usage: bootserver [ <option> ]* [<zbi>] -- [ <kerneloption> ]* ]
-1 only boot once, then exit
-a only boot device with this IPv6 address
-b <sz> tftp block size (default=1428, ignored with --netboot)
-i <NN> number of microseconds between packets
set between 50-500 to deal with poor bootloader network stacks (default=20)
(ignored with --tftp)
-n only boot device with this nodename
-w <sz> tftp window size (default=128, ignored with --netboot)
--board_name <name> name of the board files are meant for
--boot <file> use the supplied file as a kernel
--fvm <file> use the supplied file as a sparse FVM image (up to 4 times)
--fxfs <file> use the supplied file as an Fxfs image
--bootloader <file> use the supplied file as a BOOTLOADER image
--firmware <file> use the supplied file as a FIRMWARE image of default type
--firmware-<type> <file> use the supplied file as a FIRMWARE image of the given type
--zircona <file> use the supplied file as a ZIRCON-A ZBI
--zirconb <file> use the supplied file as a ZIRCON-B ZBI
--zirconr <file> use the supplied file as a ZIRCON-R ZBI
--vbmetaa <file> use the supplied file as a AVB vbmeta_a image
--vbmetab <file> use the supplied file as a AVB vbmeta_b image
--vbmetar <file> use the supplied file as a AVB vbmeta_r image
--authorized-keys <file> use the supplied file as an authorized_keys file
--init-partition-tables <path> initialize block device specified with partition tables
--wipe-partition-tables <path> wipe partition tables from block device specified
--fail-fast exit on first error
--netboot use the netboot protocol
--tftp use the tftp protocol (default)
--nocolor disable ANSI color (false)
--allow-zedboot-version-mismatch warn on zedboot version mismatch rather than fail
--fail-fast-if-version-mismatch error if zedboot version does not match
--no-bind do not bind to bootserver port. Should be used with -a <IPV6>
--reuseport allow other programs to bind the listen port