Software delivery fx subcommands

Command Description
add-update-source register a repository package server as a device's update source
is-package-server-running check if the package server is running
mkzedboot make a zedboot USB key
mkzedboot-remote make a zedboot USB key
netboot run bootserver for netbooting
ota perform a system OTA on a connected device
serve start the update server and attach to a running fuchsia device
update DEPRECATED! deprecated alias for fx ota
update-if-in-base check if packages are in base and update the device if needed
force-ota-from-devhost force an Over The Air system update from devhost (reboots!)
gc garbage collect packages on the target (reboots!)
mkinstaller make a Fuchsia installer image
mkinstaller-remote make a Fuchsia installer image from a remote build host
publish publish a set of packages
remove-update-source unregister a repository package server as a device's update source
show-package lists package contents
unarchive-package unarchive a Fuchsia package archive in FAR format