences of names delimited by the / character. A path must not exceed 4095 characters in length. Throughout the document,

  • Relative paths cannot start with the / character.
  • Namespace and outgoing directory paths must start with the / character.


A reference string takes the form of #<name>, where <name> refers to the name of a child:

Top-level keys


array of string (optional)

The optional include property describes zero or more other component manifest files to be merged into this component manifest. For example:

include: [ "syslog/client.shard.cml" ]

In the example given above, the component manifest is including contents from a manifest shard provided by the syslog library, thus ensuring that the component functions correctly at runtime if it attempts to write to syslog. By convention such files are called "manifest shards" and end with .shard.cml.

Include paths prepended with // are relative to the source root of the Fuchsia checkout. However, include paths not prepended with //, as in the example above, are resolved from Fuchsia SDK libraries (//sdk/lib) that export component manifest shards.

For reference, inside the Fuchsia checkout these two include paths are equivalent:

  • syslog/client.shard.cml
  • //sdk/lib/syslog/client.shard.cml

You can review the outcome of merging any and all includes into a component manifest file by invoking the following command:

fx cmc include cml_file --includeroot $FUCHSIA_DIR --includepath $FUCHSIA_DIR/sdk/lib

Includes can cope with duplicate use, offer, expose, or capabilities declarations referencing the same capability, as long as the properties are the same. For example:

// my_component.cml
include: [ "syslog.client.shard.cml" ]
use: [
        protocol: [

// syslog.client.shard.cml
use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink", from: "parent/diagnostics" },

In this example, the contents of the merged file will be the same as my_component.cml -- fuchsia.logger.LogSink is deduped.

However, this would fail to compile:

// my_component.cml
include: [ "syslog.client.shard.cml" ]
use: [
        protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
        // properties for fuchsia.logger.LogSink don't match
        from: "#archivist",

// syslog.client.shard.cml
use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink" },

An exception to this constraint is the availability property. If two routing declarations are identical, and one availability is stronger than the other, the availability will be "promoted" to the stronger value (if availability is missing, it defaults to required). For example:

// my_component.cml
include: [ "syslog.client.shard.cml" ]
use: [
        protocol: [
        from: "parent/diagnostics",
        availability: "optional",

// syslog.client.shard.cml
use: [
        protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink"
        availability: "required",  // This is the default
        from: "parent/diagnostics",


use: [
        protocol: "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider",
        availability: "optional",
        protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
        availability: "required",
        from: "parent/diagnostics",

Includes are transitive, meaning that shards can have their own includes.

Include paths can have diamond dependencies. For instance this is valid: A includes B, A includes C, B includes D, C includes D. In this case A will transitively include B, C, D.

Include paths cannot have cycles. For instance this is invalid: A includes B, B includes A. A cycle such as the above will result in a compile-time error.


object (optional)

Components that are executable include a program section. The program section must set the runner property to select a runner to run the component. The format of the rest of the program section is determined by that particular runner.

ELF runners

If the component uses the ELF runner, program must include the following properties, at a minimum:

  • runner: must be set to "elf"
  • binary: Package-relative path to the executable binary
  • args (optional): List of arguments


program: {
    runner: "elf",
    binary: "bin/hippo",
    args: [ "Hello", "hippos!" ],

For a complete list of properties, see: ELF Runner

Other runners

If a component uses a custom runner, values inside the program stanza other than runner are specific to the runner. The runner receives the arguments as a dictionary of key and value pairs. Refer to the specific runner being used to determine what keys it expects to receive, and how it interprets them.


array of object (optional)

The children section declares child component instances as described in Child component instances.

  • name: (string) The name of the child component instance, which is a string of one or more of the following characters: a-z, 0-9, _, ., -. The name identifies this component when used in a reference.
  • url: (string) The component URL for the child component instance.
  • startup: (string) The component instance's startup mode. One of:
    • lazy (default): Start the component instance only if another component instance binds to it.
    • eager: Start the component instance as soon as its parent starts.
  • on_terminate: (optional string) Determines the fault recovery policy to apply if this component terminates.
    • none (default): Do nothing.
    • reboot: Gracefully reboot the system if the component terminates for any reason other than graceful exit. This is a special feature for use only by a narrow set of components; see Termination policies for more information.
  • environment: (optional string) If present, the name of the environment to be assigned to the child component instance, one of environments. If omitted, the child will inherit the same environment assigned to this component.


children: [
        name: "logger",
        url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
        name: "pkg_cache",
        url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
        startup: "eager",
        name: "child",
        url: "#meta/",


array of object (optional)

The collections section declares collections as described in Component collections.

  • name: (string) The name of the component collection, which is a string of one or more of the following characters: a-z, 0-9, _, ., -. The name identifies this collection when used in a reference.
  • durability: (string) The duration of child component instances in the collection.
    • transient: The instance exists until its parent is stopped or it is explicitly destroyed.
    • single_run: The instance is started when it is created, and destroyed when it is stopped.
  • environment: (optional string) If present, the environment that will be assigned to instances in this collection, one of environments. If omitted, instances in this collection will inherit the same environment assigned to this component.
  • allowed_offers: (optional string) Constraints on the dynamic offers that target the components in this collection. Dynamic offers are specified when calling fuchsia.component.Realm/CreateChild.
    • static_only: Only those specified in this .cml file. No dynamic offers. This is the default.
    • static_and_dynamic: Both static offers and those specified at runtime with CreateChild are allowed.
  • allow_long_names: (optional bool) Allow child names up to 1024 characters long instead of the usual 255 character limit. Default is false.
  • persistent_storage: (optional bool) If set to true, the data in isolated storage used by dynamic child instances and their descendants will persist after the instances are destroyed. A new child instance created with the same name will share the same storage path as the previous instance.


collections: [
        name: "tests",
        durability: "transient",


array of object (optional)

The environments section declares environments as described in Environments.

  • name: (string) The name of the environment, which is a string of one or more of the following characters: a-z, 0-9, _, ., -. The name identifies this environment when used in a reference.
  • extends: (optional string) How the environment should extend this realm's environment.
    • realm: Inherit all properties from this component's environment.
    • none: Start with an empty environment, do not inherit anything.
  • runners: (optional array of object) The runners registered in the environment. An array of objects with the following properties:

    • runner: (string) The name of a runner capability, whose source is specified in from.
    • from: (string) The source of the runner capability, one of:
      • parent: The component's parent.
      • self: This component.
      • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.
    • as: (optional string) An explicit name for the runner as it will be known in this environment. If omitted, defaults to runner.
  • resolvers: (optional array of object) The resolvers registered in the environment. An array of objects with the following properties:

    • resolver: (string) The name of a resolver capability, whose source is specified in from.
    • from: (string) The source of the resolver capability, one of:
      • parent: The component's parent.
      • self: This component.
      • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.
    • scheme: (string) The URL scheme for which the resolver should handle resolution.
  • debug: (optional array of object) Debug protocols available to any component in this environment acquired through use from debug.

    • protocol: (optional string or array of strings) The name(s) of the protocol(s) to make available.
    • from: (string) The source of the capability(s), one of:
      • parent: The component's parent.
      • self: This component.
      • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.
    • as: (optional string) If specified, the name that the capability in protocol should be made available as to clients. Disallowed if protocol is an array.
  • __stop_timeout_ms: (optional number) The number of milliseconds to wait, after notifying a component in this environment that it should terminate, before forcibly killing it. This field is required if the environment extends from none.


environments: [
        name: "test-env",
        extends: "realm",
        runners: [
                runner: "gtest-runner",
                from: "#gtest",
        resolvers: [
                resolver: "full-resolver",
                from: "parent",
                scheme: "fuchsia-pkg",


array of object (optional)

The capabilities section defines capabilities that are provided by this component. Capabilities that are offered or exposed from self must be declared here.

Capability fields

This supports the following capability keys. Exactly one of these must be set:

  • protocol: (optional string or array of strings)
  • service: (optional string or array of strings)
  • directory: (optional string)
  • storage: (optional string)
  • runner: (optional string)
  • resolver: (optional string)
  • event_stream: (optional string or array of strings)
  • dictionary: (optional string)
  • config: (optional string)

Additional fields

This supports the following additional fields:

  • path: (optional string) The path within the outgoing directory of the component's program to source the capability.

    For protocol and service, defaults to /svc/${protocol}, otherwise required.

    For protocol, the target of the path MUST be a channel, which tends to speak the protocol matching the name of this capability.

    For service, directory, the target of the path MUST be a directory.

    For runner, the target of the path MUST be a channel and MUST speak the protocol fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner.

    For resolver, the target of the path MUST be a channel and MUST speak the protocol fuchsia.component.resolution.Resolver.

    For dictionary, this is optional. If provided, it is a path to a fuchsia.component.sandbox/DictionaryRouter served by the program which should return a fuchsia.component.sandbox/DictionaryRef, by which the program may dynamically provide a dictionary from itself. If this is set for dictionary, offer to this dictionary is not allowed.

  • rights: (optional array of string) (directory only) The maximum directory rights that may be set when using this directory.

  • from: (optional string) (storage only) The source component of an existing directory capability backing this storage capability, one of:

    • parent: The component's parent.
    • self: This component.
    • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.
  • backing_dir: (optional string) (storage only) The name of the directory capability backing the storage. The capability must be available from the component referenced in from.

  • subdir: (optional string) (storage only) A subdirectory within backing_dir where per-component isolated storage directories are created

  • storage_id: (optional string) (storage only) The identifier used to isolated storage for a component, one of:

    • static_instance_id: The instance ID in the component ID index is used as the key for a component's storage. Components which are not listed in the component ID index will not be able to use this storage capability.
    • static_instance_id_or_moniker: If the component is listed in the component ID index, the instance ID is used as the key for a component's storage. Otherwise, the component's moniker from the storage capability is used.
  • type: (optional string) (configuration only) The type of configuration, one of:

    • bool: Boolean type.
    • uint8: Unsigned 8 bit type.
    • uint16: Unsigned 16 bit type.
    • uint32: Unsigned 32 bit type.
    • uint64: Unsigned 64 bit type.
    • int8: Signed 8 bit type.
    • int16: Signed 16 bit type.
    • int32: Signed 32 bit type.
    • int64: Signed 64 bit type.
    • string: ASCII string type.
    • vector: Vector type. See element for the type of the element within the vector.
  • max_size: (optional non-zero number) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'string'. This is the max size of the string.

  • max_count: (optional non-zero number) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'vector'. This is the max number of elements in the vector.

  • element: (optional object) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'vector'. This is the type of the elements in the configuration vector.

    Example (simple type):

    { type: "uint8" }

    Example (string type):

      type: "string",
      max_size: 100,
  • value: (optional any) (configuration only) The value of the configuration.

  • delivery: (optional string) (protocol only) Specifies when the framework will open the protocol from this component's outgoing directory when someone requests the capability. Allowed values are:

    • eager: (default) the framework will open the capability as soon as some consumer component requests it.
    • on_readable: the framework will open the capability when the server endpoint pipelined in a connection request becomes readable.


array of object (optional)

For executable components, declares capabilities that this component requires in its namespace at runtime. Capabilities are routed from the parent unless otherwise specified, and each capability must have a valid route through all components between this component and the capability's source.

Capability fields

This supports the following capability keys. Exactly one of these must be set:

  • service: (optional string or array of strings)
  • directory: (optional string)
  • protocol: (optional string or array of strings)
  • dictionary: (optional string)
  • storage: (optional string)
  • event_stream: (optional string or array of strings)
  • runner: (optional string)
  • config: (optional string)

Additional fields

This supports the following additional fields:

  • from: (optional string) The source of the capability. Defaults to parent. One of:

    • parent: The component's parent.
    • debug: One of [debug_capabilities][fidl-environment-decl] in the environment assigned to this component.
    • framework: The Component Framework runtime.
    • self: This component.
    • #<capability-name>: The name of another capability from which the requested capability is derived.
    • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.

    [fidl-environment-decl]: /reference/fidl/fuchsia.component.decl#Environment

  • path: (optional string) The path at which to install the capability in the component's namespace. For protocols, defaults to /svc/${protocol}. Required for directory and storage. This property is disallowed for declarations with arrays of capability names and for runner capabilities.

  • rights: (optional array of string) (directory only) the maximum directory rights to apply to the directory in the component's namespace.

  • subdir: (optional string) (directory only) A subdirectory within the directory capability to provide in the component's namespace.

  • scope: (optional string or array of strings) (event_stream only) When defined the event stream will contain events about only the components defined in the scope.

  • filter: (optional object) (event_stream only) Capability requested event streams require specifying a filter referring to the protocol to which the events in the event stream apply. The content of the filter will be an object mapping from "name" to the "protocol name".

  • dependency: (optional string) The type of dependency between the source and this component, one of:

    • strong: a strong dependency, which is used to determine shutdown ordering. Component manager is guaranteed to stop the target before the source. This is the default.
    • weak: a weak dependency, which is ignored during shutdown. When component manager stops the parent realm, the source may stop before the clients. Clients of weak dependencies must be able to handle these dependencies becoming unavailable. This property is disallowed for runner capabilities, which are always a strong dependency.
  • availability: (optional string) The expectations around this capability's availability. One of:

    • required (default): a required dependency, the component is unable to perform its work without this capability.
    • optional: an optional dependency, the component will be able to function without this capability (although if the capability is unavailable some functionality may be disabled).
    • transitional: the source may omit the route completely without even having to route from void. Used for soft transitions that introduce new capabilities. This property is disallowed for runner capabilities, which are always required.

    For more information, see the availability documentation.

  • key: (optional string) (config only) The configuration key in the component's config block that this capability will set.

  • type: (optional string) (config only) The type of configuration, one of:

    • bool: Boolean type.
    • uint8: Unsigned 8 bit type.
    • uint16: Unsigned 16 bit type.
    • uint32: Unsigned 32 bit type.
    • uint64: Unsigned 64 bit type.
    • int8: Signed 8 bit type.
    • int16: Signed 16 bit type.
    • int32: Signed 32 bit type.
    • int64: Signed 64 bit type.
    • string: ASCII string type.
    • vector: Vector type. See element for the type of the element within the vector
  • max_size: (optional non-zero number) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'string'. This is the max size of the string.

  • max_count: (optional non-zero number) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'vector'. This is the max number of elements in the vector.

  • element: (optional object) (configuration only) Only supported if this configuration type is 'vector'. This is the type of the elements in the configuration vector.

    Example (simple type):

    { type: "uint8" }

    Example (string type):

      type: "string",
      max_size: 100,
  • default: (optional any) (configuration only) The default value of this configuration. Default values are used if the capability is optional and routed from void. This is only supported if availability is not required`.


use: [
        protocol: [
        directory: "themes",
        path: "/data/themes",
        rights: [ "r*" ],
        storage: "persistent",
        path: "/data",
        event_stream: [
        from: "framework",
        runner: "own_test_runner".
        from: "#test_runner",


array of object (optional)

Declares the capabilities that are made available to the parent component or to the framework. It is valid to expose from self or from a child component.

Capability fields

This supports the following capability keys. Exactly one of these must be set:

  • service: (optional string or array of strings)
  • protocol: (optional string or array of strings)
  • directory: (optional string)
  • runner: (optional string)
  • resolver: (optional string)
  • dictionary: (optional string)
  • config: (optional string)

Additional fields

This supports the following additional fields:

  • from: (string or array of strings) from: The source of the capability, one of:
    • self: This component. Requires a corresponding capability declaration.
    • framework: The Component Framework runtime.
    • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance.
  • as: (optional string) The name for the capability as it will be known by the target. If omitted, defaults to the original name. as cannot be used when an array of multiple capability names is provided.
  • to: (optional string) The capability target. Either parent or framework. Defaults to parent.
  • rights: (optional array of string) (directory only) the maximum directory rights to apply to the exposed directory capability.
  • subdir: (optional string) (directory only) the relative path of a subdirectory within the source directory capability to route.
  • event_stream: (optional string or array of strings) (event_stream only) the name(s) of the event streams being exposed.
  • scope: (optional string or array of strings) (event_stream only) the scope(s) of the event streams being exposed. This is used to downscope the range of components to which an event stream refers and make it refer only to the components defined in the scope.
  • availability: (optional string) availability (optional): The expectations around this capability's availability. Affects build-time and runtime route validation. One of:

    • required (default): a required dependency, the source must exist and provide it. Use this when the target of this expose requires this capability to function properly.
    • optional: an optional dependency. Use this when the target of the expose can function with or without this capability. The target must not have a required dependency on the capability. The ultimate source of this expose must be void or an actual component.
    • same_as_target: the availability expectations of this capability will match the target's. If the target requires the capability, then this field is set to required. If the target has an optional dependency on the capability, then the field is set to optional.
    • transitional: like optional, but will tolerate a missing source. Use this only to avoid validation errors during transitional periods of multi-step code changes.

    For more information, see the availability documentation.

  • source_availability: (optional string) Whether or not the source of this offer must exist. One of:

    • required (default): the source (from) must be defined in this manifest.
    • unknown: the source of this offer will be rewritten to void if its source (from) is not defined in this manifest after includes are processed.


expose: [
        directory: "themes",
        from: "self",
        protocol: "pkg.Cache",
        from: "#pkg_cache",
        as: "fuchsia.pkg.PackageCache",
        protocol: [
        from: "self",
        runner: "web-chromium",
        from: "#web_runner",
        as: "web",
        resolver: "full-resolver",
        from: "#full-resolver",


array of object (optional)

Declares the capabilities that are made available to a child component instance or a child collection.

Capability fields

This supports the following capability keys. Exactly one of these must be set:

  • protocol: (optional string or array of strings)
  • service: (optional string or array of strings)
  • directory: (optional string)
  • storage: (optional string)
  • runner: (optional string)
  • resolver: (optional string)
  • event_stream: (optional string or array of strings)
  • dictionary: (optional string)
  • config: (optional string)

Additional fields

This supports the following additional fields:

  • service: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a service, the name of a service capability.
  • protocol: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a protocol, the name of a protocol capability.
  • directory: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a directory, the name of a directory capability.
  • runner: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a runner, the name of a runner capability.
  • resolver: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a resolver, the name of a resolver capability.
  • storage: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a storage capability, the name of a storage capability.
  • dictionary: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a dictionary, the name of a dictionary capability.
  • config: (optional string or array of strings) When routing a config, the name of a configuration capability.
  • from: (string or array of strings) from: The source of the capability, one of:
    • parent: The component's parent. This source can be used for all capability types.
    • self: This component. Requires a corresponding capability declaration.
    • framework: The Component Framework runtime.
    • #<child-name>: A reference to a child component instance. This source can only be used when offering protocol, directory, or runner capabilities.
    • void: The source is intentionally omitted. Only valid when availability is optional or transitional.
  • to: (string or array of strings) Capability target(s). One of:
    • #<target-name> or [#name1, ...]: A reference to a child or collection, or an array of references.
    • all: Short-hand for an offer clause containing all child references.
  • as: (optional string) An explicit name for the capability as it will be known by the target. If omitted, defaults to the original name. as cannot be used when an array of multiple names is provided.
  • dependency: (optional string) The type of dependency between the source and targets, one of:
    • strong: a strong dependency, which is used to determine shutdown ordering. Component manager is guaranteed to stop the target before the source. This is the default.
    • weak: a weak dependency, which is ignored during shutdown. When component manager stops the parent realm, the source may stop before the clients. Clients of weak dependencies must be able to handle these dependencies becoming unavailable.
  • rights: (optional array of string) (directory only) the maximum directory rights to apply to the offered directory capability.
  • subdir: (optional string) (directory only) the relative path of a subdirectory within the source directory capability to route.
  • event_stream: (optional string or array of strings) (event_stream only) the name(s) of the event streams being offered.
  • scope: (optional string or array of strings) (event_stream only) When defined the event stream will contain events about only the components defined in the scope.
  • availability: (optional string) availability (optional): The expectations around this capability's availability. Affects build-time and runtime route validation. One of:

    • required (default): a required dependency, the source must exist and provide it. Use this when the target of this offer requires this capability to function properly.
    • optional: an optional dependency. Use this when the target of the offer can function with or without this capability. The target must not have a required dependency on the capability. The ultimate source of this offer must be void or an actual component.
    • same_as_target: the availability expectations of this capability will match the target's. If the target requires the capability, then this field is set to required. If the target has an optional dependency on the capability, then the field is set to optional.
    • transitional: like optional, but will tolerate a missing source. Use this only to avoid validation errors during transitional periods of multi-step code changes.

    For more information, see the availability documentation.

  • source_availability: (optional string) Whether or not the source of this offer must exist. One of:

    • required (default): the source (from) must be defined in this manifest.
    • unknown: the source of this offer will be rewritten to void if its source (from) is not defined in this manifest after includes are processed.


offer: [
        protocol: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink",
        from: "#logger",
        to: [ "#fshost", "#pkg_cache" ],
        dependency: "weak",
        protocol: [
        from: "#session",
        to: [ "#ui_shell" ],
        dependency: "strong",
        directory: "blobfs",
        from: "self",
        to: [ "#pkg_cache" ],
        directory: "fshost-config",
        from: "parent",
        to: [ "#fshost" ],
        as: "config",
        storage: "cache",
        from: "parent",
        to: [ "#logger" ],
        runner: "web",
        from: "parent",
        to: [ "#user-shell" ],
        resolver: "full-resolver",
        from: "parent",
        to: [ "#user-shell" ],
        event_stream: "stopped",
        from: "framework",
        to: [ "#logger" ],


object (optional)

Contains metadata that components may interpret for their own purposes. The component framework enforces no schema for this section, but third parties may expect their facets to adhere to a particular schema.


object (optional)

The configuration schema as defined by a component. Each key represents a single field in the schema.

Configuration fields are JSON objects and must define a type which can be one of the following strings: bool, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64, string, vector


config: {
    debug_mode: {
        type: "bool"

Fields are resolved from a component's package by default. To be able to change the values at runtime a mutability specifier is required.


config: {
    verbose: {
        type: "bool",
        mutability: [ "parent" ],

Currently "parent" is the only mutability specifier supported.

Strings must define the max_size property as a non-zero integer.


config: {
    verbosity: {
        type: "string",
        max_size: 20,

Vectors must set the max_count property as a non-zero integer. Vectors must also set the element property as a JSON object which describes the element being contained in the vector. Vectors can contain booleans, integers, and strings but cannot contain other vectors.


config: {
    tags: {
        type: "vector",
        max_count: 20,
        element: {
            type: "string",
            max_size: 50,