RFC-0238: VMO size

RFC-0238: VMO size
  • Kernel

Defines the size and stream size of a VMO.

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2024-01-10
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2024-01-10


Previously, Zircon associated two different sizes with each VMO: the size of the VMO, at page granularity, and the content size of the VMO, at byte granularity. This RFC rationalizes the handling of these two sizes in the Zircon system interface.


The VMO-related parts of the Zircon system interface are inconsistent in their handling of the VMO size and content size. This inconsistency is a product of how these interfaces evolved. At various points in time, we attempted to express the size of each VMO at byte granularity, at page granularity, and, prior to this RFC, at both byte and page granularity. This inconsistency makes it difficult to evolve the Zircon system interface, for example to add more sophisticated paging interfaces.


Who has a stake in whether this RFC is accepted? (This section is optional but encouraged.)


  • hjfreyer@google.com


  • cpu@google.com
  • csuter@google.com
  • jamesr@google.com
  • rashaeqbal@google.com


  • adanis@google.com
  • dworsham@google.com
  • sagebarreda@google.com


The proposal in this RFC emerged from a series of discussions between the local storage, the virtual memory manager, and the architecture teams. After considering a wide range of approaches, this group decided to propose some fairly modest changes to the Zircon system interface, described below.


  • The system MUST continue to function after making these changes. For example, files MUST have byte granularity lengths because vast amounts of code depends on having file lengths at byte granularity.
  • The design MUST be efficient to implement in the kernel and in hardware. For example, memory mappings MUST be at page granularity because that is what hardware supports.
  • The design SHOULD minimize the changes to any public interfaces, either to the kernel or to SDK libraries. For example, FDIO has a public interface that converts a VMO into a file descriptor without any additional contextual information, which SHOULD be preserved. However, small changes to public interfaces are permissible if migrating clients is tractible.
  • The design SHOULD be as simple as possible. The virtual memory manager is already a significant source of complexity in the system. We need to be cautious whenever we add more complexity to this part of the system.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119.


Conceptually, a VMO is a sparse collection of pages of memory. VMOs are used for many purposes throughout the system, including storing and sharing data, which exists at byte-granularity. There are various types of VMOs, depending on the kind of memory stored in the VMO. For example, a VMO might contain virtual memory that is backed by a pager or physical memory, which has a more concrete relationship to hardware resources.

VMOs have a size, which represents the maximum amount of memory that can be stored in the VMO. This size is always an even multiple of the page size because VMOs store data at page granularity. Clients can learn the size of a VMO using the zx_vmo_get_size function. If the VMO was created with the ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE option, clients can change the size of the VMO with the zx_vmo_set_size function, assuming they have a handle with ZX_RIGHT_RESIZE. The vast majority of VMO operations interact with this size.

VMOs also have a stream size, which represents the number of bytes in the data stream stored within the VMO, if any. The stream size is initialized when the VMO is created, typically based on an argument to the function that creates the VMO, and is not necessarily an even multiple of the page size. The stream size is never larger than the VMO size because the data stream stored within the VMO cannot be larger than the maximum amount of memory that can be stored in the VMO. Clients can learn the stream size of a VMO using the zx_vmo_get_steam_size function. If the VMO is suitable for storing data streams, clients can change the stream size of the VMO with the zx_vmo_set_stream_size function, assuming they have a handle with ZX_RIGHT_WRITE. The zx_vmo_set_size function does not modify the stream size, other than to enforce the invariant that the stream size is never larger than the size of the VMO itself. Typically, clients interact with the stream size using the zx_stream_* functions on a stream object associated with the VMO. The stream size is shared between all stream objects associated with the same VMO.


When a client creates a VMO with zx_vmo_create, the size argument is used to initialize both the size and the stream size of the VMO. The size of the VMO is initialized to the size rounded up to the nearest page boundary. The stream size of the VMO is initialized to the size without any rounding.

This RFC introduces the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED option for zx_vmo_create and zx_pager_create_vmo for creating a VMO with a large size. If the client supplies this option, the size of the VMO is initialized to the maximum possible value instead of being initialized based on the size argument. The ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED option is useful for situations in which the size of the VMO does not serve a useful purpose, such as for VMOs used by pager-backed file systems and for VMOs that back the C runtime heap. For this reason, the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED cannot be used with the ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE option.


This RFC introduces the ZX_VM_FAULT_BEYOND_STREAM_SIZE option for zx_vmar_map. If the client supplies this option, memory accesses to the mapping beyond the last page containing the data stream within the VMO will fault. The mapping can still be used to read and write memory outside the data stream, but only up to the next page boundary because memory mappings exist at page granularity. When a VMO with these kinds of mappings is resized, Zircon will remove the page table entries for pages beyond the data stream so that future accesses to those pages will generate faults.

The ZX_VM_FAULT_BEYOND_STREAM_SIZE option is useful for implementing mmap semantics that match other POSIX-like operating systems (e.g., Linux and OpenBSD). In those operating systems, memory accesses beyond the last page that overlaps the content of a memory-mapped file generate faults.

Dirty ranges

A future RFC for zx_pager_query_dirty_ranges will likely add an option to support querying dirty ranges in the data stream of the VMO, as opposed to the current default of querying dirty ranges in the entire VMO.


This RFC deprecates ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE. Clients should use zx_vmo_get_stream_size and zx_vmo_set_stream_size instead. Zircon will retain legacy compatibility for ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE for the foreseeable future. However, in addition to ZX_RIGHT_GET_PROPERTY and ZX_RIGHT_SET_PROPERTY, getting and setting ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE, will require the same rights as zx_vmo_get_stream_size and zx_vmo_set_stream_size, respectively (i.e., ZX_RIGHT_WRITE for setting ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE).


This section describes the detailed changes to each Zircon syscall.


As today, The size of the VMO is initialized to the size rounded up to the nearest page boundary. The stream size of the VMO is initialized to the size without any rounding.

If the client supplies the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED option, this operation creates a VMO whose size is initialized to the maximum possible value.

If the client supplies both the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED and the ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE options, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.


No changes. However, this operation can return potentially surprising results if the VMO contains modifications beyond the data stream. In a future RFC, we expect to add an option to zx_pager_query_dirty_ranges to restrict the query to the data stream.


If the vmo argument refers to a VMO object created with zx_vmo_create_contiguous or vmo_create_physical, this operation returns ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE.


If this operation attempts to write beyond the end of the data stream, this operation will increase the size of the data stream, analogously to how zx_vmo_set_stream_size changes the size of the data stream. If the data stream cannot be increased, for example because the new stream size would exceed the size of the VMO, then the resize operation fails. The documentation for zx_stream_writev defines precisely how this situation is handled, but, roughly, the writev operation succeeds with a partial write if the operation was able to write any data into the VMO and propagates the error otherwise.

These semantics are different from the previous semantics for this operation. Prior to this RFC, the zx_stream_writev would attempt to change the size of the VMO if the desired stream size would exceed the size of the VMO. After this RFC, the size of the VMO is never changed by stream operations.


As today, The size of the VMO is initialized to the size rounded up to the nearest page boundary. The stream size of the VMO is initialized to the size without any rounding.

If the client supplies the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED option, this operation creates a VMO whose size is initialized to the maximum possible value.

If the client supplies both the ZX_VMO_UNBOUNDED and the ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE options, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.


The changes to this operation are specific to the mode:

  • ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT - If the size is not a multiple of page size, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS. Previously, this operation supported non-aligned size values, but that behavior was potentially dangerous because the child VMO actually has access to a integral number of pages from the parent VMO.

    The size and the stream size of the child VMO are both initialized to the size argument. The stream size of the child can be changed independently from that of the parent.


  • ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE - Similar behavior as with ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT.

  • ZX_VMO_CHILD_REFERENCE - The stream size of the child is initialized to the stream size of the parent.


If the size is not a multiple of page size, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.

The size of the VMO is initialized to size.

The stream size of the VMO is initialized to zero and cannot be modified.


If the size is not a multiple of page size, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.

The size of the VMO is initialized to size.

The stream size of the VMO is initialized to zero and cannot be modified.


No changes.


If the size argument is not a multiple of page size, this operation returns ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS.

Overwrites the size of the VMO to the size argument and zeros (i.e., discards) any pages beyond this point. If the stream size is greater than the new VMO size, truncates the stream size to match the new VMO size.

This behavior differs from the previous behavior of this operation, which could be used to increase the content size of the VMO. To increase the stream size beyond the current size if the VMO, first increase the size of the VMO with zx_vmo_set_size and then increase the stream size with zx_vmo_set_stream_size.


Returns the stream size of the VMO.


If the size argument is greater than the size of the VMO, this operation returns ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.

Overwrites the stream size of the VMO to the size argument and zeroes from the smaller of size and the previous stream size to the end of the VMO. This differs from the previous behavior of setting the content size where zeroing would only happen from the new size to the end of the VMO. This difference means that when the stream size is increased the newly revealed range is zeroed.

This behavior change ensures that newly revealed content is always zero even if the VMO beyond the stream size had been modified via other means, such as a direct memory mapping.

If this operation shrinks the data stream, any pages that no longer overlap with the data stream mapped with the ZX_VM_FAULT_BEYOND_STREAM_SIZE option are unmapped.

In both the growing and shrinking cases, this operation can cause copy-on-write and user pager-backed VMOs to commit the last page that overlaps the data stream to store zeros in that page.

The handle must have ZX_RIGHT_WRITE.


No changes.


No changes.

This operation interacts with the size of the VMO rather than the stream size, which means this operation can read data beyond the data stream.


No changes.

This operation interacts with the size of the VMO rather than the stream size, which means this operation can write data beyond the data stream.


If the client supplies the ZX_VM_FAULT_BEYOND_STREAM_SIZE option, memory accesses to the mapping beyond the last page containing the data stream within the VMO will fault. This option requires the ZX_VM_ALLOW_FAULTS option.


This RFC should have no impact on performance. The main changes relate to how Zircon reports VMO metadata. The semantics of each operation have been chosen to avoid performance challenges in the implementation.


The conceptual model for VMOs is complex because some operations deal with the VMO as a collection of memory pages whereas other operations interact with the data stream stored within the VMO. The page-oriented operations operate at page-granularity whereas the stream-oriented operations operate at byte-granularity. This complexity arises because the virtual memory hardware in commodity CPUs is designed around pages but the data that clients store in memory is designed around bytes.

This RFC attempts to disambiguate these concepts by more clearly separating the page-based and stream-based operations. For example, zx_vmo_set_size is a page-based operation and therefore requires a page-aligned size whereas zx_vmo_set_stream_size is a stream-based operation and therefore supports byte-aligned sizes.

Some cases are subtle, such as zx_vmo_read and zx_vmo_write. As reasonable client might assume these operations interact with the data stream because they read and write data. However, we have chosen to make these operations mirror the semantics available through the load and store operations on mapped memory, which means they interact with the page-oriented size of the VMO.

This situation is overconstrained, especially given the path-dependent nature of iterating on the design of a system with a large amount of existing software. We have done our best to find the most ergnomic solutions given the design constraints.

Backwards Compatibility

This change creates some backwards compatibility risks. For example, zx_vmo_create_child, zx_vmo_create_contiguous, and zx_vmo_create_physical now require page-aligned sizes and setting ZX_PROP_VMO_CONTENT_SIZE requires an additional right, both of which will break some existing code. We believe we can migrate that code to respect these new constraints, but we might need to relax these constraints if we fail to perform these migrations.

The other changes in this RFC are unlikely to cause backwards compatibility issues. In most cases, the existing semantics are preserved, just explained in different terms.

Security considerations

The main security risk in this RFC is that data can exist in VMOs beyond the data stream within a VMO. That behavior is likely to be surprise to many developers, and surprises are always security risks. However, typical usage of these operations will result in that data always being zeroes and this risk exists in other widely used operating systems.

Privacy considerations

In theory, data stored beyond the data stream within a VMO could be a privacy issue if that data is disclosed unexpectedly. However, in normal operation, the data beyond the data stream of a VMO will be zeroes.


We will add appropriate Zircon core tests to validate all the changes to syscall semantics.


The syscall documentation will be updated to reflect the new semantics as those changes are implemented.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

We have tried various alternatives over the course of the project, none of which have worked well. Ideally, VMOs would have a consistent mental model built around either a byte-granularity or a page-granularity size. However, there are strong use cases for byte granularity because the industry has standardized on eight-bit bytes as the size granularity for data and there are strong hardward-based constraints for dealing with memory at page granularity. As a result, neither extreme is a tenable design point.

In practice, the primary alternative to this RFC is to do nothing and leave the current dual size model for VMOs in place. However, we believe the modest changes in this RFC are an improvement on the current model. We considered larger changes to the model, but, in each case, we uncovered use cases or design constraints that pushed the design back towards this more modest approach.

Prior art and references

There is a huge amount of prior art in this area. The prior art that is primarily relevant is the way files interact with memory mappings in other popular operating systems. In every case that we studied, files had byte granularity whereas memory mappings had page granularity. We especially studied how memory mappings of the last page of a file (e.g., that extends beyond the end of the file's content) operate. The ZX_VM_FAULT_BEYOND_STREAM_SIZE flag is designed to let us replicate the semantics we observed in Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, we did not select these semantics as our default because zx_vmar_map does not allow faults by default. We expect most cross-platform code that constructs memory mappings (e.g., mmap) will supply this flag to align semantics across operating systems.