RFC-0241: Explicit Platform / External Split in SDK Interfaces

RFC-0241: Explicit Platform / External Split in SDK Interfaces
  • FIDL

Expressing more precisely which parts of the Fuchsia interface can be implemented outside of the Fuchsia platform.

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2024-01-29
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2024-04-09


The Fuchsia IDK doesn't specify whether external components should implement clients or servers for the various FIDL protocols that it defines. This makes it difficult to correctly evaluate the backwards compatibility implications of changes to Fuchsia APIs. This RFC proposes a way to express that information in a both human and machine readable way in FIDL. This unlocks opportunities to improve the correctness and stability of Fuchsia-based products.


Much of the Fuchsia System Interface is expressed in FIDL as a set of protocols and the types that are exchanged over those protocols. Protocols are asymmetric with a client-end and a server-end, but the FIDL declarations that are supplied as part of the SDK/IDK don't specify whether the interface presented by the Fuchsia Platform to external components provided by products are for the server side, the client side or both sides of these protocols.

This lack of preciseness significantly constrains the kinds of changes that can be made safely to the Fuchsia System Interface without knowledge of the implementation of the Fuchsia Platform, and often external components. In practice, most protocols will either have only servers or only clients implemented within the Fuchsia Platform, but this information isn't expressed in a way that can be checked by tools or discovered by end developers.

For example, if a type that is part of the system interface contains a string:100 (a string that takes at most 100 bytes when encoded in UTF-8) and later we realize that we need to support longer strings. If that type is only ever sent from external components to platform components (in protocol method requests) then the length constraint can be safely increased, because the component decoding a message containing that string will always be at least as new as the component encoding it. If that type may be sent from platform components to external components then the length can't be increased safely because a component built against a newer API level in the platform might inadvertently send malformed messages to external components.


Who has a stake in whether this RFC is accepted?


The person appointed by FEC to shepherd this RFC through the RFC process.


  • abarth@google.com
  • chaselatta@google.com
  • hjfreyer@google.com


  • aaronwood@google.com
  • awolter@google.com
  • crjohns@google.com
  • mkember@google.com
  • pesk@google.com
  • surajmalhotra@google.com
  • wittrock@google.com


Circulated a 1-pager describing the problem and proposal amongst people working on platform versioning.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119.

We MUST be able to express which system interface protocols MAY have their clients or servers or both implemented in platform or external components. This information MUST be expressed in a way that is accessible to tools that evaluate platform changes for compatibility.

This information SHOULD be available to tools that run at software assembly time and MAY be available to the component framework at runtime. This information SHOULD be made visible to end-developers through generated API documentation and build-time checks.

For this information to be useful in evaluating compatibility between the Fuchsia platform and components built upon it, external components MUST be built against a stable API level that is supported by the platform.



Compatibility of the platform ABI surface as a whole can be broken down into considering the compatibility of individual types exchanged between external components and platform components, both in protocols over channels and serialized and exchanged out of band.

All exchange of FIDL data between components is rooted in in one of:

  • FIDL protocols that are exchanged through component framework protocol capabilities. These are marked with the @discoverable attribute.
  • FIDL protocols that are exchanged through non-FIDL means such as process args,
  • FIDL types that are serialized and exchanged in files (like component manifests) or bespoke IPC transports.

Given a view of the whole Fuchsia System Interface FIDL we can, for each root, collect the set of types that may be sent from clients to servers and from servers to clients.


If we know, for each "root" protocol, whether its clients and servers may be implemented in external components or platform components, we can collect the set of types that may be sent from external components to platform components, from platform components to external components, between platform components and between external components.

For the protocol:

protocol {
    M(Req) -> (Resp);

Given where we allow clients and servers to be implemented we can see where types in a request (Req) vs response (Resp) may flow between external components (E) and platform components (P):

Client Server E to P P to E P to P E to E
E E Req, Resp
E P Req Resp
E P, E Req Resp Req, Resp
P E Resp Req
P P, E Resp Req Req, Resp
P, E E Resp Req Req, Resp
P, E P Req Resp Req, Resp
P, E P, E Req, Resp Req, Resp Req, Resp Req, Resp

Platform code is guaranteed to speak a superset of the protocol versions spoken by external code, so we can say the following about whether type constraints can be tightened or loosened:

Sender Receiver Constraints
external platform can't tighten
platform external can't loosen
external external can't change

So we need to be able to constrain where we allow clients and servers to be implemented.

Almost all protocols that are roots are exchanged through component framework capabilities. Those that aren't are low-level and esoteric. They include fuchsia.io.Directory and a few network socket control channel protocols in fuchsia.posix.socket. Instead of inventing a new way to mark these protocols as roots of communication we should extend the meaning of @discoverable to incorporate these protocols. In fact there are constants in fuchsia.posix.socket for the names of socket control protocols that will be automatically generated once they're marked as @discoverable.


Currently any component (external or platform) code can serialize or deserialize any non-resource type from raw bytes. To allow compatibility tools to know which FIDL types won't be serialized or deserialized in some contexts we should explicitly mark types that are passed between components outside of normal FIDL IPC.



The discoverable attribute will be extended to express where discoverable protocols may be implemented. By default a protocol marked as @discoverable may have clients and servers implemented by both external components and platform components.

The server and client optional attributes list the kinds of components that may implement that kind of endpoint. By default both endpoints can be implemented by any component.

For example:

// All servers in the platform, all clients in external components.
@discoverable(client="external", server="platform")
protocol P {};

// All servers in external components, all clients in the platform.
@discoverable(client="platform", server="external")
protocol Q {};

// Only clients allowed in external components, both clients and servers allowed in the platform.
@discoverable(client="platform,external", server="platform")
protocol R {};

// Servers are only allowed in platform components. Clients are allowed anywhere.
// If both clients and servers are allowed that argument can (and should) be omitted.
protocol S {};


A new @serializable attribute will be added to FIDL to mark which types may be serialized and passed between components outside of FIDL protocols.

This attribute is only allowed on non-resource structs, tables and unions.

It has two optional arguments, read and write. Each of these take a comma separated list of platform and external indicating whether platform components or external components are expected to read or write that type. The default value of each argument is "platform,external" indicating that it can be read and written from that kind of component.


FIDL Toolchain

fidlc will be updated to accept these the arguments to @discoverable and the new attribute @serializable. FIDL bindings generators (fidlgen_*) will not be modified yet.

Fuchsia System Interface

All discoverable FIDL protocols in partner and partner_internal libraries will be updated. Most will be marked @discoverable(server="platform") indicating that external components should only implement clients but platform components may implement clients and servers. Some, such as many in fuchsia.io will be marked @discoverable() indicating that any component may implement clients and servers. A few, mostly for drivers will be marked @discoverable(client="platform", server="external") indicating that external components should only implement servers and platform components should only implement clients.

After some experimentation and prototyping there doesn't seem to be a straight-forward way to calculate which category each protocol falls into. Neither runtime inspection of the component graph, nor static evaluation of CML shards were clear. Instead we'll look at the manifests of external components for which protocol capabilities they use and offer.

For standalone data-types we will look for calls the the various language bindings' explicit serialization APIs and annotate the types that are used there appropriately.

Compatibility Tooling

We're developing a tool to evaluate the compatibility of different versions of the FIDL IPC portions of the Fuchsia System Interface. This works against the FIDL IR and will incorporate information from discoverable attributes. A complete description of the compatibility rules that this tool will implement will come in another RFC.

Future Opportunities

Compatibility tooling is the motivating priority behind this enhancement to FIDL syntax. However, this richer information about the Fuchsia System Interface may prove useful elsewhere.

FIDL Bindings

The FIDL bindings generators could become aware of whether they're building bindings that target platform components or external components and adjust the code they generate to encourage developers to only implement clients and servers of protocols in contexts where they have compatibility guarantees.

Preventing any unsupported clients or servers is counter-productive because developers need to be able to fake or mock their peers in tests, but perhaps we can place guards to discourage their use in non-test contexts.

The standalone serialization code can be updated to only allow types that are marked as @serializable to be passed in.

Component Framework

Within component framework, protocol capabilities are untyped. They're often named after the FIDL protocol they carry, but that is merely a convention, and one that is violated. Tools that reason about the protocols that a component uses to communicate with its peers have to guess, based on the names of capabilities what protocols are being used.

If the component framework added protocol types to its model these tools would be simpler, more robust and more correct.

Software Assembly

Software assembly produces Fuchsia system images out of configuration, platform components and external components. It could use information about which protocols may be served from platform components or external to refuse to assemble products that violate those rules. This would ensure that product owners aren't inadvertently building products that make compatibility guarantees that the Fuchsia isn't offering, and help platform developers to avoid exposing capabilities in ways that they don't intend to support.


Knowing which end of protocol capabilities are routed across the external / platform boundary may be useful for evaluating the security properties of the system. This could be done in an ad-hoc fashion, or integrated into existing tooling.


There will be no change to performance.


This requires some of the assumptions in the system to be made explicit which involves a little more work up-front, but can make the system much easier to understand and work with.

Backwards Compatibility

Existing FIDL libraries will be unaffected. @discoverable without arguments remains a valid attribute.

Initially we will not want to version the discoverable and serializable attributes, since they're an input to versioning, have no impact on source or runtime compatibility, and need to be adopted widely to see benefits. If we update FIDL bindings to changed based on the discoverable arguments we will have to consider versioning them as changing them could break existing source code.

Security considerations

There may be future opportunities in this area to improve overall system security.

Privacy considerations



This will make it easier to ensure that we have complete compatibility tests for the Fuchsia platform by explicitly encoding which ends of which protocols we promise compatibility with.

For all of the fidlc changes we will add new fidlc tests.

Until we are validating at assembly time that all components are following the rules expressed in FIDL files we won't know for sure that the external / platform split we've expressed in the SDK matches the reality in Fuchsia products.


A few pieces of FIDL documentation will need to be updated:

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

We could keep the status quo, but that would either significantly limit the kinds of changes we could support, or limit the confidence our tools could have in checking the safety of changes.

We could express the external / platform split outside of the FIDL language in the API tooling (like we do for SDK categories), but since this categorization happens at the declaration level that would feel less ergonomic and more likely to become stale.

Instead of using @discoverable to mark protocols like fuchsia.io.Directory, we could come up with an equivalent attribute that meant the same for compatibility but didn't include support for protocol capabilities. That felt like more complexity that was necessary.

Instead of adding @serializable to mark types that are exchanged out of band, we could just write placeholder FIDL protocols that use those typed and are marked @discoverable with appropriate attributes to imply where those types may be read and written. That would mean having protocols that are never meant to be spoken and would generally be hard to get right and messy.

Instead of syntax like @discoverable(server="platform", client="external"), we used @discoverable(platform="server", external="client") for a little while but the current syntax feels easier to understand.

Prior art and references
