

Perform a basic read of a mapped clock's state. Behaves identically to a call to zx_clock_read(), however it operates on a mapped clock's state instead of a clock handle, and may offer performance benefits as it usually does not need to enter the Zircon kernel in order to perform the read. See mappable clocks for more details.


#include <zircon/syscalls.h>

zx_status_t zx_clock_read_mapped(const void* clock_addr, zx_time_t* now);


No handle is needed in order to perform a successful read, therefore no specific handle rights are needed either. Instead, the user must provide the virtual address of a currently valid clock state mapping, established using zx_vmar_map_clock()


Perform a basic read of the clock's mapped state, and return its current time in the now out parameter.

Return value

On success, returns ZX_OK along with the clock's current time in the now output parameter.


Any attempt to pass a virtual pointer for clock_addr which was:

  • Not the value returned by the original call to zx_clock_map().
  • A pointer to clock state which has been either partially, or completely, unmapped.

Will result in undefined behavior.

See also