
Generates a board input bundle.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required -
base_driver_packages Base-driver packages to include in board. Label List optional []
bootfs_driver_packages Bootfs-driver packages to include in board. Label List optional []
base_packages Base packages to include in board. Label List optional []
bootfs_packages Bootfs packages to include in board. Label List optional []
cpu_manager_config Path to cpu_manager configuration Label optional None
power_manager_config Path to power_manager configuration Label optional None
power_metrics_recorder_config Path to power_metrics_recorder configuration Label optional None
system_power_mode_config Path to system power mode configuration Label optional None
thermal_config Path to thermal configuration Label optional None
thread_roles Path to thread role configuration files Label List optional []
sysmem_format_costs_config Path to sysmem format costs files Label List optional []