
Creates a tool which can be used with ffx driver run-tool.

This rule will create a tool which can be used in the development of a driver. The rule takes a binary which is what will be executed when it runs. When the tool is added to a package it can be executed via bazel run my_pkg.my_tool. This will create a package server, publish the package and call ffx driver run-tool

    name = "bin",
    srcs = [ "main.cc" ],

    name = "my_tool",
    binary = ":bin",

    name = "pkg",
    tools = [ ":my_tool" ]

$ bazel run //pkg.my_tool -- --arg1 foo --arg2 bar


| Name  | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | - |
| binary | The tool's fuchsia_cc_binary() target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/rules/lib/toplevel/attr#label">Label</a> | required | - |

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