
Platform configuration options. These are the options that pertain to the platform itself, not anything provided by the product.

virtualization PlatformVirtualizationConfig Platform configuration options for the virtualization area.
usb UsbConfig Platform configuration options for USB peripheral.
ui PlatformUiConfig Platform configuration options for the UI area.
timekeeper TimekeeperConfig Platform configuration options for time maintenance and timekeeping.
system_sounds SystemSoundsConfig System sounds configuration sounds to play on various system events.
sysmem PlatformSysmemConfig Platform configuration options for sysmem (contiguous/protected memory support). These override (field-by-field) any values set in sysmem_defaults in the board config. See also BoardProvidedConfig.sysmem_format_costs which can be specified for the board.
storage StorageConfig Platform configuration options for storage support.
starnix PlatformStarnixConfig Platform configuration options for the starnix area.
software_delivery software_delivery Platform configuration options for the SWD subsystem.
setui SetUiConfig SetUi configuration. SetUI is added to the platform config on all Standard systems.
session PlatformSessionConfig Platform configuration options for the session.
recovery RecoveryConfig Platform configuration options for recovery.
power PowerConfig Platform configuration options for the power area.
paravirtualization PlatformParavirtualizationConfig Platform configuration options for paravirtualization.
memory_monitor PlatformMemoryMonitorConfig Platform configuration options for the memory monitor area.
media PlatformMediaConfig Platform configuration options for the media area.
kernel PlatformKernelConfig
intl IntlConfig Platform configuration options for internationalization.
icu ICUConfig Platform configuration options for ICU library choice. Platform components are 'flavored' by the ICU version they're compiled to use.
health_check HealthCheckConfig Platform configuration options for OTA Health Checks.
graphics GraphicsConfig Platform configuration options for graphics
forensics ForensicsConfig Platform configuration options for the forensics area.
fonts FontsConfig Platform configuration options for fonts.
feature_set_level FeatureSupportLevel The minimum service-level that the platform will provide, or the main set of platform features that are necessary (or desired) by the product. This is the most-significant determination of the availability of major subsystems.
factory_store_providers FactoryStoreProvidersConfig Platform configuration for the factory store providers
example_config ExampleConfig Assembly option triggering the inclusion of test AIBs NOTE: This is not for use by products! It's for testing assembly itself.
driver_framework DriverFrameworkConfig Platform configuration options for the driver framework area.
diagnostics DiagnosticsConfig Platform configuration options for the diagnostics area.
development_support DevelopmentSupportConfig Platform configuration options for enabling developer support.
connectivity PlatformConnectivityConfig Platform configuration options for the connectivity area.
build_type BuildType The RFC-0115 Build Type of the assembled product + platform. After the FeatureSupportLevel, this is the next most-influential determinant of the makeup of the platform. It selects platform components and configuration, and is used to disallow various platform configuration settings when producing Userdebug and User images.
bluetooth BluetoothConfig Platform configuration options for the bluetooth area.
battery BatteryConfig Platform configuration options for the battery.
additional_serial_log_tags vector List of logging tags to forward to the serial console. Appended to the list of tags defined for the platform.