
symbolizer [<options>]

  Parses log from stdin and converts symbolizer markups into human readable
  stack traces using local or remote debug symbols.


      Show the opt-in/out status for collection of analytics and what we collect when opt-in.

      Enable or disable collection of analytics:
      --analytics=enable           Enable collection of analytics and save the
                                   status in a configuration file.
      --analytics=disable          Disable collection of analytics and save the
                                   status in a configuration file.

  --auth \[deprecated]
      Starts the authentication process for symbol servers.

      Adds the given directory to the symbol search path. Multiple
      --build-id-dir switches can be passed to add multiple directories.
      The directory must have the same structure as a .build-id directory,
      that is, each symbol file lives at xx/yyyyyyyy.debug where xx is
      the first two characters of the build ID and yyyyyyyy is the rest.
      However, the name of the directory doesn't need to be .build-id.

      Write the dumpfile output to the given file.

      Prints this help.

      Adds the given file to the symbol search path. Multiple --ids-txt
      switches can be passed to add multiple files. The file, typically named
      "ids.txt", serves as a mapping from build ID to symbol file path and
      should contain multiple lines in the format of "<build ID> <file path>".

      Omit the "\[\[\[ELF module ...]]]" lines from the output.

      Try to prettify backtraces.

      Directory where we can keep a symbol cache, which defaults to
      ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-cache. If a symbol server has been specified,
      downloaded symbols will be stored in this directory. The directory
      structure will be the same as a .build-id directory, and symbols will
      be read from this location as though you had specified

      Populates --ids-txt and --build-id-dir using the given symbol-index file,
      which defaults to ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index. The file should be
      created and maintained by the "symbol-index" host tool.

  -s <path>
      Adds the given directory or file to the symbol search path. Multiple
      -s switches can be passed to add multiple locations. When a directory
      path is passed, the directory will be enumerated non-recursively to
      index all ELF files. When a file is passed, it will be loaded as an ELF
      file (if possible).

      Adds the given URL to symbol servers. Symbol servers host the debug
      symbols for prebuilt binaries and dynamic libraries.

      Prints the version.