

Configure a thread to have its stack periodically sampled and written to the provided IOBuffer. The provided IOBuffer must be one previously returned by zx_sampler_create.


#include <zircon/syscalls.h>

zx_status_t zx_sampler_attach(zx_handle_t iobuffer,
                              zx_handle_t thread);


Configure a thread to have its stack periodically sampled and written to the provided IOBuffer. The provided IOBuffer must be one previously returned by zx_sampler_create. The frequency and write strategy of sampling is determined by the zx_sampler_config_t used when calling zx_sampler_create.

If a thread is attached to before a session starts, in which it will be sampled when the session starts. Alternatively, if a thread is attached to during a session, it will start to be sampled immediately.


ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED kernel.enable-debugging-syscalls is not set to true on the kernel command line or the experimental_thread_sampler_enabled build param is not set to true.

ZX_ERR_PERMISION_DENIED - iobuffer is not an IOBuffer returned by zx_sampler_create. - thread does not have ZX_RIGHT_READ.

See also