Memory reclamation in Fuchsia

Most operating systems employ memory reclamation strategies to ensure that the working set of running processes at any point in time can efficiently utilize all available physical memory. The operating system has a fixed amount of physical memory (RAM) to distribute amongst all running processes, and it might not be possible to accommodate them all at the same time.

In its simplest form, memory reclamation is page replacement, where pages that are not as important for the current user activity are replaced with pages that might be more important. Most operating systems maintain a pool of free pages, so that incoming memory allocations are quickly fulfilled, rather than blocked while waiting for a page in use to be freed.

Fuchsia also employs a similar strategy where the system tries to keep the amount of free memory larger than a certain threshold. Fuchsia uses several memory reclamation techniques, both within the kernel and in userspace. This guide describes how these memory reclamation techniques work. Fuchsia also provides a set of tools to analyze and dump memory usage (see Memory usage analysis tools).

Pager-backed memory eviction

Userspace filesystems use pagers to page in files on demand from an external source, like a disk. Filesystems represent files in memory using VMOs, whose pages are populated by the pager service as and when they are accessed.

On Fuchsia, blobfs is an immutable filesystem that hosts all executable files using a pager to populate pages on demand. When the system comes under memory pressure, i.e. the amount of available free memory starts running low, the kernel evicts pages backed by blobfs in order to reclaim memory. Since these pages exist on disk, they can be fetched back in when required.

The kernel tracks all pager-backed memory. When free memory is low, it finds suitable candidates to evict. Pages are tracked in several LRU (least recently used) page queues, which a kernel background thread rotates periodically, in order to "age" pages. Another background thread evicts pages from the oldest page queue under memory pressure.

As free memory dips lower, the kernel adjusts its aging and eviction policies to be more aggressive, aging pages quicker in order to find more evictable candidates. In order to prevent thrashing, pages in the MRU (most recently used) page queue are never evicted. The length of this queue varies based on the amount of churn on the system.

If the system is relatively quiet and the memory usage is stable, the kernel ages pages slower and more pages accumulate in the MRU queue. On the other hand, if the user is cycling through several activities, constantly switching the working set, the kernel tries to keep up by aging pages more aggressively.

Userspace processes can also use eviction hints to influence the kernel eviction strategy. Processes can use the DONT_NEED hint to indicate pages are no longer in use and would be good candidates for eviction. They can also use ALWAYS_NEED to indicate pages are important and should not be considered for eviction, thereby avoiding the cost of fetching them back in when they're accessed again.

Learn more about eviction hints in the reference docs: zx_vmo_op_range and zx_vmar_op_range.

Zero page deduplication

Pages in anonymous VMOs (non-pager-backed) get populated / committed only on a write. Reads are fulfilled by the kernel using a singleton zero page. Even after pages have been committed on a write, the kernel tries to deduplicate pages that are filled only with zeros back to the singleton zero page in order to save memory. The kernel periodically scans physical pages in anonymous VMOs, looking for opportunities to deduplicate zero pages.

Page table reclamation

As explained in Address spaces, the VMAR hierarchy helps the kernel track virtual to physical memory mappings. When a virtual address is accessed for the first time, the address space's VMAR tree is used to look up the underlying physical page. The virtual-to-physical mapping is then stored in the hardware page tables, which the MMU uses for future lookups. Under memory pressure, the kernel reclaims memory in hardware page tables that hasn't been accessed for a while. When those mappings are needed again, they can be reconstructed from the VMAR tree.

Discardable VMOs

Userspace processes can create a special flavor of VMOs that are discardable. Clients can lock and unlock discardable VMOs depending on whether or not they are being used. When the system is under memory pressure, the kernel finds discardable VMOs that are unlocked and frees them.

Sample code (modulo error handling):

// Create a discardable VMO.
zx_handle_t vmo;
uint64_t vmo_size = 5 * zx_system_get_page_size();
zx_vmo_create(vmo_size, ZX_VMO_DISCARDABLE, &vmo);

// Lock the VMO.
zx_vmo_lock_state_t lock_state = {};
zx_vmo_op_range(vmo, ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK, 0, vmo_size, &lock_state,

// Use the VMO as desired.
zx_vmo_read(vmo, buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

// Unlock the VMO. The kernel is free to discard it now.
zx_vmo_op_range(vmo, ZX_VMO_OP_UNLOCK, 0, vmo_size, nullptr, 0);

// Lock the VMO again before use.
zx_vmo_op_range(vmo, ZX_VMO_OP_LOCK, 0, vmo_size, &lock_state,

if (lock_state.discarded_size > 0) {
  // The kernel discarded the VMO. Re-initialize it if required.
  zx_vmo_write(vmo, data, 0, sizeof(data));
} else {
  // The kernel did not discard the VMO. Previous contents were preserved.

Memory pressure signals

Fuchsia provides userspace processes the ability to directly control their memory consumption in response to system-wide available memory. Clients can register to receive memory pressure signals and take actions depending on the observed memory pressure level. There are three memory pressure levels:


The memory pressure level is healthy.

Registered clients are free to hold on to caches and allocate memory unrestricted.

However, clients should take care to not proactively re-create caches on a transition back to the NORMAL level, causing a memory spike that immediately pushes the level over to WARNING again.


The memory pressure level is somewhat constrained, and might cross over to the critical pressure range if left unchecked.

Registered clients are expected to optimize their operation to limit memory usage, rather than for best performance, for example, by reducing cache sizes and non-essential memory allocations.

Clients must take care to regulate the amount of work they undertake in order to reclaim memory, and ensure that it does not cause visible performance degradation. There exists some memory pressure, but not enough to justify trading off user responsiveness to reclaim memory.


The memory pressure level is very constrained.

Registered clients are expected to drop all non-essential memory, and refrain from allocating more memory. Failing to do so might result in the job getting terminated, or the system being rebooted in the case of global memory pressure.

Clients may undertake expensive work to reclaim memory if required, since failing to do so might result in termination. The client might decide that a performance hit is a fair tradeoff in this case.

Comparing memory pressure signals to discardable VMOs

Userspace clients can pick between memory pressure signals and discardable VMOs, or use a combination of both reclamation mechanisms based on their needs.These are some things to consider when making the choice:

  • Memory pressure signals allow clients to do more than just trim caches. For example, jobs can tear down non-essential processes in their job tree. They can also stop certain memory-intensive activities, or hold off on starting new ones until the pressure level is Normal.
  • With discardable VMOs, the userspace client gives up control over when the memory is freed to the kernel. The kernel decides when to free the memory based on various factors: the amount of available memory, memory that can be reclaimed by other means, etc. If the client wishes to finely control the lifetimes of its caches, when to trim what, etc., memory pressure signals might be more suitable.
  • It is possible that discardable VMOs end up preserving their contents for longer than if the process was tearing down the VMOs itself in response to memory pressure signals. The kernel drives freeing of discardable VMOs, and the kernel has more global context around the amount of free memory, so it knows exactly how much to reclaim. The kernel also has other means of reclaiming memory at its disposal, so it's possible that not all discardable VMOs need to be freed up. On the other hand, if the userspace client is responding to memory pressure itself, it will likely react in the same manner every time, trimming all its caches.
  • Discardable memory can also allow the kernel to reclaim memory more quickly so that the system recovers faster. With memory pressure signals, there can be some IPC and scheduling latency involved, between the kernel signaling the pressure level change, and the userspace process responding to it.

OOM (Out-of-memory) reboot

It is possible for all memory reclamation strategies to fail to free up enough memory in the face of certain aggressive memory allocation patterns. When that happens, the kernel opts to reboot after cleanly shutting down filesystems to prevent data loss. When the free memory level falls below a preconfigured OOM threshold, an OOM reboot is triggered.

Tools to test memory pressure response

Observing and testing kernel memory reclamation

Use the k scanner command to observe and test reclamation techniques the kernel uses: pager-backed eviction, discardable VMO reclamation, zero page deduplication, and page table reclamation. It can also be used to test the page queue rotation / aging strategy used to drive eviction. Run k scanner on a serial console to see all available options:

k scanner
scanner dump                    : dump scanner info
scanner push_disable            : increase scanner disable count
scanner pop_disable             : decrease scanner disable count
scanner reclaim_all             : attempt to reclaim all possible memory
scanner rotate_queue            : immediately rotate the page queues
scanner reclaim <MB> [only_old] : attempt to reclaim requested MB of memory.
scanner pt_reclaim [on|off]     : turn unused page table reclamation on or off
scanner harvest_accessed        : harvest all page accessed information

k scanner dump dumps the current state of the page queues and other relevant memory counters the kernel uses for reclamation:

k scanner dump
[SCAN]: Scanner enabled. Triggering informational scan
[SCAN]: Found 4303 zero pages across all of memory
[SCAN]: Found 8995 user-pager backed pages in queue 0
[SCAN]: Found 3278 user-pager backed pages in queue 1
[SCAN]: Found 8947 user-pager backed pages in queue 2
[SCAN]: Found 10776 user-pager backed pages in queue 3
[SCAN]: Found 3981 user-pager backed pages in queue 4
[SCAN]: Found 0 user-pager backed pages in queue 5
[SCAN]: Found 0 user-pager backed pages in queue 6
[SCAN]: Found 0 user-pager backed pages in queue 7
[SCAN]: Found 1347 user-pager backed pages in DontNeed queue
[SCAN]: Found 40 zero forked pages
[SCAN]: Found 0 locked pages in discardable vmos
[SCAN]: Found 0 unlocked pages in discardable vmos
pq: MRU generation is 12 set 10.720698018s ago due to "Active ratio", LRU generation is 6
pq: Pager buckets [8995],[3278],8947,10776,3981,0,{0},0, evict first: 1347, live active/inactive totals: 12273/25051

Test reclaiming memory with k scanner reclaim or k scanner reclaim_all:

k scanner reclaim_all
[EVICT]: Free memory before eviction was 7161MB and after eviction is 7290MB
[EVICT]: Evicted 33004 user pager backed pages
[SCAN]: De-duped 25 pages that were recently forked from the zero page

Test page table reclamation with k pmm drop_user_pt:

k pmm
pmm drop_user_pt                             : drop all user hardware page tables

Observing and generating memory pressure

Use the k mem avail_state command to generate memory pressure on the system, by allocating memory to reach the specified memory pressure level. This is useful for testing system-wide response to memory pressure:

k mem avail_state
mem avail_state [step] <state> [<nsecs>] : allocate memory to go to memstate <state>, hold the state for <nsecs> (10s by default). Only works if going to <state> from current state requires allocating memory, can't free up pre-allocated memory. In optional [step] mode, allocation pauses for 1 second at each intermediate memory availability state until <state> is reached.

k mem dump dumps the current memory pressure state.

k mem dump
watermarks: [50M, 60M, 150M, 300M]
debounce: 1M
current state: 4
current bounds: [299M, 16.0E]
free memory: 7253.5M

The memory availability states are numbered starting from 0, and are a superset of the levels mentioned previously for memory pressure signals.

  • OOM is state 0. This is the free memory level below which the kernel decides to reboot the system.
  • Imminent-OOM is state 1. This is a diagnostic-only memory level, set at a small delta from the OOM level. Its sole purpose is to provide a means to collect OOM diagnostic information safely, as it might be too late to gather diagnostics at the OOM level. Learn more about this level in RFC-0091.
  • Critical is state 2. This is the level that triggers the CRITICAL memory pressure signal.
  • Warning is state 3. This is the level that triggers the WARNING memory pressure signal.
  • Normal is state 4. This is the level that triggers the NORMAL memory pressure signal.

In the example above, the current state is 4, i.e. Normal.

The watermarks show the memory thresholds that delineate the different memory availability states. The output in the above example shows these memory thresholds:

OOM: 50MB, Imminent-OOM: 60MB, Critical: 150MB, Warning: 300MB

The debounce is the slack or error margin used when computing memory state boundaries. In this example, it is 1MB.

The current bounds shows the free memory bounds applicable to the current memory state. Given the current state is Normal, referring to the watermarks, Normal starts at the 300MB threshold. Using the 1MB debounce, the lower limit is 299MB. There isn't an applicable upper limit for the Normal level, which is set to UINT64_MAX here.

Lastly, the total free memory on the system is currently 7253.5MB.

Use the command k mem avail_state X to transition to memory availability state X, where X is the numerical memory state as described above. Optionally provide a duration for which the requested state is to be held. There is also an option to "step" through intermediate states, pausing at each of them.

For example, this triggers a transition to the Critical memory state:

k mem avail_state 2
memory-pressure: memory availability state - Critical
pq: MRU generation is 714 set 4.144414945s ago due to "Active ratio", LRU generation is 708
pq: Pager buckets [3482],[115],317,0,199,0,{6939},0, evict first: 0, live active/inactive totals: 3597/7455
memory-pressure: set target memory to evict 1MB (free memory is 149MB)
Leaked 1817528 pages
Sleeping for 10 seconds...
[EVICT]: Free memory before eviction was 147MB and after eviction is 151MB
[EVICT]: Evicted 986 user pager backed pages
Freed 1817528 pages
memory-pressure: memory availability state - Normal
pq: MRU generation is 717 set 1.213355379s ago due to "Timeout", LRU generation is 711
pq: Pager buckets [4351],[258],149,37,0,1,{5798},0, evict first: 0, live active/inactive totals: 4609/5985

Here the system transitioned to Critical by allocating 1817528 pages (the page size is 4KB). Then there was a sleep for 10 seconds (default for holding the state) during which the Critical pressure persisted. Finally, the 1817528 allocated pages were freed up, and the memory pressure dropped back to Normal. The Critical state transition caused some pager-backed memory to be evicted as well, as can be seen by the [EVICT] lines.

The k mem avail_state command is a useful tool to test memory pressure response of the system as a whole. Since it works by allocating actual physical memory, it exercises all the reclamation mechanisms the system has at its disposal, both within the kernel and in userspace.

These are additional k mem oom commands used to test system response specifically at the OOM level.

mem oom [<rate>]                             : leak memory until oom is triggered, optionally specify the rate at which to leak (in MB per second)
mem oom hard                                 : leak memory aggressively and keep on leaking
mem oom signal                               : trigger oom signal without leaking memory

Sample output with k mem oom:

k mem oom
Disabling VM scanner
memory-pressure: free memory is 49MB, evicting pages to prevent OOM...
pq: MRU generation is 13 set 7.979442243s ago due to "Active ratio", LRU generation is 7
pq: Pager buckets [4538],[4517],3624,4606,13716,4976,{0},0, evict first: 1347, live active/inactive totals: 9055/28269
memory-pressure: found no pages to evict
memory-pressure: free memory after OOM eviction is 49MB
memory-pressure: pausing for 8s after OOM mem signal
[00028.317] 02811:03481> [fshost] INFO: [] received shutdown command over admin interface
[00028.317] 02811:03481> [fshost] INFO: [] filesystem shutdown initiated
[00028.317] 02811:38032> [fshost] INFO: [] Shutting down /data
[00028.318] 12900:12902> [minfs] INFO: [] Shutting down
[00028.340] 12900:12902> [minfs] WARNING: [src/storage/minfs/bin/] Unmounted
[00028.341] 02811:03481> [fshost] INFO: [] shutdown complete
[00028.342] 02811:02813> [fshost] INFO: [] terminating
[00028.342] 02687:02689> [] INFO: [] Successfully waited for VFS exit completion
memory-pressure: rebooting due to OOM
memory-pressure: stowing crashlog
Shutting down debuglog
platform_halt suggested_action 1 reason 3

Simulating memory pressure signals in userspace

Use the ffx profile memory signal command to simulate memory pressure signals in userspace without creating actual memory pressure. This is useful when the goal is to test the response of a particular userspace process to memory pressure signals without altering the memory state of the system.

Signals userspace clients with specified memory pressure level. Clients can use this
command to test their response to memory pressure. Does not affect the real memory
pressure level on the system, or trigger any kernel reclamation tasks.
Positional Arguments:
  level             memory pressure level. Can be CRITICAL, WARNING or NORMAL.

For example, with ffx profile memory signal WARNING, the following shows in the ffx log output:

[00213.059579][26701][26703][memory_monitor] INFO: [] Simulating memory pressure level WARNING

Note that this command does not actually allocate any memory. It simply simulates a one-time memory pressure signal for the requested level in userspace, without affecting the kernel's memory availability state. As such, it will not trigger any kernel memory reclamation, like eviction of pager-backed memory.