外匯 Repro


This command attempts to replicate the result of an infra builder by reading
build information and translating to corresponding local 'fx' commands.

usage: fx repro [-h|--help] <BUILD_ID>|<BUILD_URL>|<FINT_PARAMS_FILE>

 BUILD_ID: the id of a build, prefixed or not by "b". For example:
      b8860637037546448224 or 8860637037546448224

 BUILD_URL: the URL you are redirected to when you click on a box in the
      "Tryjob" section of a Gerrit CL. For example:

 FINT_PARAMS_FILE: a local path to a fint params file, usually a *.textproto file
      in //integration/infra/config/generated/*/fint_params/. For example:

Please provide feedback on go/fx-repro-feedback

repro 原始碼