
Produces a licenses spdx file for the given target.

This rule generates a licenses SPDX json file for all @rules_license://rules:license declarations that the given target depends on.

The SPDX json conforms with: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec/blob/master/schemas/spdx-schema.json


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required -
target The target to aggregate the licenses from. DEPRECATED: Use licenses instead Label optional None
licenses The licenses information. Point to a fuchsia_licenses_collection rule. Label optional None
root_package_name The name of the SPDX root package.
If absent, the target's name is used instead.
String optional ""
root_package_homepage The homepage of the SPDX root package. String optional ""
document_namespace A unique namespace url for the SPDX references in the doc String required -
licenses_cross_refs_base_url Base URL for license paths that are local files String required -