start fuchsia in qemu with a FVM disk
start fuchsia in qemu with a FVM disk
usage: fx qemu [-z <zbi_image>] [--uefi <image>] [--archive <tgt>]
-z <zbi_image> use <zbi_image> instead of the default (- for none)
-t <boot_shim> use <boot_shim> instead of the default
--uefi <image> Boot through UEFI and do so with the supplied UEFI filesystem or disk
image. Mutually exclusive with '-z' and '-t'.
--archive <tgt> Don't actually run QEMU. Instead, create a compressed tarball archive
named "<tgt>.tgz" which contains all of the images needed to run QEMU.
When generating an archive, either two or three files are typically included in the
archive. They are:
1) qemu-boot-shim.bin
This file is the image to be loaded into RAM and jumped to. When using QEMU,
pass this file to the VM instance using the -kernel option.
2) fuchsia-ssh.zbi
This file is the image to be used as the initial ramdisk for the VM. When using QEMU,
pass this file to the VM instance using the -initrd option.
3) raw.blk
This file is the initial raw image of the block device for the VM. It is
not present in a "bringup" build configuration, but should be present for
"core" builds and beyond. When using QEMU, this file is provided to the
VM using the --drive option, but needs to be manifested in the machine as
a device using --device options in order for it to be available for the OS
to mount. An example of these flags might looks something like this:
-drive file=<path_to_fvm_raw.zbi>,format=raw,if=none,id=mydisk
-device ich9-ahci,id=ahci
-device ide-hd,drive=mydisk,bus=ahci.0
This command delegates to //zircon/scripts/run-zircon. Other flags are
documented in that script, and can be discovered by passing -h or --help.