Query information about an object.
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
zx_status_t zx_object_get_info(zx_handle_t handle,
uint32_t topic,
void* buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t* actual,
size_t* avail);
requests information about the provided handle (or the
object the handle refers to). The topic parameter indicates what specific
information is desired.
buffer is a pointer to a buffer of size buffer_size to return the information.
actual is an optional pointer to return the number of records that were written to buffer.
avail is an optional pointer to return the number of records that are available to read.
If the buffer is insufficiently large, avail will be larger than actual.
handle type: Any
buffer type: n/a
Returns ZX_OK
if handle is valid, or ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE
otherwise. No
records are returned and buffer may be NULL.
handle type: Any
buffer type: zx_info_handle_basic_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_handle_basic {
// The unique id assigned by kernel to the object referenced by the
// handle.
zx_koid_t koid;
// The immutable rights assigned to the handle. Two handles that
// have the same koid and the same rights are equivalent and
// interchangeable.
zx_rights_t rights;
// The object type: channel, event, socket, etc.
uint32_t type; // zx_obj_type_t;
// If the object referenced by the handle is related to another (such
// as the other end of a channel, or the parent of a job) then
// |related_koid| is the koid of that object, otherwise it is zero.
// This relationship is immutable: an object's |related_koid| does
// not change even if the related object no longer exists.
zx_koid_t related_koid;
} zx_info_handle_basic_t;
handle type: Any
buffer type: zx_info_handle_count_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_handle_count {
// The number of outstanding handles to a kernel object.
uint32_t handle_count;
} zx_info_handle_count_t;
The handle_count should only be used as a debugging aid. Do not use it to check that an untrusted processes cannot modify a kernel object. Due to asynchronous nature of the system scheduler, there might be a time window during which it is possible for an object to be modified by a previous handle owner even as the last handle is transferred from one process to another.
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_process_handle_stats_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_process_handle_stats {
// The number of outstanding handles to kernel objects of each type.
uint32_t handle_count[ZX_OBJ_TYPE_UPPER_BOUND];
} zx_info_process_handle_stats_t;
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_handle_extended_t[n]
Returns an array of zx_info_handle_extended_t
one for each handle in the
Process at the moment of the call. The kernel ensures that the handles returned
are consistent.
typedef struct zx_info_handle_extended {
// The object type: channel, event, socket, etc.
zx_obj_type_t type;
// The handle value, which is only valid for the process that
// was passed to ZX_INFO_HANDLE_TABLE.
zx_handle_t handle_value;
// The immutable rights assigned to the handle. Two handles that
// have the same koid and the same rights are equivalent and
// interchangeable.
zx_rights_t rights;
uint32_t reserved;
// The unique id assigned by kernel to the object referenced by the
// handle.
zx_koid_t koid;
// If the object referenced by the handle is related to another (such
// as the other end of a channel, or the parent of a job) then
// |related_koid| is the koid of that object, otherwise it is zero.
// This relationship is immutable: an object's |related_koid| does
// not change even if the related object no longer exists.
zx_koid_t related_koid;
// If the object referenced by the handle has a peer, like the
// other end of a channel, then this is the koid of the process
// which currently owns it.
zx_koid_t peer_owner_koid;
} zx_info_handle_extended_t;
Note that a process might have live references to objects for which the process does not have a handle to. For example, running threads for which all handles have been closed.
handle type: Job
buffer type: zx_info_job_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_job {
// The job's return code; only valid if |exited| is true.
// If the code is valid, it will be one of the ZX_TASK_RETCODE values.
int64_t return_code;
// If true, the job has exited and |return_code| is valid.
// Killing a job is the only way for a job to exit.
bool exited;
// True if the ZX_PROP_JOB_KILL_ON_OOM property was set.
bool kill_on_oom;
// True if a debugger is attached to the job.
bool debugger_attached;
} zx_info_job_t;
Note that |exited| will immediately report that the job has exited following a |zx_task_kill| or equivalent (e.g. an OOM kill), but child jobs and processes may still be in the process of exiting.
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_process_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_process {
// The process's return code; only valid if the
// |ZX_PROCESS_INFO_FLAG_EXITED| flag is set. If the process was killed, it
// will be one of the |ZX_TASK_RETCODE| values.
int64_t return_code;
// The monotonic time at which `zx_process_start()` was called, only valid
// if the |ZX_INFO_PROCESS_FLAG_STARTED| flag is set.
zx_instant_mono_t start_time;
// Bitwise OR of ZX_INFO_PROCESS_FLAG_* values.
uint32_t flags;
} zx_info_process_t;
Note that |flags| will immediately report that the process has exited (i.e. it will contain ZX_INFO_PROCESS_FLAG_EXITED) following a |zx_task_kill|, but child threads may still be in the process of exiting.
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_koid_t[n]
Returns an array of zx_koid_t
, one for each running thread in the Process at
that moment in time.
N.B. Getting the list of threads is inherently racy. This can be somewhat mitigated by first suspending all the threads, but note that an external thread can create new threads. actual will contain the number of threads returned in buffer. avail will contain the total number of threads of the process at the time the list of threads was obtained, it could be larger than actual.
handle type: Thread
buffer type: zx_info_thread_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_thread {
// One of ZX_THREAD_STATE_* values.
uint32_t state;
// If |state| is ZX_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_EXCEPTION, the thread has gotten
// an exception and is waiting for the exception to be handled by the
// specified channel.
// The value is one of ZX_EXCEPTION_CHANNEL_TYPE_*.
uint32_t wait_exception_channel_type;
// CPUs this thread may be scheduled on, as specified by
// a profile object applied to this thread.
// The kernel may not internally store invalid CPUs in the mask, so
// this may not exactly match the mask applied to the thread for
// CPUs beyond what the system is able to use.
zx_cpu_set_t cpu_affinity_mask;
} zx_info_thread_t;
The values in this struct are mainly for informational and debugging purposes at the moment.
The various ZX_THREAD_STATE_
values are defined by
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
: The thread has been created but it has not started running yet.ZX_THREAD_STATE_RUNNING
: The thread is running user code normally.ZX_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED
: Stopped due tozx_task_suspend()
: In a syscall or handling an exception. This value is never returned by itself. See `ZX_THREAD_STATEBLOCKED`* below.ZX_THREAD_STATE_DYING
: The thread is in the process of being terminated, but it has not been stopped yet.ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEAD
: The thread has stopped running.
When a thread is stopped inside a blocking syscall, or stopped in an exception,
the value returned in state
is one of the following:
: The thread is stopped in an exception.ZX_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_SLEEPING
: The thread is stopped inzx_nanosleep()
: The thread is stopped inzx_futex_wait()
: The thread is stopped inzx_port_wait()
: The thread is stopped inzx_channel_call()
: The thread is stopped inzx_object_wait_one()
: The thread is stopped inzx_object_wait_many()
: The thread is stopped inzx_interrupt_wait()
values are defined by
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
handle type: Thread
buffer type: zx_exception_report_t[1]
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
If the thread is currently in an exception and is waiting for an exception
response, then this returns the exception report as a single
, with status ZX_OK
if the thread is not in an exception and waiting
for an exception response.
handle type: Thread
buffer type: zx_info_thread_stats[1]
typedef struct zx_info_thread_stats {
// Total accumulated running time of the thread.
// Note: See zx_info_task_runtime for queue time in addition to runtime.
zx_duration_mono_t total_runtime;
// CPU number that this thread was last scheduled on, or ZX_INFO_INVALID_CPU
// if the thread has never been scheduled on a CPU. By the time this call
// returns, the thread may have been scheduled elsewhere, so this
// information should only be used as a hint or for statistics.
uint32_t last_scheduled_cpu;
} zx_info_thread_stats_t;
if the thread has exited.
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the info resource)
buffer type: zx_info_guest_stats_t[1]
// Each machine has its own format for the same ZX_INFO_GUEST_STATS topic.
// In each build, zx_info_guest_stats_t is a typedef alias for the type.
// Cross-tools can select the machine-specific type to use based on the
// source of the data they are working with.
typedef struct zx_arm64_info_guest_stats {
uint32_t cpu_number;
uint32_t flags;
uint64_t vm_entries;
uint64_t vm_exits;
uint64_t wfi_wfe_instructions;
uint64_t instruction_aborts;
uint64_t data_aborts;
uint64_t system_instructions;
uint64_t smc_instructions;
uint64_t interrupts;
} zx_arm64_info_guest_stats_t;
typedef struct zx_x86_64_info_guest_stats {
uint32_t cpu_number;
uint32_t flags;
uint64_t vm_entries;
uint64_t vm_exits;
uint64_t interrupts;
uint64_t interrupt_windows;
uint64_t cpuid_instructions;
uint64_t hlt_instructions;
uint64_t control_register_accesses;
uint64_t io_instructions;
uint64_t rdmsr_instructions;
uint64_t wrmsr_instructions;
uint64_t ept_violations;
uint64_t xsetbv_instructions;
uint64_t pause_instructions;
uint64_t vmcall_instructions;
} zx_x86_64_info_guest_stats;
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the info resource)
buffer type: zx_info_cpu_stats_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_cpu_stats {
uint32_t cpu_number;
uint32_t flags;
zx_duration_mono_t idle_time;
// kernel scheduler counters
uint64_t reschedules;
uint64_t context_switches;
uint64_t irq_preempts;
uint64_t preempts;
uint64_t yields;
// cpu level interrupts and exceptions
uint64_t ints; // hardware interrupts, minus timer interrupts
// inter-processor interrupts
uint64_t timer_ints; // timer interrupts
uint64_t timers; // timer callbacks
uint64_t page_faults; // (deprecated, returns 0)
uint64_t exceptions; // (deprecated, returns 0)
uint64_t syscalls;
// inter-processor interrupts
uint64_t reschedule_ipis;
uint64_t generic_ipis;
} zx_info_cpu_stats_t;
handle type: VM Address Region
buffer type: zx_info_vmar_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_vmar {
// Base address of the region.
uintptr_t base;
// Length of the region, in bytes.
size_t len;
} zx_info_vmar_t;
This returns a single zx_info_vmar_t
that describes the range of address space
that the VMAR occupies.
handle type: Vm Address Region
buffer type: zx_info_maps_t[n]
The zx_info_maps_t
array is a depth-first pre-order walk of the target
VMAR tree. As per the pre-order traversal base addresses will be in ascending order.
for a description of zx_info_maps_t
The first zx_info_maps_t
will describe the queried VMAR. The depth
field of each entry describes its relationship to the nodes that come
before it. The queried VMAR will have depth 0. All other entries have
depth 1 or greater.
Additional errors:
: If the appropriate rights are missing.ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
: If either the VMAR or address space containing the VMAR have been destroyed, or if the process containing the VMAR has terminated.
handle type: VM Object
buffer type: zx_info_vmo_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_vmo {
// The koid of this VMO.
zx_koid_t koid;
// The name of this VMO.
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
// The size of this VMO; i.e., the amount of virtual address space it
// would consume if mapped.
uint64_t size_bytes;
// If this VMO is a child , the koid of its parent. Otherwise, zero.
// See |flags| for the type of child.
zx_koid_t parent_koid;
// The number of children of this VMO, if any.
size_t num_children;
// The number of times this VMO is currently mapped into VMARs.
// Note that the same process will often map the same VMO twice,
// and both mappings will be counted here. (I.e., this is not a count
// of the number of processes that map this VMO; see share_count.)
size_t num_mappings;
// An estimate of the number of unique address spaces that
// this VMO is mapped into. Every process has its own address space,
// and so does the kernel.
size_t share_count;
// Bitwise OR of ZX_INFO_VMO_* values.
uint32_t flags;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// memory currently allocated to this VMO; i.e., the amount of physical
// memory it consumes. Undefined otherwise.
uint64_t committed_bytes;
// If |flags & ZX_INFO_VMO_VIA_HANDLE|, the handle rights.
// If |flags & ZX_INFO_VMO_VIA_IOB_HANDLE|, the effective combined
// handle rights for the IOB region and containing IOB.
// Undefined otherwise.
zx_rights_t handle_rights;
// VMO mapping cache policy. One of ZX_CACHE_POLICY_*
uint32_t cache_policy;
// Amount of kernel memory, in bytes, allocated to track metadata
// associated with this VMO.
uint64_t metadata_bytes;
// Running counter of the number of times the kernel, without user request,
// performed actions on this VMO that would have caused |committed_bytes| to
// report a different value.
uint64_t committed_change_events;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// content that has been populated and is being tracked by this vmo. This
// can be greater than |committed_bytes| where content might be compressed
// or otherwise tracked in a way that does not correlate directly to being
// committed.
uint64_t populated_bytes;
uint64_t committed_private_bytes;
uint64_t populated_private_bytes;
uint64_t committed_scaled_bytes;
uint64_t populated_scaled_bytes;
uint64_t committed_fractional_scaled_bytes;
uint64_t populated_fractional_scaled_bytes;
} zx_info_vmo_t;
This returns a single zx_info_vmo_t
that describes various attributes of the
handle type: Socket
buffer type: zx_info_socket_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_socket {
// The options passed to zx_socket_create().
uint32_t options;
// The maximum size of the receive buffer of a socket, in bytes.
// The receive buffer may become full at a capacity less than the maximum
// due to overhead.
size_t rx_buf_max;
// The size of the receive buffer of a socket, in bytes.
size_t rx_buf_size;
// The amount of data, in bytes, that is available for reading in a single
// zx_socket_read call.
// For stream sockets, this value will match |rx_buf_size|. For datagram
// sockets, this value will be the size of the next datagram in the receive
// buffer.
size_t rx_buf_available;
// The maximum size of the transmit buffer of a socket, in bytes.
// The transmit buffer may become full at a capacity less than the maximum
// due to overhead.
// Will be zero if the peer endpoint is closed.
size_t tx_buf_max;
// The size of the transmit buffer of a socket, in bytes.
// Will be zero if the peer endpoint is closed.
size_t tx_buf_size;
} zx_info_socket_t;
handle type: Timer
buffer type: zx_info_timer_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_timer {
// The options passed to zx_timer_create().
uint32_t options;
// The deadline with respect to ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC or ZX_CLOCK_BOOT at which
// the timer will fire next.
// This value will be zero if the timer is not set to fire.
zx_instant_mono_t deadline;
// Specifies a range from deadline - slack to deadline + slack during which
// the timer is allowed to fire. The system uses this parameter as a hint to
// coalesce nearby timers.
// The precise coalescing behavior is controlled by the options parameter
// specified when the timer was created.
// This value will be zero if the timer is not set to fire.
zx_duration_t slack;
} zx_info_timer_t;
handle type: Job
buffer type: zx_koid_t[n]
Returns an array of zx_koid_t
, one for each direct child Job of the provided
Job handle.
handle type: Job
buffer type: zx_koid_t[n]
Returns an array of zx_koid_t
, one for each direct child Process of the
provided Job handle.
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_task_stats_t[1]
Returns statistics about resources (e.g., memory) used by a task.
typedef struct zx_info_task_stats {
// The total size of mapped memory ranges in the task.
// Not all will be backed by physical memory.
size_t mem_mapped_bytes;
// For the fields below, a byte is considered committed if it's backed by
// physical memory. Some of the memory may be double-mapped, and thus
// double-counted.
// Committed memory that is only mapped into this task and is not shared
// between multiple VMOs via copy-on-write.
size_t mem_private_bytes;
// Committed memory that is mapped into this and at least one other task,
// or is mapped into this task and shared between multiple VMOs via
// copy-on-write.
size_t mem_shared_bytes;
// A number that estimates the fraction of mem_shared_bytes that this
// task is responsible for keeping alive.
// An estimate of:
// For each shared, committed byte:
// share_factor = (number of VMOs sharing this byte) *
// (number of tasks mapping this byte)
// mem_scaled_shared_bytes += 1 / share_factor
// This number is strictly smaller than mem_shared_bytes. Any fractional
// bytes are truncated when reporting this value.
size_t mem_scaled_shared_bytes;
// The fractional bytes truncated from |mem_scaled_shared_bytes|, expressed
// in fixed point with 63 bits of precision. `0x800...` represents a full
// byte.
uint64_t mem_fractional_scaled_shared_bytes;
} zx_info_task_stats_t;
Additional errors:
: If the target process has terminated
handle type: Job
, Process
, or Thread
buffer type: zx_info_task_runtime_t[1]
Returns statistics about the runtime of a task.
// Info on the runtime of a task.
typedef struct zx_info_task_runtime {
// The total amount of time this task and its children were
// running on a CPU (not blocked).
// * Threads include only their own runtime.
// * Processes include the runtime for all of their threads (including threads that previously
// exited).
// * Jobs include the runtime for all of their processes (including processes that previously
// exited).
zx_duration_mono_t cpu_time;
// The total amount of time this task and its children were queued
// to run (ready) but not actually using a CPU.
// * Threads include only their own queue time.
// * Processes include the queue time for all of their threads (including threads that
// previously exited).
// * Jobs include the queue time for all of their processes (including processes that previously
// exited).
zx_duration_mono_t queue_time;
// The total amount of time this task and its children spent handling page faults.
// * Threads include only their own page fault handling time.
// * Processes include the page fault time for all of their threads (including threads that
// previously exited).
// * Jobs include the page fault time for all of their processes (including processes that
// previously exited).
zx_duration_mono_t page_fault_time;
// The total amount of time this task and its children spent waiting on contended kernel locks.
// * Threads include only their own wait time.
// * Processes include the wait time for all of their threads (including threads that
// previously exited).
// * Jobs include the wait time for all of their processes (including processes that
// previously exited).
zx_duration_mono_t lock_contention_time;
} zx_info_task_runtime_t;
The run time of a task does not include the time spent suspended or blocked waiting on events or I/O. These stats may be used to:
- Estimate how much CPU time a task has used.
- Estimate how much latency a task is experiencing due to other tasks (queue time), page fault handlers, and kernel lock contention.
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_maps_t[n]
The zx_info_maps_t
array is a depth-first pre-order walk of the target
process's Aspace/VMAR/Mapping tree. As per the pre-order traversal base
addresses will be in ascending order.
typedef struct zx_info_maps {
// Name if available; empty string otherwise.
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
// Base address.
zx_vaddr_t base;
// Size in bytes.
size_t size;
// The depth of this node in the tree.
// Can be used for indentation, or to rebuild the tree from an array
// of zx_info_maps_t entries, which will be in depth-first pre-order.
size_t depth;
// The type of this entry; indicates which union entry is valid.
uint32_t type; // zx_info_maps_type_t
union {
zx_info_maps_mapping_t mapping;
// No additional fields for other types.
} u;
} zx_info_maps_t;
typedef struct zx_info_maps_mapping {
// MMU flags for the mapping.
// Bitwise OR of ZX_VM_PERM_{READ,WRITE,EXECUTE} values.
zx_vm_option_t mmu_flags;
uint8_t padding1[4];
// koid of the mapped VMO or IOB region.
zx_koid_t vmo_koid;
// Offset into the above VMO or IOB region.
uint64_t vmo_offset;
// The number of bytes in the mapped region of the VMO or IOB region that
// are backed by physical memory.
size_t committed_bytes;
// The number of bytes of content that have been populated and are being
// tracked in the mapped region of the VMO or IOB region. This can be
// greater than |committed_bytes| where pages might be compressed or
// otherwise tracked in a way that does not correlate directly to being
// committed.
size_t populated_bytes;
// The number of |committed_bytes| that are private to the VMO or IOB
// region (i.e. there are no copy-on-write references to the bytes from
// another VMO or IOB region).
size_t committed_private_bytes;
// The number of |populated_bytes| that are private to the VMO or IOB
// region (i.e. there are no copy-on-write references to the bytes from
// another VMO or IOB region).
size_t populated_private_bytes;
// The value of |committed_bytes| when each byte is scaled by the count of
// VMOs and IOB regions which have a reference to that byte. Any fractional
// bytes are truncated when reporting this value. For example, a byte
// shared between 2 VMOs via copy-on-write will only contribute 1/2 to this
// value while a private byte will contribute 1.
size_t committed_scaled_bytes;
// The value of |populated_bytes| when each byte is scaled by the count of
// VMOs and IOB regions which have a reference to that byte. Any fractional
// bytes are truncated when reporting this value. For example, a byte
// shared between 2 VMOs via copy-on-write will only contribute 1/2 to this
// value while a private byte will contribute 1.
size_t populated_scaled_bytes;
// The fractional bytes truncated from |committed_scaled_bytes|, expressed
// in fixed point with 63 bits of precision. `0x800...` represents a full
// byte.
uint64_t committed_fractional_scaled_bytes;
// The fractional bytes truncated from |populated_scaled_bytes|, expressed
// in fixed point with 63 bits of precision. `0x800...` represents a full
// byte.
uint64_t populated_fractional_scaled_bytes;
} zx_info_maps_mapping_t;
The depth field of each entry describes its relationship to the nodes that come before it. Depth 0 is the root Aspace, depth 1 is the root VMAR, and all other entries have depth 2 or greater.
To get a full picture of how a process uses its VMOs and how a VMO is used by various processes, you may need to combine this information with ZX_INFO_PROCESS_VMOS.
See the vmaps
command-line tool for an example user of this topic, and to dump
the maps of arbitrary processes by koid.
Additional errors:
: If the appropriate rights are missing.ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE
: If the target process has terminated, or if its address space has been destroyed
handle type: Process
buffer type: zx_info_vmo_t[n]
The zx_info_vmo_t
array is list of all VMOs pointed to by the target
process. Some VMOs are mapped, some are pointed to by VMO or IOB
handles, and some are a combination of these. The flags
field of the returned struct will indicate one of
ZX_INFO_VMO_VIA_MAPPING to allow differentiation.
To get a full picture of how a process uses its VMOs and how a VMO is used by various processes, you may need to combine this information with ZX_INFO_PROCESS_MAPS.
// Describes a VMO.
typedef struct zx_info_vmo {
// The koid of this VMO.
zx_koid_t koid;
// The name of this VMO.
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
// The size of this VMO; i.e., the amount of virtual address space it
// would consume if mapped.
uint64_t size_bytes;
// If this VMO is a child , the koid of its parent. Otherwise, zero.
// See |flags| for the type of child.
zx_koid_t parent_koid;
// The number of children of this VMO, if any.
size_t num_children;
// The number of times this VMO is currently mapped into VMARs.
// Note that the same process will often map the same VMO twice,
// and both mappings will be counted here. (I.e., this is not a count
// of the number of processes that map this VMO; see share_count.)
size_t num_mappings;
// An estimate of the number of unique address spaces that
// this VMO is mapped into. Every process has its own address space,
// and so does the kernel.
size_t share_count;
// Bitwise OR of ZX_INFO_VMO_* values.
uint32_t flags;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// memory currently allocated to this VMO; i.e., the amount of physical
// memory it consumes. This includes memory shared between this VMO and
// any related copy-on-write clones.
// Undefined otherwise.
uint64_t committed_bytes;
// If |flags & ZX_INFO_VMO_VIA_HANDLE|, the handle rights.
// If |flags & ZX_INFO_VMO_VIA_IOB_HANDLE|, the effective combined
// handle rights for the IOB region and containing IOB.
// Undefined otherwise.
zx_rights_t handle_rights;
// VMO mapping cache policy. One of ZX_CACHE_POLICY_*
uint32_t cache_policy;
// Amount of kernel memory, in bytes, allocated to track metadata
// associated with this VMO.
uint64_t metadata_bytes;
// Running counter of the number of times the kernel, without user request,
// performed actions on this VMO that would have caused |committed_bytes| to
// report a different value.
uint64_t committed_change_events;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// content that has been populated and is being tracked by this VMO. This
// can be greater than |committed_bytes| where content might be compressed
// or otherwise tracked in a way that does not correlate directly to being
// committed. This includes memory shared between this VMO and any related
// copy-on-write clones.
// Undefined otherwise.
uint64_t populated_bytes;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// memory currently allocated to only this VMO, i.e., the amount of physical
// memory which would be reclaimed if this VMO were closed. This does not
// include memry shared between this VMO and any related copy-on-write
// clones.
// Undefined otherwise.
uint64_t committed_private_bytes;
// If |ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE(flags) == ZX_INFO_VMO_TYPE_PAGED|, the amount of
// content that has been populated and is being tracked by only this VMO.
// This can be greater than |committed_private_bytes| where content might
// be compressed or otherwise tracked in a way that does not correlate
// directly to being committed. This does not includes memory shared between
// this VMO and any related copy-on-write clones.
// Undefined otherwise.
uint64_t populated_private_bytes;
// The value of |committed_bytes| when each byte is scaled by the count of
// VMOs which have a reference to that byte. Any fractional bytes are
// truncated when reporting this value. For example, a byte shared between
// 2 VMOs via copy-on-write will only contribute 1/2 to this value while a
// private byte will contribute 1.
uint64_t committed_scaled_bytes;
// The value of |populated_bytes| when each byte is scaled by the count of
// VMOs which have a reference to that byte. Any fractional bytes are
// truncated when reporting this value. For example, a byte shared between
// 2 VMOs via copy-on-write will only contribute 1/2 to this value while a
// private byte will contribute 1.
uint64_t populated_scaled_bytes;
// The fractional bytes truncated from |committed_scaled_bytes|, expressed
// in fixed point with 63 bits of precision. `0x800...` represents a full
// byte.
uint64_t committed_fractional_scaled_bytes;
// The fractional bytes truncated from |populated_scaled_bytes|, expressed
// in fixed point with 63 bits of precision. `0x800...` represents a full
// byte.
uint64_t populated_fractional_scaled_bytes;
} zx_info_vmo_t;
See the vmos
command-line tool for an example user of this topic, and to dump
the VMOs of arbitrary processes by koid.
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the info resource)
buffer type: zx_info_kmem_stats_t[1]
Returns information about memory usage as seen by the kernel.
typedef struct zx_info_kmem_stats {
// The total amount of physical memory available to the system.
// Note, the values below may not exactly add up to this total.
uint64_t total_bytes;
// The amount of unallocated memory available for general use. This is a
// subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t free_bytes;
// The amount of unallocated memory loaned from VMOs that is available for
// allocations that support loaned memory. This is a subset of
// |total_bytes| and does not overlap with |free_bytes|.
uint64_t free_loaned_bytes;
// The amount of memory reserved by and mapped into the kernel for reasons
// not covered by other fields in this struct. Typically for readonly data
// like the ram disk and kernel image, and for early-boot dynamic memory.
// This value of this field should not typically change post boot and is a
// subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t wired_bytes;
// The amount of memory allocated to the general kernel heap. This is a
// subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t total_heap_bytes;
// The portion of |total_heap_bytes| that is not holding an allocated
// object.
uint64_t free_heap_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to VMOs created by both kernel and user.
// Does not include certain VMOs that fall under |wired_bytes|. This is a
// subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t vmo_bytes;
// The amount of memory used for architecture-specific MMU metadata
// like page tables for both kernel and user mappings. This is a subset of
// |total_bytes|.
uint64_t mmu_overhead_bytes;
// The amount of memory in use by IPC. This is a subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t ipc_bytes;
// The amount of memory in use by kernel allocation caches. This memory is
// not allocated, but is only available for use for specific kernel
// allocation requests. This is a subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t cache_bytes;
// The amount of memory in use by the kernel in slab allocators for kernel
// objects. Unlike the heap there is no measurement for the amount of slab
// memory that is not presently in use. This is a subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t slab_bytes;
// The amount of memory in use for storing compressed data that would
// otherwise be part of VMOs.
// Use ZX_INFO_KMEM_STATS_COMPRESSION for more details. This is a subset of
// |total_bytes|.
uint64_t zram_bytes;
// Non-free memory that isn't accounted for in any other field. This is a
// subset of |total_bytes|.
uint64_t other_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to VMOs that is reclaimable by the kernel.
// This is a subset of |vmo_bytes|.
uint64_t vmo_reclaim_total_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to reclaimable VMOs, that has been most
// recently accessed, and would not be eligible for eviction by the kernel
// under memory pressure. This is a subset of |vmo_reclaim_total_bytes|.
uint64_t vmo_reclaim_newest_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to reclaimable VMOs, that has been least
// recently accessed, and would be the first to be evicted by the kernel
// under memory pressure. This is a subset of |reclaim_total_bytes|.
uint64_t vmo_reclaim_oldest_bytes;
// The amount of memory in VMOs that would otherwise be tracked for
// reclamation, but has had reclamation disabled. This is a subset of
// |vmo_bytes|.
uint64_t vmo_reclaim_disabled_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to discardable VMOs that is currently
// locked, or unreclaimable by the kernel under memory pressure. This is a
// subset of |vmo_bytes| and some of this count may be included in any other
// |vmo_reclaim_*| count.
uint64_t vmo_discardable_locked_bytes;
// The amount of memory committed to discardable VMOs that is currently
// unlocked, or reclaimable by the kernel under memory pressure. This is a
// subset of |vmo_bytes| and some of this count may be included in any other
// |vmo_reclaim_*| count
uint64_t vmo_discardable_unlocked_bytes;
} zx_info_kmem_stats_t;
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the info resource)
buffer type: zx_info_kmem_stats_compression_t[1]
Returns information about memory usage as it pertains to the kernel compressed memory subsystem.
typedef struct zx_info_kmem_stats_compression {
// Size in bytes of the content that is currently being compressed and stored.
uint64_t uncompressed_storage_bytes;
// Size in bytes of all memory, including metadata, fragmentation and other
// overheads, of the compressed memory area. Note that due to base book
// keeping overhead this could be non-zero, even when
// |uncompressed_content_bytes| is zero.
uint64_t compressed_storage_bytes;
// Size in bytes of any fragmentation in the compressed memory area.
uint64_t compressed_fragmentation_bytes;
// Total amount of CPU time spent on compression across all threads.
// Compression may happen in parallel and so this can be larger than
// wall clock time.
zx_duration_mono_t compression_time;
// Total amount of time decompression has spent on a CPU across all threads.
// Decompression may happen in parallel and so this can increase faster than
// wall clock time.
zx_duration_mono_t decompression_time;
// Total number of times compression has been done on a page, regardless of
// whether the compressed result was ultimately retained.
uint64_t total_page_compression_attempts;
// How many of the total compression attempts were considered failed and
// were not stored. An example reason for failure would be a page not being
// compressed sufficiently to be considered worth storing.
uint64_t failed_page_compression_attempts;
// Number of times pages have been decompressed.
uint64_t total_page_decompressions;
// Number of times a page was removed from storage without needing to be
// decompressed. An example that would cause this is a VMO being destroyed.
uint64_t compressed_page_evictions;
// How many pages compressed due to the page being inactive, but without
// there being memory pressure.
uint64_t eager_page_compressions;
// How many pages compressed due to general memory pressure. This excludes pages
// compressed due to critical memory pressure.
uint64_t memory_pressure_page_compressions;
// How many pages compressed due to attempting to avoid OOM or near OOM
// scenarios.
uint64_t critical_memory_page_compressions;
// The nanoseconds in the base unit of time for
// |pages_decompressed_within_log_time|.
uint64_t pages_decompressed_unit_ns;
// How long pages spent compressed before being decompressed, grouped in log
// buckets. Pages that got evicted, and hence were not decompressed, are not
// counted here. Buckets are in |pages_decompressed_unit_ns| and round up
// such that:
// 0: Pages decompressed in <1 unit
// 1: Pages decompressed between 1 and 2 units
// 2: Pages decompressed between 2 and 4 units
// ...
// 7: Pages decompressed between 64 and 128 units
// How many pages are held compressed for longer than 128 units can be
// inferred by subtracting from |total_page_decompressions|.
uint64_t pages_decompressed_within_log_time[8];
} zx_info_kmem_stats_compression_t;
handle type: Resource
buffer type: zx_info_resource_t[1]
Returns information about a resource object via its handle.
typedef struct zx_info_resource {
// The resource kind; resource object kinds are described in
uint32_t kind;
// Resource's creation flags
uint32_t flags;
// Resource's base value (inclusive)
uint64_t base;
// Resource's length value
size_t size;
char name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
} zx_info_resource_t;
The resource kind is one of
handle type: Bus Transaction Initiator
buffer type: zx_info_bti_t[1]
typedef struct zx_info_bti {
// zx_bti_pin will always be able to return addresses that are contiguous for at
// least this many bytes. E.g. if this returns 1MB, then a call to
// zx_bti_pin() with a size of 2MB will return at most two physically-contiguous runs.
// If the size were 2.5MB, it will return at most three physically-contiguous runs.
uint64_t minimum_contiguity;
// The number of bytes in the device's address space (UINT64_MAX if 2^64).
uint64_t aspace_size;
// The count of the pinned memory object tokens. Requesting this count is
// racy, so this should only be used for informative reasons.
uint64_t pmo_count;
// The count of the quarantined pinned memory object tokens. Requesting this count is
// racy, so this should only be used for informative reasons.
uint64_t quarantine_count;
} zx_info_bti_t;
handle type: IOBuffer
buffer type: zx_info_iob_t[1]
Returns information about the overall IOB instance.
typedef struct zx_info_iob {
// The value of the *options* parameter passed to `zx_iob_create`.
uint64_t options;
// The number of regions in the IOB.
uint32_t region_count;
// Reserved for future extensions.
uint8_t padding[4];
} zx_info_iob_t;
Returns information about each region of an IOB as an array of zx_iob_region_info_t
handle type: IOBuffer
buffer type: zx_iob_region_info_t[n]
struct zx_iob_region_info_t {
/// The region description, with potentially swapped access bits.
zx_iob_region_t region;
/// The koid of the underlying memory object.
zx_koid_t koid;
Access modifier bits are swapped, such that the Ep0 access bits reflect the access of the endpoint making the query and the Ep1 bits reflect the access of the other endpoint, making it possible to determine the access of the local and remote handles without knowing which handles were Ep0 and Ep1 when created.
Returns information about each registered power domain as an array of
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the info resource)
buffer type: zx_power_domain_info_t[n]
typedef struct zx_power_domain_info {
/// CPUs part of this power domain.
zx_cpu_set_t cpus;
/// Id of the power domain.
uint32_t domain_id;
/// Number of idle power levels in this power domain.
uint8_t idle_power_levels;
/// Number of active power levels in this power domain.
uint8_t active_power_levels;
uint8_t padding1[2];
} zx_power_domain_info_t;
Returns the total stall time measured since boot. The stall timers are monotonic counters that increase at the rate of the monotonic clock multiplied by (approximately) the fraction of time spent with at least one/all threads in a memory stall state.
A memory stall is, in principle, any kind of delay induced by memory pressure that prevents a thread from otherwise doing useful work. In practice, only select code paths in the kernel are regarded as memory stalls.
handle type: Resource
(Specifically, the stall resource)
buffer type: zx_info_memory_stall_t[1]
// Contains the accumulated stall times since boot.
typedef struct zx_info_memory_stall {
// Total time spent with at least one memory-stalled thread.
zx_duration_mono_t stall_time_some;
// Total time spent with all threads memory-stalled.
zx_duration_mono_t stall_time_full;
} zx_info_memory_stall_t;
Returns the mapped size of a mappable clock object. The size is returned via a u64
parameter, and is the value which must be passed to
when mapping a clock's state.
handle type: Clock
buffer type: `uint64_t'
See also mappable clocks for more details.
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
If topic is ZX_INFO_JOB
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_JOB
If topic is ZX_INFO_THREAD
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
If topic is ZX_INFO_VMO
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO
If topic is ZX_INFO_VMAR
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMAR
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMAR
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_RESOURCE
, handle must have ZX_RIGHT_INSPECT
If topic is ZX_INFO_BTI
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_BTI
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS
If topic is ZX_INFO_SOCKET
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_SOCKET
If topic is ZX_INFO_MSI
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_MSI
, handle must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
, handle must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM
Return value
returns ZX_OK
on success. In the event of failure, a
negative error value is returned.
handle is not a valid handle.
handle is not an appropriate type for topic
: If handle does not have the necessary rights for the
buffer, actual, or avail are invalid pointers.
Failure due to lack of memory. There is no good way for
userspace to handle this (unlikely) error. In a future build this error will no
longer occur.
The topic returns a fixed number of records, but
the provided buffer is not large enough for these records.
topic does not exist.
bool is_handle_valid(zx_handle_t handle) {
return zx_object_get_info(
zx_koid_t get_object_koid(zx_handle_t handle) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
if (zx_object_get_info(handle, ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC,
&info, sizeof(info), NULL, NULL) != ZX_OK) {
return 0;
return info.koid;
void examine_threads(zx_handle_t proc) {
zx_koid_t threads[128];
size_t count, avail;
if (zx_object_get_info(proc, ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS, threads,
sizeof(threads), &count, &avail) != ZX_OK) {
// Error!
} else {
if (avail > count) {
// More threads than space in array;
// could call again with larger array.
for (size_t n = 0; n < count; n++) {