- handle_close - Close a handle.
- handle_close_many - Close a number of handles.
- handle_duplicate - Duplicate a handle.
- handle_replace - Replace a handle.
- object_get_child - Given a kernel object with children objects, obtain a handle to the child specified by the provided kernel object id.
- object_get_info - Query information about an object.
- object_get_property - Ask for various properties of various kernel objects.
- object_set_profile - Apply a scheduling profile to a thread.
- object_set_property - Set various properties of various kernel objects.
- object_signal - Signal an object.
- object_signal_peer - Signal an object's peer.
- object_wait_async - Subscribe for signals on an object.
- object_wait_many - Wait for signals on multiple objects.
- object_wait_one - Wait for signals on an object.
- thread_create - Create a thread.
- thread_exit - Terminate the current running thread.
- thread_legacy_yield - Yield the CPU of the current thread back to the scheduler.
- thread_raise_exception - Raise a user-generated exception.
- thread_read_state - Read one aspect of thread state.
- thread_start - Start execution on a thread.
- thread_write_state - Write one aspect of thread state.
Thread Sampling
- sampler_attach - Configure a thread to have its stack periodically sampled and written to
- sampler_create - Create a sampler session, returning an IOBuffer containing a buffer allocated for each
- sampler_start - Begin sampling to the provided IOBuffer.
- sampler_stop - Stop writing samples to the provided IOBuffer.
IO Buffers
- iob_allocate_id - Allocates an ID out of an IOBuffer region of discipline
- iob_create - Create an IOBuffer with a set of options.
- process_create - Create a new process.
- process_create_shared - Create a new process that can share part of its address space with other processes.
- process_exit - Exits the currently running process.
- process_read_memory - Read from the given process's address space.
- process_start - Start execution on a process.
- process_write_memory - Write into the given process's address space.
- job_create - Create a new job.
- job_set_critical - Set a process as critical to a job.
- job_set_policy - Set job security and resource policies.
Tasks (Thread, Process, or Job)
- task_create_exception_channel - Create an exception channel for a given job, process, or thread.
- task_kill - Kill the provided job or process.
- task_suspend - Suspend the given task. Currently only thread or process handles may be suspended.
- task_suspend_token - Suspend the given task. Currently only thread or process handles may be suspended.
- profile_create - Create a scheduler profile.
- exception_get_process - Create a handle for the exception's process.
- exception_get_thread - Create a handle for the exception's thread.
- channel_call - Send a message to a channel and await a reply.
- channel_call_etc - Send a message to a channel and await a reply.
- channel_create - Create a channel.
- channel_read - Read a message from a channel.
- channel_read_etc - Read a message from a channel.
- channel_write - Write a message to a channel.
- channel_write_etc - Write a message to a channel.
- socket_create - Create a socket.
- socket_read - Read data from a socket.
- socket_set_disposition - Set disposition of writes.
- socket_write - Write data to a socket.
- stream_create - Create a stream from a VMO.
- stream_readv - Read data from a stream at the current seek offset.
- stream_readv_at - Read data from a stream at the given offset.
- stream_seek - Modify the seek offset.
- stream_writev - Write data to a stream at the current seek offset.
- stream_writev_at - Write data to a stream at the given offset.
- fifo_create - Create a fifo.
- fifo_read - Read data from a fifo.
- fifo_write - Write data to a fifo.
Events, Event Pairs, and Counters
- counter_add - Add a value to a counter.
- counter_create - Create a counter.
- counter_read - Read the value of a counter.
- counter_write - Write a value to a counter.
- event_create - Create an event.
- eventpair_create - Create an event pair.
- system_get_event - Retrieve a handle to a system event.
- port_cancel - Cancels async port notifications on an object.
- port_cancel_key - Cancels all async port notifications matching a key.
- port_create - Create an IO port.
- port_queue - Queue a packet to a port.
- port_wait - Wait for a packet arrival in a port.
- futex_get_owner - Fetch the koid current owner of a futex, if any.
- futex_requeue - Wake some number of threads waiting on a futex, and move more waiters to another wait queue.
- futex_requeue_single_owner - Wake one thread waiting on a futex, and requeue more waiters to another futex wait queue.
- futex_wait - Wait on a futex.
- futex_wake - Wake some number of threads waiting on a futex, and set the ownership of the futex to nothing.
- futex_wake_handle_close_thread_exit - Write to futex, wake futex, close handle, exit.
- futex_wake_single_owner - Wake one thread waiting on a futex, and set the ownership of the futex to that thread.
Virtual Memory Objects (VMOs)
- vmo_create - Create a VM object.
- vmo_create_child -
- vmo_create_contiguous -
- vmo_create_physical -
- vmo_get_size -
- vmo_get_stream_size -
- vmo_op_range -
- vmo_read - Read bytes from the VMO.
- vmo_replace_as_executable -
- vmo_set_cache_policy -
- vmo_set_size -
- vmo_set_stream_size -
- vmo_transfer_data -
- vmo_write - Write bytes to the VMO.
Virtual Memory Address Regions (VMARs)
- vmar_allocate - Allocate a new subregion.
- vmar_destroy - Destroy a virtual memory address region.
- vmar_map - Add a memory mapping.
- vmar_map_clock - Map a kernel clock object's state.
- vmar_map_iob - Map the memory regions attached to an IOBuffer. This call has
- vmar_op_range - Perform an operation on VMOs mapped into this VMAR.
- vmar_protect - Set protection of virtual memory pages.
- vmar_unmap - Unmap virtual memory pages.
Userspace Pagers
- pager_create - Create a new pager object.
- pager_create_vmo - Create a pager owned VMO.
- pager_detach_vmo - Detaches a VMO from a pager.
- pager_op_range - Perform an operation on a range of a pager owned VMO.
- pager_query_dirty_ranges - Query contiguous ranges of dirty pages in a pager owned VMO.
- pager_query_vmo_stats -
- pager_supply_pages - Supply pages into a pager owned VMO.
Cryptographically Secure RNG
- cprng_add_entropy - Add entropy to the kernel CPRNG.
- cprng_draw - Draw from the kernel's CPRNG.
- clock_create - Create a new clock object.
- clock_get_boot - Acquire the current boot time.
- clock_get_details - Fetch all of the low level details of the clock's current state.
- clock_get_details_mapped - Fetch all of the low level details of a mapped clock's current state. Behaves identically to
- clock_get_monotonic - Acquire the current monotonic time.
- clock_read - Perform a basic read of the clock.
- clock_read_mapped - Perform a basic read of a mapped clock's state. Behaves identically to a call to
- clock_update - Make adjustments to a clock object.
- deadline_after - Convert a time relative to now to an absolute deadline.
- nanosleep - High resolution sleep.
- ticks_get - Read the number of high-precision timer ticks since boot, not including
- ticks_get_boot - Read the number of high-precision timer ticks since boot, including any time spent in a
- ticks_per_second - Read the number of high-precision timer ticks in a second.
- timer_cancel - Cancel a timer.
- timer_create - Create a timer.
- timer_set - Start a timer.
Message Signaled Interrupts (MSIs)
- msi_allocate - Allocate Message-Signaled Interrupts (MSIs).
- msi_create - Create an Interrupt object from a Messaged-Signaled Interrupt (MSI) allocation.
Hypervisor guests
- guest_create - Create a guest.
- guest_set_trap - Sets a trap within a guest.
Virtual CPUs
- vcpu_create - Create a VCPU.
- vcpu_enter - Enter a VCPU, causing it to resume execution.
- vcpu_interrupt - Raise an interrupt on a VCPU.
- vcpu_kick - Kick a VCPU, causing it to stop execution.
- vcpu_read_state - Read the state of a VCPU.
- vcpu_write_state - Write the state of a VCPU.
Global system information
- system_get_dcache_line_size - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- system_get_features - Get supported hardware capabilities.
- system_get_num_cpus - Get number of logical processors on the system.
- system_get_page_size - Get the page size for the system.
- system_get_physmem - Get amount of physical memory on the system.
- system_get_version_string - Get version string for system.
Debug Logging
- debug_read - Read a message from the debug serial port.
- debug_send_command - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- debug_write - Write a message to the debug serial port.
- debuglog_create - Create an object allowing access to the kernel debuglog.
- debuglog_read - Read a single log record from the kernel debuglog.
- debuglog_write - Write a message to the kernel debuglog.
- vmar_unmap_handle_close_thread_exit - Unmap memory, close handle, exit.
- system_get_performance_info - Get CPU performance parameters.
- system_mexec - Soft reboot the system with a new kernel and bootimage.
- system_mexec_payload_get - Return a ZBI containing ZBI entries necessary to boot this system.
- system_powerctl - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- system_set_performance_info - Set CPU performance parameters.
- system_set_processor_power_domain - Informs the kernel of the processor power levels within a given power
- system_set_processor_power_state - Updates the current processor power level state as observed by the kernel.
- system_suspend_enter -
- system_watch_memory_stall - Retrieve an event that becomes signaled if the memory stall level
- bti_create - Create a new bus transaction initiator.
- bti_pin - Pin pages and grant devices access to them.
- bti_release_quarantine - Releases all quarantined PMTs.
- cache_flush - Flush CPU data and/or instruction caches.
- interrupt_ack - Acknowledge an interrupt and re-arm it.
- interrupt_bind - Bind an interrupt object to a port.
- interrupt_create - Create an interrupt object.
- interrupt_destroy - Destroys an interrupt object.
- interrupt_trigger - Triggers a virtual interrupt object.
- interrupt_wait - Wait for an interrupt.
- iommu_create - Create a new IOMMU object in the kernel.
- pmt_unpin - Unpin pages and revoke device access to them.
- resource_create - Create a resource object.
- smc_call - Make Secure Monitor Call (SMC) from user space.
- ktrace_control - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- ktrace_read - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- mtrace_control - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
Restricted Mode (Work in progress)
- restricted_bind_state - Create and bind a restricted state VMO to the current thread.
- restricted_enter - Enter restricted mode
- restricted_kick - Kick a thread out of restricted mode.
- restricted_unbind_state - Unbind a restricted state VMO from the current thread.
Others/Work in progress
- ioports_release - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- ioports_request - TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42108078)
- pci_add_subtract_io_range - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_cfg_pio_rw - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_config_read - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_config_write - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_enable_bus_master - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_get_bar - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_get_nth_device - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_init - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_map_interrupt - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_query_irq_mode - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_reset_device - This function is obsolete and should not be used.
- pci_set_irq_mode - This function is obsolete and should not be used.