
Audio hardware codec driver control. Used to control and get information from an audio hardware codec driver via the FIDL codec interface. See audio-driver-ctl to play, record, and configure audio streams.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] f[ormats]

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] r[eset]

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] d[ai] <number_of_channels>
    <channels_to_use_bitmask> pdm|upcm|spcm|fpcm none|i2s|left-stereo|right-stereo|1tdm|2tdm|3tdm
    <frame_rate> <bits_per_slot> <bits_per_sample>

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] start

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] stop

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] p[lug_state]

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] e[elements]

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] t[opologies]

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] w[atch] <id>

  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] set <id> [start|stop] [bypass] [gain <gain>]
    [vendor <hex> <hex> ...]

  audio-codec-ctl [-h|--help]


Audio hardware codec driver control on <device> (full path specified e.g. /dev/class/codec/123 or only the devfs node name specified e.g. 123) or unspecified (picks the first device in /dev/class/codec). Only one command can be specified per invocation.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] f[ormats]

Retrieves the DAI formats supported by the codec.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] i[nfo]

Retrieves textual information about the codec.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] c[apabilities_plug_detect]

Retrieves Plug Detect Capabilities.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] r[eset]

Resets the codec.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] d[ai] <number_of_channels>
    <channels_to_use_bitmask> pdm|upcm|spcm|fpcm none|i2s|left-stereo|right-stereo|1tdm|2tdm|3tdm
    <frame_rate> <bits_per_slot> <bits_per_sample>

Sets the DAI format to be used in the codec interface.

<number_of_channels>: Number of channels.

<channels_to_use_bitmask>: Sets which channels are active via a bitmask. The least significant bit corresponds to channel index 0.

pdm: Pulse Density Modulation samples.

upcm: Signed Linear Pulse Code Modulation samples at the host endianness.

spcm: Unsigned Linear Pulse Code Modulation samples at the host endianness.

fpcm: Floating point samples IEEE-754 encoded.

none: No frame format as in samples without a frame sync like PDM.

i2s: Format as specified in the I2S specification.

left-stereo: Left justified, 2 channels.

right-stereo: Right justified, 2 channels.

1tdm: Left justified, variable number of channels, data starts at frame sync changes from low to high clocked out at the rising edge of sclk. The frame sync must stay high for exactly 1 clock cycle.

2tdm: Left justified, variable number of channels, data starts one clock cycle after the frame sync changes from low to high clocked out at the rising edge of sclk. The frame sync must stay high for exactly 1 clock cycle.

3tdm: Left justified, variable number of channels, data starts two clock cycles after the frame sync changes from low to high clocked out at the rising edge of sclk. The frame sync must stay high for exactly 1 clock cycle.

<frame_rate>: The frame rate for all samples.

<bits_per_slot>: The bits per slot for all channels.

<bits_per_sample>: The bits per sample for all samples. Must be smaller than bits per channel for samples to fit.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] start

Start/Re-start the codec operation.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] stop

Stops the codec operation.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] p[lug_state]

Get the plug detect state.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] e[lements]

Returns a vector of supported processing elements.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] t[opologies]

Returns a vector of supported topologies.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] w[atch] <id>

Get a processing element state.


  audio-codec-ctl [-d|--device <device>] set <id> [start|stop] [bypass] [gain <gain>]
    [vendor <hex> <hex> ...]

Controls a processing element.

<id>: Processing element id.

start: Process element started state.

stop: Process element stopped state.

bypass: Process element bypassed state.

<gain>: Current gain in GainType format reported in the supported processing elements vector.

<hex>: Vendor specific raw byte to feed to the processing element in hex format.


Retrieves the DAI formats supported

$ audio-codec-ctl f
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
[ fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiSupportedFormats{ number_of_channels = [ 2, 4, ], sample_formats = [ fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiSampleFormat::kPcmSigned, ], frame_formats = [ fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormat::frame_format_standard(fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormatStandard::kI2S), fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormat::frame_format_standard(fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormatStandard::kTdm1), ], frame_rates = [ 48000, 96000, ], bits_per_slot = [ 16, 32, ], bits_per_sample = [ 16, 32, ], }, ]

Retrieves textual information

$ audio-codec-ctl i
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
fuchsia_hardware_audio::CodecInfo{ unique_id = "", manufacturer = "Texas Instruments", product_name = "TAS5825m", }

Retrieves Plug Detect Capabilities

$ audio-codec-ctl c
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706

Returns whether the codec is bridgeable

$ audio-codec-ctl b
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
Is bridgeable: false

Resets the codec

$ audio-codec-ctl r
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
Reset done

Sets a codec's bridged mode

$ audio-codec-ctl -m true
Setting bridged mode to: true
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706

Sets the DAI format to be used in the codec interface

$ audio-codec-ctl d 2 1 s i 48000 16 32
Setting DAI format:
fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFormat{ number_of_channels = 2, channels_to_use_bitmask = 1, sample_format = fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiSampleFormat::kPcmSigned, frame_format = fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormat::frame_format_standard(fuchsia_hardware_audio::DaiFrameFormatStandard::kI2S), frame_rate = 48000, bits_per_slot = 16, bits_per_sample = 32, }
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706

Start/Re-start the codec operation

$ audio-codec-ctl start
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
Start done

Stops the codec operation

$ audio-codec-ctl stop
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
Stop done

Get the plug detect state

$ audio-codec-ctl p
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
fuchsia_hardware_audio::PlugState{ plugged = true, plug_state_time = 1167863520, }

Get the supported processing elements

$ audio-codec-ctl e
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
[ fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::Element{ id = 1, type = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::ElementType::kGain, type_specific = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::TypeSpecificElement::gain(fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::Gain{ type = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::GainType::kDecibels, min_gain = -63.5, max_gain = 0, min_gain_step = 0.5, }), }, fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::Element{ id = 2, type = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::ElementType::kMute, }, ]

Get the supported topologies

$ audio-codec-ctl t
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
[ fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::Topology{ id = 1, processing_elements_edge_pairs = [ fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::EdgePair{ processing_element_id_from = 1, processing_element_id_to = 2, }, fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::EdgePair{ processing_element_id_from = 2, processing_element_id_to = 3, }, ], }, ]

Get a processing element state

$ audio-codec-ctl w 1
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::ElementState{ type_specific = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::TypeSpecificElementState::gain(fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::GainElementState{ gain = 0, }), started = true, }

Controls a processing element

$ audio-codec-ctl set 1 start gain 1.23 vendor 0x12 0x98
Setting element state:
fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::SignalProcessingSetElementStateRequest{ processing_element_id = 1, state = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::ElementState{ type_specific = fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::TypeSpecificElementState::gain(fuchsia_hardware_audio_signalprocessing::GainElementState{ gain = 1.23, }), started = true, vendor_specific_data = [ 18, 152, ], }, }
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706

Specify device

$ audio-codec-ctl -d 706 p
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
fuchsia_hardware_audio::PlugState{ plugged = true, plug_state_time = 1167863520, }
$ audio-codec-ctl -d 123 p
Executing on device /dev/class/codec/123
watch plug state failed: FIDL operation failed due to peer closed, status: ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED (-24)
$ audio-codec-ctl -d /dev/class/codec/706 p
Executing on device: /dev/class/codec/706
fuchsia_hardware_audio::PlugState{ plugged = true, plug_state_time = 1167863520, }

Source code

Source code for audio-codec-ctl: //src/media/audio/tools/audio-codec-ctl/