
fidlcat [ <options> ] [ command [args] ]

  fidlcat will run the specified command until it exits.  It will intercept and
  record all fidl calls invoked by the process.  The command may be of the form
  "run <component URL>", in which case the given component will be launched.

  fidlcat will return the code 1 if its parameters are invalid.

  fidlcat expects a debug agent to be running on the target device.  It will
  return the code 2 if it cannot connect to the debug agent.


      Show the opt-in/out status for collection of analytics and what we collect when opt-in.

      Enable or disable collection of analytics:
      --analytics=enable           Enable collection of analytics and save the
                                   status in a configuration file.
      --analytics=disable          Disable collection of analytics and save the
                                   status in a configuration file.

      Adds the given directory to the symbol search path. Multiple
      --build-id-dir switches can be passed to add multiple directories.
      The directory must have the same structure as a .build-id directory,
      that is, each symbol file lives at xx/yyyyyyyy.debug where xx is
      the first two characters of the build ID and yyyyyyyy is the rest.
      However, the name of the directory doesn't need to be .build-id.

      For pretty print, use colors:
      - never
      - auto: only if running in a terminal (default value)
      - always

      For pretty print, width of the display. By default, on a terminal, use
      the terminal width.

      Compare output with the one stored in the given file

      The host and port of the debug agent running on the target Fuchsia
      instance, of the form \[<ipv6_addr>]:port.

      Always display the message binary dump even if we can decode the message.
      By default the dump is only displayed if we can't decode the message.

      A regular expression which selects the messages to not display.
      If a message method name satisfy the regexp, the message is not displayed
      (even if it satifies --messages).
      This option can be specified multiple times.
      Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.

      A regular expression which selects the syscalls to not decode and display.
      Can be passed multiple times.
      To be displayed, a syscall must verify --syscalls and not verify
      To display all the syscalls but the zx_handle syscalls, use:
        --syscalls=".*" --exclude-syscalls="zx_handle_.*"

      Like "--remote-component" but for these components, monitoring starts only
      when one of the "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" is launched. Also,
      fidlcat stops when the last "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" stops,
      even if some "--extra-component" are still running. You must specify at
      least one filter with "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" if you use
      this option.

      Like "--remote-name" but for these processes, monitoring starts only when
      one of the "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" is launched. Also,
      fidlcat stops when the last "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" stops,
      even if some "--extra-name" processes are still running. You must specify
      at least one filter with "--remote-name" or "--remote-component" if you
      use this option.

      Adds the given path as a repository for FIDL IR, in the form of .fidl.json
      files.  Passing a file adds the given file.  Passing a directory adds all
      of the .fidl.json files in that directory and any directory transitively
      reachable from there. An argfile contains a newline-separated list of
      .fidl.json files relative to the directory containing the argfile; passing
      an argfile (starting with the "@" character) adds all files listed in that
      argfile.  This switch can be passed multiple times to add multiple

      This option must be used at most once.
      The output format can be:
      --format=pretty    The session is pretty printed (with colors).
                         This is the default output is --with is not used.
      --format=json      The session is printed using a json format.
      --format=textproto The session is printed using a text protobuf format.
      --format=none      Nothing is displayed on the standard output (this
                         option only makes sense when used with --to=<path> or
                         with --with). When there is no output, fidlcat is much
                         faster (this is better when you want to monitor real
                         time components). This is the default output is
                         --with is used.

      This option must be used at most once.
      Source can be:
      --from=device This is the default input. The input comes from the live
                    monitoring of one or several processes. At least one of
                    "--remote-pid", "--remote-name", "--component-url",
                    "--component-moniker", or "run" must be specified.
      --from=dump   The input comes from stdin which is the log output of one or
                    several programs. The lines in the log which dump syscalls
                    are decoded and replaced by the decoded version. All other
                    lines are unchanged.
      --from=<path> The input comes from a previously recorded session (protobuf
                    format). Path gives the name of the file to read. If path is
                    "-" then the standard input is used.

      Prints all command-line switches.

      Adds the given file to the symbol search path. Multiple --ids-txt
      switches can be passed to add multiple files. The file, typically named
      "ids.txt", serves as a mapping from build ID to symbol file path and
      should contain multiple lines in the format of "<build ID> <file path>".

      The name of a file to which the log should be written.

      A regular expression which selects the messages to display.
      To display a message, the method name must satisfy the regexp.
      This option can be specified multiple times.
      Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.

      Adds the given URL to symbol servers. Symbol servers host the debug
      symbols for prebuilt binaries and dynamic libraries. Public servers
      perform no authentication. Use --symbol-servers to specify private symbol
      servers using supported authentication schemes.

  --quiet=<number or log level>
      The log verbosity.  Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
      or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with lower levels.

  -c <url|moniker>
      The URL or the moniker of a component for which we want to monitor.
      All processes running in the component will be monitered.
      Can be provided multiple times for multiple components.

  -f <name>
      The name of a process. Fidlcat will monitor all existing and future
      processes whose names includes <name> (<name> is a substring of the
      process name). Can be provided multiple times for multiple names.
      For example:
          --remote-name echo_server
          --remote-name echo_client

      The koid of the remote process. Can be passed multiple times.

      The amount of stack frame to display:
      - 0: no stack (default value)
      - 1: call site (1 to 4 levels)
      - 2: full stack frame (adds some overhead)

      Don't quit fidlcat when all the monitored processes have ended. This
      allows to keep monitoring upcoming process. At the end you have to use
      control-c to quit fidlcat. This is useful when you monitor a process and
      restart this process.

      Directory where we can keep a symbol cache. If a symbol server has been
      specified, downloaded symbols will be stored in this directory. The
      directory structure will be the same as a .build-id directory, and
      symbols will be read from this location as though you had specified

      Populates --ids-txt and --build-id-dir using the given symbol-index file,
      which defaults to ~/.fuchsia/debug/symbol-index. The file should be
      created and maintained by the "symbol-index" host tool.

  -s <path>
      Adds the given directory or file to the symbol search path. Multiple
      -s switches can be passed to add multiple locations. When a directory
      path is passed, the directory will be enumerated non-recursively to
      index all ELF files. When a file is passed, it will be loaded as an ELF
      file (if possible).

      Adds the given URL to symbol servers. Symbol servers host the debug
      symbols for prebuilt binaries and dynamic libraries. All URLs passed using
      this flag will need to correctly authenticate. Failure to authenticate
      will result in an unusable server. For public servers, use
      --public-symbol-server or set DEBUGINFOD_URLS in your environment.

      A regular expression which selects the syscalls to decode and display.
      Can be passed multiple times.
      By default, only zx_channel_.* syscalls are displayed.
      To display all the syscalls, use: --syscalls=".*"

      Only display the events for the specified thread.
      This option can be specified multiple times to display several threads.
      By default all the events are displayed.

      Save the session using protobuf in the specified file. All events are
      saved including the messages which have been filtered out by --messages
      or --exclude-messages.

      Start displaying messages and syscalls only when a message for which the
      method name satisfies the filter is found.
      This option can be specified multiple times.
      Message filtering works on the method's fully qualified name.

      Attempts to connect to a debug_agent through a unix socket.

  --verbose=<number or log level>
      The log verbosity.  Legal values are "info", "warning", "error", "fatal",
      or a number, starting from 0. Extra verbosity comes with higher levels

      Prints the version.

      Display the process name, process id and thread id on each line.

These options can be used several times.
      At the end of the session, a summary of the session is displayed on the
      standard output.
      Like --with=summary but the result is stored into the file specified by
      At the end of the session, generate a view that groups the output by
      process, protocol, and method. The groups are sorted by number of events,
      so groups with more associated events are listed earlier.
      Like --with=top but the result is stored into the file specified by
      Like For each thread, display a short version of all the events.
      Like --with=group-by-thread but the result is stored into the file
      specified by <path>.