
Wrap a native cc_test.

The resulting target can be used as a dep in fuchsia_component.


Name Description Default
name This target name. -
cc_test The existing cc_test's target name. -
exact_cc_test_deps The existing cc_test's deps. This ALWAYS MUST BE
identical to cc_test's deps to prevent runtime crashes.
We recommend factoring out cc_test's deps and then referencing
them in cc_test as well as fuchsia_wrap_cc_test.
sdk_root_label Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia sdk repo. "@fuchsia_sdk"
clang_root_label Optionally override the root label of the fuchsia clang repo. "@fuchsia_clang"
googletest_root_label Optionally override the root label of the googletest repo. "@com_google_googletest"
death_unittest Whether this test is a gtest unittest that uses ASSERT_DEATH. False
tags Tags to set for all generated targets. []
kwargs Arguments to forward to the fuchsia cc_test wrapper. -