Build fx subcommands

Command Description
args manually edit for the current build directory
bazel Run experimental Bazel build for Fuchsia platform tree
bazel-tool Run the bazel-tool script in the Fuchsia Bazel workspace.
build Run Ninja to build Fuchsia
clean clean the current Fuchsia build artifacts
clean-build Clean the build directory and then perform a full build
cleandead Delete stale generated files in the build output directory.
cleandead-build Delete stale generated files and then perform a full build.
cmc Component manifest compiler
fargo Fargo is a prototype Fuchsia-specific wrapper around Cargo
fetch-build-artifacts TODO( under construction.
gen run gn gen against the Fuchsia build directories.
get-build-dir print the current fuchsia build directory
get-src-dir print the Fuchsia source directory (checkout root, aka "//")
get-workspace-dir print the Bazel workspace directory
gn meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja
go Manage Go source code
jq5 Extends the functionality of jq to json5 objects.
list-boards list boards available for building
list-products list products available for building
ninja directly run the build system. Don't use for regular workflows.
ninjatrace2json Collect Ninja trace information for analysis in chrome://tracing
rbe check remote build configuration
repro Locally replicate the result of infra builds and tests
run-in-build-dir Run the given command at the root of the current build directory
self-build build the minimal host dependencies to run fx main workflows
set set up a build directory
set-build-dir set the default build directory used by other fx commands
set-main-pb set which product bundle to build in a multi-product environment
use re-use a previous build directory set up by fx set
add-host-test add a GN label to and regen
add-test add a GN label to and regen
build-main-pb build the current default product bundle
check-deps checks dependency graph in areas
get-main-pb-path get the output path to the provided product bundle
list-packages List which packages are built.
ls-buildid Find binaries among build directories, the checkout, and cloud storage
symbol-index (deprecated) manipulate the symbol-index file
validate-sdk Attempt to build a few known SDK-based OOT repos based on a core SDK