
Usage: gen-android-starnix-container --name <name> --outdir <outdir> --base <base> --system <system> [--vendor <vendor>] [--hal <hal...>] [--depfile <depfile>] [--fstab <fstab>] [--init <init...>] [--skip-subpackages]

Construct a starnix container that can include an Android system and HALs.


  --name            name of the starnix container.
  --outdir          directory to place outputs into.
  --base            path to package archive containing additional resources to
  --system          path to an Android system image.
  --vendor          path to an Android vendor partition image.
  --hal             path to hal package archive.
  --depfile         path to a depfile to write.
  --fstab           path to fstab, will go in /odm which overrides the one in
  --init            path to extra init scripts, will go in /odm/etc/init. Can be
                    passed more than once.
                    whether to skip including HALs as subpackages.
  --help            display usage information