RFC-0256: Python application bundling for Lacewing tests

RFC-0256: Python application bundling for Lacewing tests
  • Build
  • Software Delivery
  • Testing
  • Toolchain

Propose to use compiled self-extracting Rust host binaries to bundle Python Lacewing test applications.

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2024-05-22
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2024-08-08


Propose to bundle Lacewing tests as compiled, Rust host-binaries for Fuchsia's near term test-specific Python application bundling and distribution needs (e.g. Driver conformance, CTF).

This proposal does not foreclose alternatives to be explored in the future.


With the recent addition of the RTC driver conformance test in the Fuchsia IDK, we now have a working and load-bearing mechanism for delivering versioned in-tree Python Lacewing E2E tests for out-of-tree (OOT) execution.

The ability to distribute Lacewing tests to SDK consumers directly supports Fuchsia's 2024 roadmap (i.e. Driver conformance tests). Additionally, other testing efforts that require versioned test packaging and distribution such as Platform Expectation Tests and Host Tool Compatibility Tests will benefit as well.

Before we scale up adoption of this test distribution model, we must ensure it is sustainable and get ahead of potential technical debt. Specifically, the current requirement for downstream Lacewing test consumers to supply their own Python runtime for test execution is error-prone - this proposal addresses this shortcoming by removing the requirement altogether.



  • abarth@google.com


  • abarth@google.com
  • chaselatta@google.com
  • hjfreyer@google.com
  • keir@google.com
  • tmandry@google.com
  • tonymd@google.com


  • awdavies@google.com
  • crjohns@google.com
  • cpu@google.com
  • jamesr@google.com


This proposal was socialized via a Google Doc with members from the FEC, Pigweed, Toolchain, SDK Experiences, and Tools team. The proposal was also discussed in a FEC meeting with support for formal RFC ratification.


  • Eliminate Python runtime compatibility issues when Lacewing test binaries are run OOT
  • Package Lacewing Python tests as single hermetic executables
    • Support C extension libraries (e.g. Fuchsia Controller)
    • Support data dependencies (e.g. FIDL IR files - currently required by Fuchsia Controller)
  • Support bundling Lacewing tests where they are defined
  • Support Linux host environments

Non Goals

  • Support Windows host environments
  • Support Mac host environments


We propose to use a custom Rust-based approach for Fuchsia's immediate Python application bundling needs as it's the approach that is both feasible and aligns with all of the goals above.


All of the Python-components required to run a Lacewing test will be embedded in a compiled Rust binary as its data-resources (inlined in the binary via Rust's include_bytes! macro). When run, the Rust binary extracts its Python contents into a temporary directory, constructs a command, and executes the Python application.

Compared to the leading alternative, PyInstaller, the custom Rust-based approach is ultimately preferred at this time due to its flexibility to be used in Fuchsia.git (more info in PyInstaller's rejection rationale section below). The following summarizes the main tradeoffs between the approaches:

  • Advantages of custom Rust-based approach:

    • Can be used in Fuchsia.git
    • Is already implemented and successfully runs in both local and infra environments
    • Adopts hermeticity guarantees from Fuchsia's existing Rust host toolchain
    • Does not require the additional maintenance of a dynamically linked Python runtime
    • Does not require updating Fuchsia Controller to locate embedded FIDL-IR files
  • Advantages of PyInstaller:

    • Built-in generic support for all Python applications
    • Better line-of-sight for supporting non-Linux host platforms (e.g. Windows)


A Lacewing Rust binary comprises of 3 logical sections: Lacewing artifacts embedding, artifacts extraction, and test execution.


All of the components required for running a Lacewing tests will be embedded into the Rust binary as a single archive.


The embedded archive contains the following:

  • Statically-linked Python Runtime and its standard libraries (Python modules)
  • Lacewing test in PYZ format (consistent with zipapp bundling used in Fuchsia.git)
  • Fuchsia controller shared libraries
  • FIDL IR files (currently required by Fuchsia Controller)


For simplicity, all of the contents listed above are compressed into a single archive. The current implementation uses ZIP format which produces stripped linux-x64 host binaries of approximately 40MB. Future iterations may opt for compression formats that have better compression ratios like zstd (compression performance is not as significant in the context of host-driven system tests).


To bundle arbitrary Lacewing tests, we will add GN build automation to dynamically supply Lacewing artifacts for embedding.

We achieve this through the combination of the rustc_embed_files() and rustc_binary() GN templates where the former provides the test-specific data resources as a Rust library while the latter contains the test-agnostic main() logic for extraction and execution.

Extraction and execution

When run, the Rust binary first unpacks its embedded resources in a temporary directory. Then it will build the command for running the Lacewing test by referencing the extracted content. Finally, the command is executed and the Rust binary exits. To ensure hermiticity, we will also set the PYTHONPATH environment variable in the command to ensure that ambient Python installations and libraries will not be used.


Build time - Lacewing test bundling will only run on a small subset of Fuchsia's portfolio of Lacewing tests so the build overhead of Rust binary bundling is negligible.

Run time - Due to the E2E testing nature of the Python applications being bundled, they are not sensitive to the minor start-up overhead that occurs during the extraction phase. Empirical infra data shows <6s for unoptimized builds which is negligible given these tests average around 1 minute to run.

Size - The output executable size is around 40MB which is similar to alternatives like PyInstaller. However, there is still room for improvement in the choice of compression algorithm used during embedding.

Below are opportunities to optimize the performance each of the dimensions above, these can be explored as the number of bundled Lacewing tests increases:

  • Build time: Build a "stem" Rust ELF binary that contains the test-agnostic artifacts (e.g. runtime, stdlibs, C extensions) and concatenate it with test-specific Zip archives (e.g. test.pyz). The "stem" ELF can then self-extract via ZipArchive to access its Zip content just like the current proposed approach; except the Rust compilation process is only performed once instead of for every bundled Lacewing test.

  • Run time - Use GN config to optimize Rust compilation for speed. The time-to-extract can be measured and exported to a performance tracking backend to prevent regressions.

  • Size: Similar to the build time optimization above, by splitting the Rust ELF binary into test-agnostic "stem" and test-specific Zip archive, we can distribute the large "stem" separate from the significantly smaller test-specific Zip archives. This allows us to save storage and network bandwidth for redundantly including the "stem" in each bundled Lacewing test. More info in Executable size.


This proposal improves the UX of OOT Lacewing test execution - integrators now only needs to launch a single test executable.

Backwards Compatibility

The addition of hermetic mode (Rust bundling) will not require any changes to the Lacewing test sources. In other words, Lacewing tests can be run in both hermetic (./test) and non-hermetic (./python test.pyz) modes without any changes to the Python source code.


Both the stabilities of 1) the Rust bundling procedure and 2) the resulting hermetic tests will be soak-tested in Fuchsia infra. We will benchmark the test stability against its non-hermetic counterpart; if no obvious discrepancies in flake/fail rate are observed, we will consider the Rust-based bundling approach to be ready for production use (e.g. CQ and SDK distribution).

Risks & Resources

Executable size

Assuming a storage footprint of ~40MB per bundled Lacewing binary, this could cause concerns as we scale up the number of distributed tests to reasonable estimates (e.g. 4GB for 100 tests). To mitigate, the following can be explored in parallel to scale storage and bandwidth costs sublinearly with the number of Lacewing tests bundled.

  1. Distribute all tests in a monolithic Rust application.

    • The largest components of a Lacewing archive (Python runtime, standard libs, and Fuchsia Controller extensions) are distributed once.
    • The size savings this approach provides increases with the number of Python applications we distribute OOT.
  2. Distribute tests independently.

    • Similar to above, the largest components of a Lacewing archive are distributed once in a single Rust application.
    • The test PYZs (500kB) are distributed separately and provided to the main test application as a runtime argument.
  3. Reduce the size of Fuchsia Controller.

    • This will decrease organically due to Fuchsia Controller's migration towards static Python binding (upstream run-time logic to fidlgen)
      • fidl_codec.so will be removed
      • Static Python FIDL bindings will be less verbose and thus smaller than FIDL IR files
  4. Explore other compression formats and parameters as mentioned above.

Cross-platform feasibility

Coupling our Python bundling solution to Fuchsia's Rust host toolchain means we will get Linux x64 support for free but we will also be limited to the the current set of supported platforms. At the moment, Linux x64 is sufficient for our immediate needs. However, in the case where additional host platform support (e.g. Windows) becomes a requirement, we will need to collaborate with the Fuchsia Rust and Fuchsia Build teams for feasibilty scoping.

At the time of writing, there are no known non-Linux-x64 host platform requirements for OOT Lacewing tests.

Limited support

The current proposal is only scoped to support Lacewing Python applications. However, if the need arises, this approach can be reasonably extended to support generic Python applications with much less effort than exploring the alternatives (e.g. PyInstaller/PyOxidizer).

The alternatives are worth considering if there are large requirement changes such as:

  • Windows support
  • Bit-for-bit reproducibility
  • Do not launch Python under-the-hood

Security considerations

Shipping Rust host-binaries in Fuchsia's SDK is a well established process (e.g. ffx) so there are no additional security risks being introduced by applying the same approach for Lacewing tests.

Privacy considerations






This large section on PyInstaller is intentionally included for posterity. The findings below help inform our proposal today to opt for a custom Rust-based approach, and will help provide context for any future efforts.

PyInstaller rejection rationale

Due to PyInstaller's licensing, it can only be used in Fuchsia.git as a prebuilt artifact under the "Development targets" section of Fuchsia's open source licensing policies. However, PyInstaller is designed to run as source and does not easily package into a prebuilt. At this time, we are not motivated to solve this non-trivial problem given we have a Rust-based solution that is working, available in-tree, and serves our immediates needs.


PyInstaller is an open source 3rd party Python library used for bundling Python applications and their dependencies into self-contained executables that can run on end user systems that do not have Python installed. UIt is one of the more popular solutions in the space of Python application packaging due to its ease of use and maturity (active releases since 2015).

When PyInstaller is run in "one-file" mode, it bundles the runtime it's launched with into the output executable along with all of the application modules. When the output executable is run, PyInstaller's bootloader extracts its embedded archive (containing the Python interpreter, built-in/user-supplied Python modules, built-in/user-supplied shared libraries, and data files) into a temporary directory, then executes the interpreter in a hermetic context.

With PyInstaller, we are able to bundle a Lacewing test into a single hermetic portable executable (Python runtime + test modules + library modules + Fuchsia Controller C extensions + data dependencies such as FIDL IR) to run on across diverse Linux host environments.

Unfortunately, statically linked Python runtimes like Fuchsia's vendored Python are not compatible with PyInstaller (related issues: 1, 2). The solution is to build a dynamically linked version of the same CPython runtime in Chromium's 3PP Infra (Third Party Packages). Once built, the dynamically linked version (DL-CPython3 henceforth) can be pinned as a prebuilt in Fuchsia.git to serve Fuchsia's Python application packaging needs.

Since the source code to build DL-CPython3 is the same as the statically linked version (ST-CPython3 henceforth) which is already used in Fuchsia, no additional licensing approval is required for DL-CPython3.

Working prototype

This Fuchsia.git CL demonstrates the feasibility of packaging a Lacewing test via PyInstaller through Fuchsia's GN build system. With the prototype CL, we confirmed that it is possible to produce hermetic Lacewing Python test executables via running PyInstaller at source at GN time.

A demonstration of the CL working in Fuchsia infra is not feasible at the time of writing due to the unsubmitted dependencies used in the prototype. Though we don't anticipate any challenges with infra-support once those dependencies are made available in Fuchsia source code.

Unsubmitted dependencies
  • DL-CPython3: This is now built in Chromium 3PP but has not been pinned in Fuchsia.git yet.

  • PyInstaller libraries: PyInstaller and its transitive Python dependencies have completed OSRB review but can only be used in Fuchsia.git as a prebuilt binary.

Fuchsia Controller

Fuchsia Controller would need to be updated to locate its data dependencies at run-time. When a PyInstaller executable is run, its contents are unpacked and executed from a temporary directory. With this patch Fuchsia Controller becomes PyInstaller-aware and looks for FIDL IRs in the temporary directory when run as a PyInstaller executable.


PyInstaller's output was confirmed to be hermetic from inspecting its build metadata - Analysis.toc. All of the content bundled within are sourced from $FUCHSIA_DIR - in other words, no ambient system shared libraries are included.

Additionally, running ldd on the PyInstaller output shows a set of shared libraries dependencies that are ubiquitous and reliably compatible on modern Linux distributions.

~/fuchsia$ ldd dist/soft_reboot_test_fc
libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2
libz.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6

To prevent hermeticity from eroding over time, a build-time check can be added to confirm the ldd output of a PyInstaller executable exists in an allowlist.


Without any considerations for size optimizations in the prototype, the soft-reboot Lacewing test packaged via PyInstaller comes out to around 43 MB (for reference, the PYZ version is ~400KB).

There are various unexplored opportunities to reduce the size of a PyInstaller Lacewing test:

  1. Use UPX compression when running PyInstaller.
  2. Exclude unused built-in extension modules.

Runtime management and maintenance

Fuchsia team will need to maintain both DL-CPython3 (for versioned Lacewing test packaging) and ST-CPython3 (for everything else) and ensure the two versions are functionally equivalent and are updated in lockstep (e.g. share the same CIPD version tag). This would require collaboration with Google's internal PEEP Software Deployment team to streamline the 3PP configurations of how the 2 versions are built to programmatically prevent divergence.

Cross-platform feasibility

PyInstaller does not support cross-compilation so we would need to run PyInstaller in respective target environments (e.g. Windows, Mac) to generate host-platform-specific executables.

As an example, to support Windows end users, we'd need to run PyInstaller on a Windows machine using a Windows version of DL-CPython3. At time of writing, Fuchsia has no such Windows-based build environments so it would require scoping to add support in our build fleet. As for DL-CPython3 for Windows, Chromium 3PP already supports building ST-CPython3 for multiple platforms (including Windows) so we should be able to trivially expand support for platforms beyond Linux if needed.


PyOxidizer is another attractive generic Python application packaging option and has various advantages over PyInstaller:

  • Hermeticity - PyOxidizer's output is a compiled binary whereas PyInstaller's output is an archive that needs to be unpacked into Python bits (e.g. built-in Python extensions) at run-time.
  • Speed - PyOxidizer's output does not need to be unpacked to run which makes its startup time faster than PyInstaller's output.
  • Security - PyOxidizer is written in Rust, which is a language with better security guarantees than PyInstaller's Python and C.

With that said, these advantages are mostly negligible in the E2E testing context.

PyOxidizer rejection rationale

Ultimately, PyOxidizer is not chosen because it does not satisfy the goal of bundling C extension libraries in a single executable. Cursory explorations with PyOxidizer failed to bundle a toy C extension within its output executable. While it's possible that the experiments had some misconfiguration given PyOxidizer's high degree of configurability, resources on such topics are sparse due to PyOxidzer's relative novelty and lower adoption so we've shelved further explorations at this time.

Prior art and references