

本文档通过依赖项注入对 Fuchsia 组件与面向对象的设计进行了类比。通过这种类比,Fuchsia 开发者可以运用他们现有的面向对象的设计知识,使用熟悉的术语和设计模式开发 Fuchsia 组件。


面向对象的编程 (OOP) 中,对象是一个实体,包含数据以及对该数据执行操作的方法定义了与特定类型的对象相关联的数据和方法。对象是类的实例化。

同样,组件包含内部程序状态(数据),并公开对其内部状态运行的协议(方法组)。如果某个类在对象上声明了 Callable 方法,组件清单则会在组件上声明 Callable 协议。组件被实例化为组件实例

使用 FIDL 定义的协议可声明组件之间的接口。提供协议意味着组件会实现该协议,类似于类实现接口或特征的方式。



组件可能表现出相同的关系。一个组件可以由多个子组件组成,在 OOP 中,这些子组件的存在是该组件的实现细节。与接受所需对象的类构造函数类似,组件清单会声明它们所依赖的协议。组件框架关注的是这些依赖协议的路由和满足方式,以便组件可以执行,这与依赖项注入适用于 OOP 的方式类似。

OOP 中的另一个常见关系是“Is-A”(继承),一个类可以扩展另一个类的数据和逻辑。在组件框架中,没有与继承的类似之处。

这些相似点共同体现了 OOP 和组件框架概念之间的以下对应关系:

面向对象的概念 组件概念
接口 FIDL 协议
类定义 组件清单
对象 组件实例
内部 / 关联类 FIDL 数据
依赖/使用-关系(依赖关系) 从父级路由的功能
有-存在关系(组合) 子组件
实现接口 公开自身功能
是 A 关系(继承) 不适用,建议选择“实施”

组件框架提供的功能超越了 OOP,但从 OOP 原则开始可以为您提供最终组件设计的合理近似值。

本文档的其余部分将提供更多详细信息和示例,以说明如何将上述 OOP 概念映射到组件概念。

以 FIDL 协议作为接口

许多 OOP 语言都有可以由对象实现的“接口”或“特征”的概念。当类定义数据和行为时,接口仅声明类中可能存在的行为。接口的实现可以分组,并可以互换使用。

在 Fuchsia 上,FIDL 定义了组件之间的接口。与 OOP 接口类似,FIDL 协议的实现者可以互换使用。


假设有一个名为 Duck 的接口,该接口包含一个名为 Quack 的方法。

FIDL 协议如下:

library fuchsia.animals;

protocol Duck {


  // ...

  // Declare that this component implements a protocol.
  capabilities: [
      protocol: ["fuchsia.animals.Duck"],

  // Expose this protocol so that other components may call it.
  expose: [
      protocol: ["fuchsia.animals.Duck"],
      from: "self",

在各种 OOP 语言中,您可以编写如下代码:


// Duck is an abstract class with a pure virtual method "Quack".
class Duck {
    virtual void Quack() = 0;

// Actually implement Duck.
class MallardDuck : public Duck {
    void Quack() override { /* ... */ }


// All classes in Dart define an interface.
// Omitting the definition of Quack means it can be overridden in a child.
abstract class Duck {

MallardDuck implements Duck {
  Quack() { /* ... */ }


// Rust uses "traits" rather than interfaces.
// A trait may be explicitly implemented for any type.
trait Duck {
  fn quack(&self);

// The type MallardDuck implements the "Duck" trait.
struct MallardDuck {

impl Duck for MallardDuck {
  fn quack(&self) { /* ... */ }


// Explicitly define a public Duck interface.
public interface Duck {
  public void Quack();

// Create a class that implements the interface.
public class MallardDuck implements Duck {
  public void Quack() { /* ... */ }


OOP 的核心概念是对象,它包含数据和操作该数据的方法基于类的 OOP 语言定义了对象类的层次结构,以描述数据及其关系。一个类可以多次实例化为对象,并且可以模块化使用。

同样,Fuchsia 系统被定义为一个组件层次结构,每个组件由其组件清单定义。组件清单定义了一个可实例化和模块化使用的组件类



假设有一个可掷 N 面骰子的组件。也就是说,收到请求时,组件会返回 [1, N] 范围内的值。

在 Fuchsia 中,我们将协议定义为组件接口的一部分:

library fuchsia.dice;

// fuchsia.dice.Roller supports rolling a single die
protocol Roller {

  // Method "Roll" takes no arguments, and it returns an "outcome" that is a 64-bit unsigned integer.
  Roll() -> (struct {
    outcome uint64


// dice_roller.cml

  // The execution details for the component.
  // This section says the component should be run as a normal ELF binary
  // (e.g. C++ or Rust) by executing the file at path "bin/dice_roller"
  // in the containing package.
  // It also says to pass the command line arguments '"--sides" "6"' to
  // the program. It is the program's responsibility to parse its command
  // line parameters. In this case we want a 6-sided die.
  program: {
    runner: "elf",
    binary: "bin/dice_roller",
    args = [

  // Declare the protocols the component implements (see previous section)
  capabilities: [{
    protocol: ["fuchsia.dice.Roller"],

  // Expose the protocols the component implements.
  expose: [{
    protocol: ["fuchsia.dice.Roller"],
    from: "self",



class DiceRoller : public Roller {
    DiceRoller(uint64_t number_of_sides) : number_of_sides(number_of_sides) {}
    uint64_t Roll() override;

    const uint64_t number_of_sides;


class DiceRoller implements dice.Roller {
    final int numberOfSides;
    DiceRoller({required this.numberOfSides});

    int Roll() { /* ... */ }


pub struct DiceRoller {
    number_of_sides: u64,

impl DiceRoller {
  pub fn new(number_of_sides: u64) -> Self {
    Self{ number_of_sides }

impl Roller for DiceRoller {
  pub fn roll(&self) -> u64 { /* ... */ }


class DiceRoller implements Roller {
    private long numberOfSides;

    public DiceRoller(long numberOfSides) {
      this.numberOfSides = numberOfSides;

    public long Roll() { /* ... */ }

在每个示例中,都有一个从 Roller 接口实现 Roll 方法的 DiceRollerDiceRoller 由其输入参数(指定骰子将具有的面数)参数化。

在 OOP 示例中,可以定义任意边数的 DiceRoller,但组件清单指定值 6。


对象是使用 OOP 语言实例化类的实例化,组件实例组件(如其清单所定义)的实例化。对象和组件可以多次实例化,以便在不同上下文中重复使用。


在 OOP 语言中,可以通过调用其构造函数来创建对象,在某些语言中,通过调用析构函数来销毁对象。存在各种策略和设计模式来抽象化对象创建(例如工厂模式),但最终始终会在某个位置显式创建对象。

相比之下,组件实例通常在静态层次结构中定义。简单地将一个组件指定为另一个组件的子级足以使该子级存在。然而,存在并不意味着该组件实际正在运行。通常,只有当某项内容与它所公开的功能绑定时,组件才会运行。用 OOP 术语来说,就像在首次对某个对象调用某个方法时,某个对象就存在了一样(一种延迟绑定延迟初始化类型)。组件有自己的生命周期,很大程度上不需要观察到。

静态组件初始化的例外情况是动态组件集合。集合本身是静态定义的,但集合中的组件可以动态创建,通过打开公开功能进行绑定,然后销毁。这可以表示为 OOP 中的集合存放对象,但组件框架免费为您提供延迟绑定。



在此示例中,存在一个表示“用户会话”的对象层次结构。UserSession 包含一个 User 和多个 Apps


// user_session.cml
  // ...
  // user_session has a static child called "user", declared in user.cml
  children: [
      name: "user",
      url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/session_example#meta/user.cm",
  // user_session has a collection for dynamic components, called "apps"
  collections: [
      name: "apps",
  // access the User protocol from the child called "user".
  use: [
      protocol: "fuchsia.session_example.User",
      from: "#user",
// user.cml
  // ..

  // Expose the User capability, which provides information and actions on the current user.
  capabilities: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.session_example.User" },
  expose: [
      protocol: "fuchsia.session_example.User",
      from: "self",
// C++-like pseudocode for interacting with the child components from the session.

// Create any arbitrarily named app in the apps collection with just a URL to execute.
CreateChild("apps", "my_app", "fuchsia-pkg://..." /* url to the app to run */);

// Accessing exposed protocols causes the component to actually run. The
// output parameter is a Directory handle over which capabilities are accessed.
OpenExposedDir("apps", "my_app", &out_dir);

// Open any arbitrary capability on the bound component.
// Assuming that the "Controller" protocol has a method called "ExecuteCommand".

// Connect to the protocol from the static child.
// This is available in the incoming namespace for session, since it
// "uses" the capability.



// User is an abstract class representing a user of the session.
// It declares the "GetName" method all users must implement.
class User {
    virtual std::string GetName()  = 0;

// App is class representing the interface to apps.
class App {
  /* ... */

class Session {
    Session() : user(/* initialize user */) {}

    void AddApp(App app) {

    std::unique_ptr<User> user;

    // Note that in C++ the collection needs to be typed, while in component
    // terms all components share a base type.
    std::vector<App> apps;


interface User {
  String GetName();

class Session {
    final User user;
    final List<Object> apps = [];
    Session() :  user = /* initialize user */;

    // Similar to how all components share a "base type", Dart's Object
    // type can be dynamically cast to a desired interface.
    // Casting will fail if the Object does not implement the type
    // requested, similar to how connecting to a non-exposed capability
    // fails for a component.
    void AddApp(Object app) {


pub trait User {
    fn get_name() -> String;

pub trait App {
  /* ... */

pub struct Session {
  user: User,

  // Note that in Rust the collection needs to be typed, while in component
  // terms all components share a base type.
  apps: Vec<Box<dyn App>>;

impl Session {
  pub fn new() -> Self {
    Self{ user: /* initialize user */, apps: Vec::new() }

  pub fn add_app(&mut self, app: Box<dyn App>) {


interface User {
  String GetName();

class Session {
    private User user;
    private List<Object> apps = new ArrayList<Object>();

    public Session() {
      user = /* initialize user */;

    // Similar to how all components share a "base type", Java's Object
    // type can be dynamically cast to a desired interface.
    // Casting will fail if the Object does not implement the type
    // requested, similar to how connecting to a non-exposed capability
    // fails for a component.
    public void AddApp(Object app) {

将 FIDL 数据作为内部类或关联类

在 OOP 中,某些对象会作用于其他对象,这种情况很常见。本文档前面的几个部分重点介绍了对象使用依赖项来实现其他行为的情况,但同样重要的是对象依赖于存储在其他对象中的数据的情况。这种情况在容器接口中很常见,其中一个对象维护一个其他对象的集合,并提供一个接口来以某种方式操控该集合。

组件最适合用来表示具有复杂行为的对象,而不是用作数据容器。FIDL 能够表达可向协议传递以及可从协议传递的可扩展数据结构,与组件相比,这些类型更适合表示数据。

通常情况下,如果接口要求对普通的旧数据类型执行操作,则数据应存储在组件内,使用 FIDL tables 进行声明,并由对 table 提供访问器和更改器的协议公开。

在执行操作之前以命令方式构造数据类型的构建器接口在 FIDL 中也可以更好地表示。


在本例中,我们将创建一个 Store 接口,其中包含多个待售的 Items。客户可以创建一个 Cart 向其添加商品,最终向其添加 Checkout()

library fuchsia.store;

// An Item is a plain data type describing individual items in the store.
type Item = table {
  // Each Item has a unique ID, which is used to reference the object.
  1: id uint64;
  2: name string;
  3: price_in_cents uint32;
  4: quantity_in_stock: uint32;

type StoreError = strict enum {

protocol Store {
  // Add new items to the store.
  // No return code, so this operation is asynchronous and can fail silently.
  AddItem(struct {
    item: Item;

  // Set the price on an existing item, by id.
  // Fails if the item is not found.
  SetPrice(struct {
    item_id: uint64;
    new_price: uint32;
  }) error StoreError;

  // Add (or subtract) additional stock of an item.
  // Fails if the item is not found or if you would be left with an
  // invalid quantity of the item.
  AddStock(struct {
    item_id: uint64;
    additional_quantity: int32;
  }) error StoreError;

  // Create a new Cart interface to shop at the store.
  // Note that this takes a "resource" struct, because request is a
  // Zircon handle.
  CreateCart(resource struct {
    request: server_end:Cart;

type CartError = strict enum {

// Cart uses the builder pattern to create a set of items and checkout atomically.
protocol Cart {
  // Add a specific quantity of an item by id to the cart.
  AddItem(struct {
    item_id: uint64;
    quantity: uint32;

  // Add a coupon code to the cart.
  AddCouponCode(struct {
    code: string;

  // Checkout all previously added items atomically.
  // Fails if payment fails or if there are not enough items in stock
  // to satisfy the request.
  Checkout() error CartError;
// Pseudo-code for interacting with the store.

StoreProxy store = connect_to<Store>();
store.AddItem(Item{.id = 1, .name = "Fuchsia Coffee Mug", .price_in_cents = 1299, .quantity_in_stock = 30});
store.AddItem(Item{.id = 2, .name = "Fuchsia Blanket", .price_in_cents = 3499, .quantity_in_stock = 10});
store.SetPrice({.item_id = 2, .new_price = 2999});
store.AddStock({.item_id = 1, .additional_quantity = -10});

CartProxy cart;
cart.AddItem({.item_id = 2, .quantity = 1});
cart.AddItem({.item_id = 1, .quantity = 5});

实现 Store 接口的组件负责根据协议的协定维护这组项。


// Create a plain old data type for Item.
struct Item {
  uint64_t id;
  std::string name;
  uint32_t price_in_cents;
  uint32_t quantity_in_stock;

// Enumerate the return values of cart operations.
enum CartResult {
  OK = 0,

class Cart {
    // Cart is owned by a store, and it requires the pointer back to
    // its owner to implement Checkout.
    Cart(Store* store);

    // Adding items and coupon codes cannot fail.
    void AddItem(uint64_t item_id, uint32_t quantity);
    void AddCouponCode(std::string code);

    // Perform the checkout operation by acting upon store_ in some way.
    CartResult Checkout();

    // Create an inner class representing the pair of item id and quantity.
    struct ItemQuantity {
      uint64_t item_id;
      uint32_t quantity;

    // The parent store, not owned.
    Store* store_;
    std::vector<ItemQuantity> item_requests_;
    std::vector<std::string> coupon_codes_;

// Enumerate return values of store operations.
enum StoreResult {
  OK = 0,

class Store {
    // Add new items to the store.
    void AddItem(Item item);

    // Set properties of items based on id.
    StoreResult SetPrice(uint64_t item_id, uint32_t new_price);
    StoreResult AddStock(uint64_t item_id, int32_t additional_quantity);

    // Create a new Cart for this store, referencing the Store that owns the Cart.
    // Carts are owned by a store, and must be deleted before the Store is.
    Cart* CreateCart() {
      return &cards_.back();
    std::vector<Item> items_;
    std::vector<Cart> carts_;


// Create a class containing the data for items.
class Item {
  final int id;
  final String name;
  int priceInCents;
  int quantityInStock;

    required this.id,
    required this.name,
    required this.priceInCents,
    this.quantityInStock = 0

// Since Dart doesn't have tuples, create a pair type for id and quantity.
class ItemQuantity {
  final int itemId;
  int quantity;

  ItemQuantity({required this.itemId, required this.quantity});

// Represent the various results for cart operations.
enum CartResult {

class Cart {
  final Store store;

  final List<ItemQuantity> _items = [];
  final List<String> _couponCodes = [];

  // A Cart needs to refer back to its Store to implement Checkout.
  Cart({required this.store});

  void AddItem(int itemId, int quantity) {
    _items.add(ItemQuantity(itemId: itemId, quantity: quantity);

  void AddCouponCode(String code) {

  CartResult Checkout() { /* ... */ }

// Represent the results for store operations.
enum StoreResult {

class Store {
  final List<Item> _items = [];
  final List<Cart> _carts = [];

  void AddItem(Item item) { _items.add(item); }

  StoreResult SetPrice(int item_id, int new_price) { /* ... */ }
  StoreResult AddStock(int item_id, int additional_quantity) { /* ... */ }

  // Create a cart that refers back to this owning store.
  Cart CreateCart() {
    var ret = Cart(this);
    return ret;


// Create a data struct for Item information.
pub struct Item {
  pub id: u64,
  pub name: String,
  pub price_in_cents: u32,
  pub quantity_in_stock: u32,

pub struct Cart {
  // Carts need to act on their parent Store, but we want to avoid cyclic references.
  // Use a Weak pointer so that the Store can be deleted independent of its Carts.
  // Mutex is used for interior mutability.
  store: Weak<Mutex<Store>>,
  items: Vec<(u64, u32)>,
  coupon_codes: Vec<String>,

impl Cart {
  pub fn new(store: Weak<Mutex<Store>>) -> Self {
    Self {
      items: vec![],
      coupon_codes: vec![],

  pub fn add_item(&mut self, item_id: u64, quantity: u32) {
    self.items.push((item_id, quantity));

  pub fn add_coupon_code(&mut self, code: String) {

  // Checkout consumes the Cart builder and returns the result.
  pub fn checkout(self) -> Result<(), Error> { /* ... */ }

pub struct Store {
  items: Vec<Item>,

  // Note that we do not need to maintain ownership over Carts, since
  // they can exist independent of the Store they are from. Checkout will
  // presumably fail if the Store was deleted before it is called.

impl Store {
  pub fn new() -> Arc<Mutex<Self>> {
    Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self {
      items: vec![],
      carts: vec![],

  pub fn add_item(&mut self, item: Item) { items.push(item); }
  pub fn set_price(&mut self, item_id: u64, new_price: u32) -> Result<(), Error> { /* ... */ }
  pub fn add_stock(&mut self, item_id: u64, additional_quantity: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { /* ... */ }

  pub fn create_cart(self_: Arc<Mutex<Self>>) -> Cart {


// Create a class containing the data for items.
public class Item {
  public int id;
  public String name;
  public int priceInCents;
  public int quantityInStock;

// Since Java doesn't have tuples, create a pair type for id and quantity.
class ItemQuantity {
  public int item_id;
  public int quantity;

  public ItemQuantity(int item_id, int quantity) {
    this.item_id = item_id;
    this.quantity = quantity;

// Represent the various results for cart operations.
public enum CartResult {

// Represent the results for store operations.
enum StoreResult {

class Store {
  private final List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
  private final List<Cart> carts = new ArrayList<Cart>();

  public void AddItem(Item item) { items.add(item); }

  public StoreResult SetPrice(int item_id, int new_price) { /* ... */ }
  public StoreResult AddStock(int item_id, int additional_quantity) { /* ... */ }

  public Cart CreateCart() {
    Cart ret = new Cart();
    return ret;

  // Inner classes in Java can refer to their containing class.
  // This is needed to Checkout can act upon Store.this.
  public class Cart {
    private final List<ItemQuantity> items = new ArrayList<ItemQuantity>();
    private final List<String> couponCodes = new ArrayList<String>();

    void AddItem(int item_id, int quantity) {
      _items.add(ItemQuantity(item_id, quantity));

    void AddCouponCode(String code) {

    CartResult Checkout() { /* ... */ }


依赖项注入是一种技术,这种方法会将对象的依赖项作为参数传递给对象,而不是由对象本身构造或找到。这样一来,对象的创建者就可以控制对象所依赖的行为的实现。此功能特别强大,可以测试与外部服务交互的对象,而无需在测试设置中实际调用这些服务。依赖项注入的一种常见用法是将 Time 接口传递给会读取系统时钟的对象。然后,调用方就能够传入为测试提供固定时间值的实现,并在生产环境中传入可读取实时数据的实现。

在组件之间使用协议从根本上说基于依赖项注入技术。每个组件都会明确定义其 uses 协议,并且必须提供这些协议才能实例化组件(类似于 OOP 类在其构造函数中声明所有需要的依赖项的方式)。

与某些依赖项注入框架(依赖项可通过注册表构建)不同,所有功能都通过组件清单从来源显式路由到目的地。本文档的前几部分介绍了组件如何通过 exposing 协议实现接口。这样,该组件的父项就能够将该协议 offer 到其他组件,以便满足其依赖项(其 use 的协议)。

以这种方式构建组件的原因与 OOP 依赖项注入类似:可以根据需要替换依赖行为,以便进行测试、演变和可扩展。


此示例实现了 Purchaser,它需要在购买流程中处理信用卡。在某些设置(如测试)中,您并不想真正从信用卡扣款(这可能非常昂贵)!相反,我们将提供 CreditCardChargerPurchaser 用于对信用卡扣款。在测试场景中,我们提供了一个虚假 CreditCardCharger,它实际上并不会对卡扣款。

// fuchsia.store.fidl

type PurchaseError = enum {

protocol Purchaser {
  // Purchase an item by name with a specific credit card.
  // Fails if the item is not found or if the credit card failed to charge.
  Purchase(struct {
    item_name: string,
    credit_card: string,
  }) error PurchaseError;

protocol CreditCardCharger {
  // Charge a specific credit card a specific amount.
  // Returns whether the charge is successful.
  Charge(struct {
    credit_card: string,
    amount: int,
  }) -> (struct { success: bool });
// purchaser.cml
  program: {
    // Instructions for how to run this component.
    /* ... */

  capabilities: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.store.Purchaser" }

  // Purchaser is a public interface implemented by this component.
  expose: [
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.Purchaser",
      from: "self",

  // CreditCardCharger is an interface required by this component to function.
  use: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.store.CreditCardCharger" }
// real_credit_card_charger.cml
// Implements CreditCardCharger and actually charges credit cards.
  // ...
  capabilities: [
    { protocol: "fuchsia.store.CreditCardCharger" }

  expose: [
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.CreditCardCharger",
      from: "self",
// fake_credit_card_charger.cml
// Implements CreditCardCharger, but does not really charge anything.
  // ...
  capabilities: [
      protocol: [
        // Interface to control the output of this fake component (FIDL not pictured here).

  expose: [
      protocol: [
      from: "self",
// core.cml
// Actually add a "Purchaser" to the system, its dependencies, and route
// its protocol to some component implementing a purchase flow.
  children: [
    // ...
      name: "purchaser",
      url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/purchaser#meta/purchaser.cml",
      // We want to use the real credit card charger so that we actually charge customers.
      name: "credit_card_charger"
      url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/real_credit_card_charger#meta/real_credit_card_charger.cml",
      name: "real_graphical_purchase_flow"
      url: /* ... */,
  offer: [
    // Route protocols to satisfy every component's dependencies.
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.CreditCardCharger",
      from: "#credit_card_charger",
      to: "#purchaser",
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.Purchaser",
      from: "#purchaser",
      to: "#real_graphical_purchase_flow",
// test_purchaser.cml
  children: [
      // We're going to test the real purchaser component, which is safe since we are mocking its dependency.
      name: "purchaser",
      url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/purchaser#meta/purchaser.cml",
      // We want to use the fake credit card charger so that we don't actually charge cards in tests.
      name: "credit_card_charger"
      url: "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/fake_credit_card_charger#meta/fake_credit_card_charger.cml",
  offer: [
      // Inject the fake charger as a dependency to purchaser.
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.CreditCardCharger",
      from: "#credit_card_charger",
      to: "#purchaser",
  use: [
      // Use Purchaser so we can test it
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.Purchaser",
      from: "#purchaser",
      // Use test charger so we can control what the credit card charger returns.
      protocol: "fuchsia.store.testing.CreditCardChargerController",
      from: "#credit_card_charger",
// Pseudo-code for test_purchaser

PurchaserProxy purchaser = open_service<Purchaser>();
CreditCardChargerController charger = open_service<CreditCardChargerController>();

// Make the card charger always return true, then test successful charge for an existing item.
assert(purchaser.Purchase("existing item", "fake-card"), isNotError);

// Now test what happens when an item is missing.
// Depending on how advanced the mock charger is, we could even check
// that it was not called as a result of this invalid Purchase call.
assert(purchaser.Purchase("missing item", "fake-card"), PurchaseError.ITEM_NOT_FOUND);

// Make the charger return false and try again with an existing item.
// This allows us to test our error handling code paths.
assert(purchaser.Purchase("existing item", "fake-card"), PurchaseError.CREDIT_CARD_FAILURE);

上述系统将以 OOP 语言实现,如下所示:


class Purchaser final {
    // Purchaser takes as input the credit card charger to use.
    Purchaser(CreditCardCharger* credit_card_charger) :
      credit_card_charger_(credit_card_charger) {}
    PurchaseError Purchase(std::string item_name, std::string credit_card) {
      /* ... */
      // Use the injected credit card charger when needed.
      credit_card_charger_->Charge(std::move(credit_card), /* amount */);
      /* ... */
    CreditCardCharger* credit_card_charger_;

// Abstract base class for concrete credit card chargers.
class CreditCardCharger {
    virtual bool Charge(std::string credit_card, int amount) = 0;

class RealCreditCardCharger : public CreditCardCharger {
    bool Charge(std::string credit_card, int amount) override {
      /* actually charge credit cards somehow */

class MockCreditCardCharger : public CreditCardCharger {
    // Mock implementation of CreditCardCharger::Charge that returns
    // a configurable error value and records the arguments of its
    // previous call.
    bool Charge(std::string credit_card, int amount) override {
      last_credit_card_ = std::move(credit_card);
      last_amount_ = amount;
      return return_value_;

    // Set the value that will be returned when calling Charge
    void SetReturnValue(bool return_value) { return_value_ = return_value; }

    // Get the parameters of the last call to Charge.
    const std::string& GetLastCreditCard() const { return last_credit_card_; }
    int GetLastAmount() const { return last_amount_; }
    size_t GetCallCount() const { return calls_; }

    bool return_value_ = true;
    size_t calls_ = 0;
    std::string last_credit_card_;
    int last_amount_ = 0;

// Production code
int main() {
  auto charger = std::make_unique<RealCreditCardCharger>();
  Purchaser purchaser(charger.get());
  // use purchaser in the program flow

  /* ... */

// Test code (assuming GoogleTest)
TEST(Purchaser, Success) {
  // Test that a purchase can succeed.
  // We expect that when a purchase is completed for an item costing
  // $100 that the CreditCardCharger is called with amount = 100.
  auto charger = std::make_unique<MockCreditCardCharger>();
  Purchaser purchaser(charger.get());
  EXPECT_EQ(PurchaseResult::OK, purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, charger->GetCallCount());
  EXPECT_EQ("1234567890", charger->GetLastCreditCard());
  EXPECT_EQ(100, charger->GetLastAmount());

TEST(Purchaser, ItemNotFound) {
  // Test that we do not actually try to charge a credit card if the item is not found.
  auto charger = std::make_unique<MockCreditCardCharger>();
  Purchaser purchaser(charger.get());
  EXPECT_EQ(PurchaseResult::ITEM_NOT_FOUND, purchaser.Purchase("Not found item", "1234567890"));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, charger->GetCallCount());

TEST(Purchaser, CardChargeFailure) {
  // Test that a purchase can fail.
  auto charger = std::make_unique<MockCreditCardCharger>();
  Purchaser purchaser(charger.get());
            purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, charger->GetCallCount());
  EXPECT_EQ("1234567890", charger->GetLastCreditCard());
  EXPECT_EQ(100, charger->GetLastAmount());


class Purchaser {
  final CreditCardCharger creditCardCharger;

  // Purchaser takes as input the credit card charger to use.
  Purchaser({required this.creditCardCharger});
  PurchaseError Purchase(String itemName, String creditCard) {
    /* ... */
    // Use the injected credit card charger when needed.
    creditCardCharger.Charge(creditCard, /* amount */);
    /* ... */

// Abstract base class for concrete credit card chargers.
abstract class CreditCardCharger {
  bool Charge(String creditCard, int amount);

class RealCreditCardCharger implements CreditCardCharger {
  bool Charge(String creditCard, int amount) {
    /* actually charge credit cards somehow */

class MockCreditCardCharger implements CreditCardCharger {
  bool _returnValue = true;
  int _calls = 0;
  String _lastCreditCard = '';
  int _lastAmount = 0;

  // Mock implementation of CreditCardCharger::Charge that returns
  // a configurable error value and records the arguments of its
  // previous call.
  bool Charge(String creditCard, int amount) {
    _lastCreditCard = creditCard;
    _lastAmount = amount;
    return _returnValue;

  // Set the value that will be returned when calling Charge
  void set returnValue(int v) {
    _returnValue = v;

  // Get the parameters of the last call to Charge.
  int get calls => _calls;
  String get lastCreditCard => _lastCreditCard;
  int get lastAmount => _lastAmount;

// Production code
void main() {
  final charger = RealCreditCardCharger();
  Purchaser purchaser(creditCardCharger: charger);
  // use purchaser in the program flow

  /* ... */

// Test code (assuming package:test)
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {
  group('Purchaser', () {
    test('succeeds', () {
      // Test that a purchase can succeed.
      // We expect that when a purchase is completed for an item costing
      // $100 that the CreditCardCharger is called with amount = 100.
      final charger = MockCreditCardCharger();
      final purchaser = Purchaser(creditCardCharger: charger);

      expect(purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.ok);
      expect(charger.calls, 1);
      expect(charger.lastCreditCard, "1234567890");
      expect(charger.amount, 100);

    test('fails when item is not found', () {
      // Test that we do not actually try to charge a credit card if the item is not found.
      final charger = MockCreditCardCharger();
      final purchaser = Purchaser(creditCardCharger: charger);

      expect(purchaser.Purchase("Not found item", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.itemNotFound);
      expect(charger.calls, 0);

    test('fails when card cannot be charged', () {
      // Test that a purchase can fail.
      final charger = MockCreditCardCharger();
      final purchaser = Purchaser(creditCardCharger: charger);

      charger.returnValue = false;
      expect(purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.creditCardFailure);
      expect(charger.calls, 1);
      expect(charger.lastCreditCard, "1234567890");
      expect(charger.amount, 100);


pub struct Purchaser {
  credit_card_charger: Box<dyn CreditCardCharger>,

impl Purchaser {
  // Purchaser takes as input the credit card charger to use.
  pub fn new(credit_card_charger: Box<dyn CreditCardCharger>) -> Self {
    Self { credit_card_charger }

  pub fn purchase(&mut self, item_name: String, credit_card: String) {
    /* ... */
    // Use the injected credit card charger when needed.
    self.credit_card_charger.charge(creditCard, /* amount */);
    /* ... */

  // For testing only, allow a Purchaser to be destroyed and converted
  // back to it CreditCardCharger.
  // Alternatively, we could take a non-owning reference to the dependency.
  pub fn to_charger(mut self) -> Box<dyn CreditCardCharger> {

// Trait implemented by concrete credit card chargers.
trait CreditCardCharger {
  fn charge(credit_card: String, amount: i32) -> bool;

struct RealCreditCardCharger {}

impl CreditCardCharger for RealCreditCardCharger {
  fn charge(&mut self, credit_card: String, amount: i32) -> bool {
    /* actually charge credit cards somehow */

// Mock implementation of CreditCardCharger that returns
// a configurable error value and records the arguments of its
// previous call.
pub struct MockCreditCardCharger {
  return_value: bool,
  calls: usize,
  last_credit_card: Option<String>,
  last_amount: Option<i32>,

impl MockCreditCardCharger {
  pub fn new() -> Self {
    Self {
      return_value: true,
      calls: 0,
      last_credit_card: None,
      last_amount: None,

  // Set the value that will be returned when calling charge
  pub fn set_return_value(&mut self, return_value: bool) {
    self.return_value = return_value;

  // Get the parameters of the last call to charge.

  pub fn get_last_credit_card<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str> {

  pub fn get_last_amount(&self) -> Option<i32> {

  pub fn get_calls(&self) -> usize {

impl CreditCardCharger for MockCreditCardCharger {
  fn charge(&mut self, credit_card: String, amount: i32) -> bool {
    self.calls += 1;
    self.last_credit_card = Some(credit_card);
    self.last_amount = Some(amount);

// Production code
fn main() {
  let mut purchaser = Purchaser::new(Box::new(RealCreditCardCharger::new()));
  // use purchaser in the program flow
  /* ... */

// Test code (assuming Rust tests)

mod tests {
  fn success() {
    // Test that a purchase can succeed.
    // We expect that when a purchase is completed for an item costing
    // $100 that the CreditCardCharger is called with amount = 100.
    let mut purchaser = Purchaser::new(Box::new(MockCreditCardCharger::new()));
    assert_eq!(purchaser.purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult::OK);
    let charger = purchaser.to_charger();
    assert_eq!(charger.get_calls(), 1);
    assert_eq!(charger.get_last_credit_card(), Some("1234567890"));
    assert_eq!(charger.get_last_amount, Some(100i32));

  fn item_not_found() {
    // Test that we do not actually try to charge a credit card if the item is not found.
    let mut purchaser = Purchaser::new(Box::new(MockCreditCardCharger::new()));
    assert_eq!(purchaser.purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.ok);
    let charger = purchaser.to_charger();

    assert_eq!(purchaser.purchase("Not found item", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult::ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
    let charger = purchaser.to_charger();
    assert_eq!(charger.get_calls(), 0);

  fn card_charge_fails() {
    // Test that a purchase can fail.

    let mut charger = Box::new(MockCreditCardCharger::new());
    let mut purchaser = Purchaser::new(charger);
    assert_eq!(purchaser.purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult::CREDIT_CARD_FAILURE);
    let charger = purchaser.to_charger();

    assert_eq!(charger.get_calls(), 1);
    assert_eq!(charger.get_last_credit_card(), Some("1234567890"));
    assert_eq!(charger.get_last_amount, Some(100i32));


class Purchaser {
  private CreditCardCharger creditCardCharger;

  // Purchaser takes as input the credit card charger to use.
  public Purchaser(CreditCardCharger creditCardCharger) {
    this.creditCardCharger = creditCardCharger;

  public PurchaseError Purchase(String itemName, String creditCard) {
    /* ... */
    // Use the injected credit card charger when needed.
    creditCardCharger.Charge(creditCard, /* amount */);
    /* ... */

// Interface for concrete credit card chargers.
interface CreditCardCharger {
  public boolean Charge(String creditCard, int amount);

class RealCreditCardCharger implements CreditCardCharger {
  boolean Charge(String creditCard, int amount) {
    /* actually charge credit cards somehow */

class MockCreditCardCharger implements CreditCardCharger {
  private boolean returnValue = true;
  private int calls = 0;
  private String lastCreditCard = '';
  private int lastAmount = 0;

  // Mock implementation of CreditCardCharger::Charge that returns
  // a configurable error value and records the arguments of its
  // previous call.
  public boolean Charge(String creditCard, int amount) {
    lastCreditCard = creditCard;
    lastAmount = amount;
    return returnValue;

  // Set the value that will be returned when calling Charge
  public void setReturnValue(int v) {
    returnValue = v;

  // Get the parameters of the last call to Charge.
  public int getCalls() { return calls; }
  public String getLastCreditCard() { return lastCreditCard; }
  public int getLastAmount() { return lastAmount; }

// Production code
void main() {
  CreditCardCharger charger = new RealCreditCardCharger();
  Purchaser purchaser = new Purchaser(charger);
  // use purchaser in the program flow

  /* ... */

// Test code (assuming JUnit)

public class PurchaserTest extends TestCase {
  protected MockCreditCardCharger charger;
  protected Purchaser purchaser;

  protected void setUp() {
    charger = new MockCreditCardCharger();
    purchaser = new Purchaser(charger);

  public void testPurchaseSucceeds() {
    // Test that a purchase can succeed.
    // We expect that when a purchase is completed for an item costing
    // $100 that the CreditCardCharger is called with amount = 100.
    assertEquals(purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.OK);
    assertEquals(charger.getCalls(), 1);
    assertEquals(charger.getLastCreditCard(), "1234567890");
    assertEquals(charger.getLastAmount(), 100);

  public void testItemNotFoundError() {
    // Test that we do not actually try to charge a credit card if the item is not found.

    assertEquals(purchaser.Purchase("Not found item", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.ITEM_NOT_FOUND);
    assertEquals(charger.getCalls(), 0);

  public void testCardChargeFailure() {
    // Test that a purchase can fail.

    charger.returnValue = false;
    assertEquals(purchaser.Purchase("Item costing $100", "1234567890"), PurchaseResult.CREDIT_CARD_FAILURE);
    assertEquals(charger.getCalls(), 1);
    assertEquals(charger.getLastCreditCard(), "1234567890");
    assertEquals(charger.getLastAmount(), 100);
