fx qemu-cipd-ensure
產生 CIPD 檔案以下載目前的 QEMU 套件。
Usage: fx qemu-cipd-ensure
This looks at the current jiri checkout to find the QEMU package version
to use. Then it generates CIPD files that you can copy over to any
machine and use to get the QEMU package installed locally there. This
works even if build host where you run this script and the place you use
the output are different OS or machine types.
The files `qemu-cipd.ensure` and `qemu-cipd.versions` will be generated
in the current build directory. Comments in `qemu-cipd.ensure` explain
how to use these files. It should work on any machine connected to the
Internet with no prior setup.
qemu-cipd-ensure 原始碼
除非另有註明,否則本頁面中的內容是採用創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 授權,程式碼範例則為阿帕契 2.0 授權。詳情請參閱《Google Developers 網站政策》。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其關聯企業的註冊商標。
上次更新時間:2024-08-22 (世界標準時間)。
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "missingTheInformationINeed",
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps",
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "outOfDate",
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "translationIssue",
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "samplesCodeIssue",
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "otherDown",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "easyToUnderstand",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "solvedMyProblem",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "otherUp",
{"lastModified": "\u4e0a\u6b21\u66f4\u65b0\u6642\u9593\uff1a2024-08-22 (\u4e16\u754c\u6a19\u6e96\u6642\u9593)\u3002"}