runs source formatters on modified files
Usage: fx format-code
[--dry-run] [--verbose] [--all]
[--files=FILES,[FILES ...]]
[--git] [--changed-lines] [-- PATTERN]
--dry-run Stops the program short of running the formatters
--all Formats all code in the git repo under the current working
--args Formats the configured build's ||
--files Allows the user to specify files. Files are comma separated.
Globs are dealt with by bash; fx format-code "--files=foo/*" will
work as expected.
--target Allows the user to specify a gn target. If the template for the
given target is defined in a .gni file, the files to format may
be forwarded to another target, and specifying the target may not
work. The workaround is to pass the target to which the files
are forwarded, instead. Specifically, as of January 2023, you
can only use this with rustc binary and library targets by
appending ".actual" to them.
--git The default; it uses `git diff` against the newest parent
commit in the upstream branch (or against HEAD if no such commit
is found). Files that are locally modified, staged or touched by
any commits introduced on the local branch are formatted.
Format changed lines only. Only supported on a subset of languages
(currently, just C++). Unsupported languages will continue to have
the entire file formatted. "Changes" are relative to the git
commit that would be used by "--git".
Formats all files in the background rather than waiting on each one
before starting the next.
WARNING: with this flag enabled, output from multiple formatters
may be interleaved, and format-code will exit with status 0 even
if some formatters failed.
--verbose Print all formatting commands prior to execution.
For --all or --git, passes along -- PATTERN to `git ls-files`
to filter what files are affected. For example, to format all
rust source files use `fx format-code --all -- "*.rs"`
Supported Languages: C, C++, cml, Dart, FIDL, GN, Go, Python, Rust, JSON