fx rbe auth [options...]
Verify authentication to RBE services through reclient and bazel.
-f,--force: Always request a fresh authentication token.
All other unknown options are forwarded to 'gcloud auth login'.
Testing tips:
To revoke gcloud credentials: gcloud auth revoke
To revoke LOAS credentials: loas_destroy
fx rbe check_loas [options...]
For Google FTEs only.
Reports the type of LOAS certificate as "restricted" or "unrestricted".
-f,--force: re-evaluate LOAS certificate type and update the
cache file, instead of just taking the cached result.
Use `fx-command-run rbe _check_loas_type` inside other fx scripts.
fx rbe cleanlogs
Clean up reproxy log dirs (from using fuchsia-reproxy-wrap.sh).
fx rbe ensure_loas
Checks for valid LOAS credentials, and runs gcert if needed.
fx rbe ensure_oauth
Checks for valid OAuth token, and runs gcloud auth if needed.
fx rbe last_logdir
Prints the path to the most recent RBE log dir corresponding to the
current build output dir. If none exists, print nothing.
fx rbe preflight
Ensure credentials for using remote build services is valid,
and prompt the user to re-auth if deemed necessary.