
Wrap a native cc_binary.

The resulting target can be used as a dep in fuchsia_component.


Name Description Default
name This target name. -
cc_binary The existing cc_binary's target name. -
bin_name The filename to place under bin/. Defaults to name. None
exact_cc_binary_deps The existing cc_binary's deps. This ALWAYS MUST BE
identical to cc_binary's deps to prevent runtime crashes.
We recommend factoring out cc_binary's deps and then referencing
them in cc_binary as well as fuchsia_wrap_cc_binary.
sdk_root_label Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia sdk repo. "@fuchsia_sdk"
clang_root_label Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia clang repo. "@fuchsia_clang"
package_clang_dist_files If True, the @fuchsia_clang//:dist files will be packaged. True
kwargs Arguments to forward to the fuchsia cc_binary wrapper. -