
This document is aimed at someone who wants to start using power framework and has little or no prior exposure. It may be suitable as a reference for people with prior exposure to power framework.

Goals of power framework

Why have a power framework? The goal is to save power. To achieve this goal, power framework provides mechanisms for coordination and debuggability related to power. By coordination we mean a mechanism for components in Fuchsia to order their actions so they can properly (ie. power efficiently) operate the system. By debuggability we mean the ability to understand the state of the system with respect to power, how that system changes over time, and what is causing the state changes.

The goal of the power framework is not to save power via some clever mechanism of scheduling or resource management. Rather it manages the resources as directed and gives the system's developers the tools needed to understand and optimize power usage.


Accomplishing certain work in the system requires the availability of certain resources. These resources should remain available until the work completes. Power framework provides a standardized coordination mechanism to manage resources.

For example, consider a program that wants to download a file. Let us say that the program requires two things to download the file: the CPU and the network protocol stack. The network protocol stack in turn requires the CPU and the network driver.

If the application, netstack, CPU manager, and network driver integrate with power framework, then power framework can coordinate telling the owners of resources when the resources should or should not be available. In our example, this means that the application can request the system be able to download something. Power framework will then send messages to resource owners in the proper order to prepare the system, sending messages to the owner of various power elements, first the CPU then the network driver then network protocol stack to prepare and finally to the application that the system is ready. Once the download is complete the application can withdraw its request that the system be able to download something and power framework will coordinate turning down unused resources.


The power framework, as the coordinator of system state changes, has a huge amount of information about the state of the system. It makes this information available about what state a resource is told to be in and state of the resource reported by its owner through things like Inspect. We can then build tools to analyze this treasure trove, understand the system, and improve its function.