
Produces a zip file with [name] containing license review material.

The file contains:

  • summary.csv
  • licenses.spdx.json
  • classifications.json (optional)
  • extracted_licenses (directory)
    • LicenseRef-1.txt
    • LicenseRef-2.txt
    • LicenseRef-3.txt
    • ...
    • (A txt file with the contents of each extracted license)
  • extra_files (directory)
    • ... (additional files can be added here via extra_files arguments)

The SPDX json conforms with: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec/blob/master/schemas/spdx-schema.json


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required -
spdx_input The output of fuchsia_licenses_spdx invocation. Label required -
classification_input The output of fuchsia_licenses_classification invocation (optional). Label optional None
extra_files Additional files to add to the archive. Label List optional []