RFC-0259: Monotonic Clock Suspension and the Boot Timeline

RFC-0259: Monotonic Clock Suspension and the Boot Timeline
  • System

Elaborates on pausing the monotonic clock during S2Idle and introduces the boot timeline.

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2024-08-16
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2024-09-11

Problem Statement

The Suspend-To-Idle RFC stated that the monotonic clock should be paused during periods of suspend-to-idle. However, there are programs running on Fuchsia that may need to be aware of time elapsed during periods of suspension. These programs will break if we pause the clock without providing an alternative way for these programs to track time.


This RFC provides a solution to the problem stated above by proposing the addition of a new timeline, henceforth referred to as the "boot timeline," that will continue to progress during periods of suspend-to-idle. We will also introduce clocks, timers, and other related objects that interact with this timeline.

Existing code that needs to be aware of time elapsed during periods of suspension will need to be modified to use the boot timeline before we make the change to pause the monotonic clock.


Facilitator: jamesr@google.com


  • adamperry@google.com
  • alizhang@google.com
  • brunodalbo@google.com
  • crjohns@google.com
  • fmil@google.com
  • gmtr@google.com
  • johngro@google.com
  • maniscalco@google.com
  • miguelfrde@google.com
  • tgales@google.com
  • tmandry@google.com


Many teams within Fuchsia were consulted for the contents of this RFC. This includes, but is not limited to, folks on the following teams:

  • Forensics
  • Diagnostics
  • Kernel
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Starnix
  • Timekeeping


The contents of this RFC were socialized in several separate documents that were sent to various mailing lists that encompass the majority of the Fuchsia organization.


This RFC places several requirements on both the existing monotonic timeline and the new boot timeline:

  • Introducing the boot timeline and pausing the monotonic clock during periods of suspension MUST NOT prevent applications from implementing their existing functionality.
  • The boot clock MUST report the total time elapsed since system boot, including any time spent in suspend-to-idle.
  • The monotonic clock MUST NOT include the time spent in suspend-to-idle. Prior to the Suspend-To-Idle RFC, the behavior of the monotonic clock during system suspension was undefined, so we're defining that behavior explicitly here.
  • Both the monotonic and boot clock MUST be monotonically increasing.
  • Both the monotonic and boot clock MUST be set to zero when the kernel initializes the timer hardware.
    • Timer hardware initialization, in turn, MUST happen before userspace starts.


This proposal describes the new boot timeline's behavior as well as changes in the monotonic timeline's behavior. It also provides an overview of the portions of Fuchsia that may need to use the boot timeline to accommodate a pausing monotonic clock. More detailed descriptions of the API changes needed will follow in future RFCs.

Naming Considerations

While every major operating system has a timeline that does not pause when the system suspends, each one has a different name for that timeline. Here is a table showing the two timelines we have in Fuchsia and what they're called in other operating systems:

Fuchsia Linux BSD Windows OS X Android
Monotonic Time CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW CLOCK_UPTIME Unbiased Time Absolute Time Uptime
Boot Time CLOCK_BOOTTIME CLOCK_BOOTTIME Realtime or Time Continuous Time ElapsedRealtime

The name "boot timeline" was chosen to match the existing names used by Linux and BSD, especially because POSIX compatibility (via Starnix) is one of our primary reasons for introducing this new timeline to the Zircon kernel.

Timeline Semantics

The boot timeline is guaranteed to progress during periods of suspend-to-idle. In contrast, as described by RFC-230, the monotonic timeline is guaranteed to pause during periods of suspension. However, both timelines will tick at the same rate when the system is not suspended. Both timelines will also be set to zero when the kernel first initializes the timer hardware, which currently takes place early in kernel startup.

Affected Parts of Fuchsia

The following parts of Fuchsia will need to change to accommodate the pausing monotonic clock. The goal of this RFC is to describe the areas that need to change at a high level. Future RFCs and design documents will clarify exactly what those changes are and how they will be made.

Note that each area listed here should also audit the FIDL services they provide to ensure that any timestamp fields document the timeline they operate on. The timestamp types themselves will not change, but the comments and variable names should clearly indicate the timeline they operate on. The types may change in the future, see the Future Work section for more information.

  1. Kernel: There are many kernel APIs that take or return a monotonic timestamp. Some of these APIs may need to be modified to support both timelines, or switch to using boot time entirely.
  2. Timekeeper: Computation of UTC time should switch to using boot time.
  3. Diagnostics: The diagnostics stack uses timestamps in many places (archivist, logs, inspect, etc). Each of these usages must be audited for correctness.
  4. Tracing: Tracing currently annotates samples with monotonic timestamps, and therefore will no longer work during periods of suspension. There are strong use cases for having traces in these intervals, so we'll need a way to reconstruct them.
  5. Starnix: All usages of CLOCK_BOOTTIME in Starnix will need to switch to using the boot timeline.
  6. Forensics: Crash reporting and Cobalt both contain monotonic timestamps; these may or may not need to change to using boot timestamps.
  7. Developer Tooling: FFX may need to add features to get the current boot time, and may need to audit its usage of monotonic time when retrieving logs.
  8. System Libraries: Some language specific features, like async executors or time APIs in the standard library, may need to account for the new timeline.
  9. Software Delivery: Omaha-client (and potentially other components in the SWD stack) rely on monotonic time, and may need to switch timelines.
  10. Netstack: Netstack3 uses timers that may or may not need to be switched to using the boot timeline.


Implementation will proceed in several stages.

Stage 1: Kernel Support for Boot Time

The boot timeline will be introduced in the Zircon kernel, and internal structures will be modified to work with the new timeline. The boot timeline will then be exposed to userspace. This will require some API changes, so another RFC will be needed to document these changes.

Stage 2: Starnix Integration

Once the boot timeline is supported in Zircon, Starnix can use it to support their implementation of CLOCK_BOOTTIME and all related downstream functionality. Integration with Starnix can occur before integration with other parts of the system due to its usage of the @next vDSO, which may allow for parallelization with the approval of the RFC mentioned in Stage 1.

Stage 3: Maintaining Functionality on Suspend-Enabled Devices

The monotonic clock will only be paused during periods of system suspension. Therefore, we must ensure that all software that runs on suspend-enabled devices switches over to using the boot timeline introduced in Stage 1. This includes changes in the system libraries, diagnostics, tracing, forensics, and timekeeper.

This can proceed in parallel with Stage 2 whenever possible.

Stage 4: Pause the Monotonic Clock during Suspend-To-Idle

Once all code running on suspend-enabled devices has been fixed, we can pause the monotonic clock during suspension. This may highlight additional issues (see the unknowns section for more information). If these issues break critical user journeys, the CL pausing the clock will be reverted and the issue will be fixed. If a critical user journey is not broken, then the clock will remain paused and the issue will be fixed-forward.

Stage 5: Maintaining Functionality on Suspend-Disabled Devices

Software that runs only on suspend-disabled devices and must be aware of time spent suspended should then be modified to use boot time where necessary. There is less time pressure here, as support for suspend-to-idle is lower priority on these devices. Changes in this stage include software delivery and developer tooling.

Netstack3 will also be updated in this stage; even though it runs on suspend-enabled devices, its usage of timers will not break when the monotonic clock is paused, so we need not block on it.

Future Work

Wake Vectors

We may wish to support resuming the system at a given point on the boot timeline. Doing so will require us to formalize our notion of wake vectors in the system and establish semantics for the creation of time based wake vectors. This is left to a future RFC.

Timeline Aware FIDL Timestamps

FIDL currently represents all timestamps using zx.Time, which is aliased to an int64. Eventually, this type would benefit from:

  1. Storing, or otherwise accounting for, its reference timeline, or
  2. Being replaced with distinct time types for each reference timeline.

Deciding between these approaches is left to a future RFC, as rolling out the new timeline and understanding common usage patterns will better inform our decision.


The introduction of a second timeline and the pausing of the monotonic timeline will not inherently impact performance. However, the design decisions made in future RFCs surrounding how various APIs interact with boot time could potentially have performance implications. Those implications should be discussed in the associated RFCs and design documents.


This change will make reasoning about time in Fuchsia more complicated. Code authors will need to think about whether their code needs to be made aware of suspension-intervals before using time APIs. However, most programs should be able to use the monotonic timeline and ignore periods of suspension since no userspace threads will run during that time.

Backwards Compatibility

As discussed in the Design and Implementation sections, there is some code that currently uses the monotonic clock and may not function correctly after that clock is paused during suspend-to-idle. This code will be migrated to the boot timeline before we pause the clock as described in the Implementation section.

Security considerations

There are several security critical operations that require the presence of a trustworthy source of time. These include throttling, verifying tokens, and verifying certificates. Today, throttling and token verification require a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and/or the cloud and thus are not a major concern of Fuchsia as a high-level OS.

Certificate verification is used across Fuchsia to verify secure transport (TLS) for HTTPS, SSH, Omaha, TUF, and others. This requires high trustworthiness in the time source, i.e. the time source must reflect the physical reality of time within a margin of minutes. This need is currently addressed by Timekeeper, which exclusively adjusts the UTC clock from which time clients draw time from. Therefore, as mentioned earlier in the RFC, Timekeeper must switch to using boot time. Note that Timekeeper already prevents clients from retrieving time until trustworthiness and precision are established, so there is no additional work needed to make this operation secure.

Note that any usage of boot time outside of Timekeeper and its clients shall NOT handle critical security use cases; those use cases should go through TEE or consume the UTC clock presented by Timekeeper.

Privacy considerations

This proposal does not impact system privacy.


There are two separate categories of code that must be tested:

  1. We must verify that code using the monotonic timeline is unaffected by pausing during suspension. We aim to test this using CQ and extensive local testing with autosuspend.
  2. We must verify that all areas of code that need to switch to the boot timeline function correctly. The testing plan for each of these areas is left to those code owners and will be specified in future documentation and/or RFCs.


At a high level, we will add a page to fuchsia.dev describing the new boot timeline and how it behaves. We will also modify the existing monotonic documentation to reflect that it will pause during suspend-to-idle.

Each area of code mentioned in the design section is then responsible for updating their documentation however they see fit.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns


One could envision alternative solutions in which we do not pause the clock during suspend, thus removing the need for a new boot timeline. Unfortunately, that does not meet our platform requirements:

  1. Expectations in Starnix: Linux defines CLOCK_MONOTONIC to "not count time that the system is suspended.." Therefore, Starnix must provide the same guarantee. We could implement this using userspace clocks, but this presents significant complications as Starnix and Fuchsia would have different clock behaviors, meaning that any IPC or operation that involved time and timestamps would have to account for the discrepancy.
  2. Expectations in Some Existing Code: Some code was written assuming monotonic time won't pause. Some was written assuming it would. As part of the Suspend-To-Idle RFC, we decided that pausing the monotonic clock is lesser of evils.
  3. Avoiding Timer "Wake-Storms": Consider a situation in which the system suspends for a long period of time, and the monotonic clock continues to progress during this period. Any number of timers set by programs in the system may hit their deadline, but the system will not execute their callbacks until it resumes from suspend. This could lead to scenarios in which we spend a significant amount of time running timer callbacks on resume.


The monotonic timeline is used in nearly every program that runs on Fuchsia. As mentioned in the previous section, some of this code was written with the assumption that the monotonic clock would continue during periods of suspension. This will break once we pause the clock, and will likely do so in subtle ways.

We have tried, to the best of our ability, to identify and enumerate all of the areas of code that will need to switch to the new timeline. We've done this by not only looking through the code, but also by talking extensively with many stakeholders across the organization. We are confident that we have found most of the potential breakages.

However, there are likely call-sites that we have missed, or that we have incorrectly assumed are fine using the monotonic timeline. Unfortunately, there's not an easy way to identify these; they are unknown unknowns that will only present themselves after we pause the clock during suspend-to-idle and do extensive testing of system suspension.

Prior art and references

RFC-0230: Suspend-To-Idle RFC