RFC-0226: Zircon Pager Writeback

RFC-0226: Zircon Pager Writeback
  • Kernel

Kernel support for tracking and writing back modifications to pager-backed VMOs

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2023-04-13
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2023-09-19


This document describes Zircon kernel support for pager-backed memory that can be modified and then written back (synced) to the pager source, e.g. a storage disk.


Zircon supports creating VMOs (virtual memory objects) that are backed by a userspace pager service, typically hosted by a filesystem. An individual file is represented in memory as a VMO. As the VMO's pages are accessed, they are faulted in on demand, with the user pager reading in the pages' contents from disk.

The Zircon pager API originally only supported read-only files; there was no mechanism for VMO pages that had been dirtied in memory to be written back to disk. This design suffices to host an immutable filesystem like blobfs, which serves all the executables and other read-only files on Fuchsia. However, writeback support is required for a general purpose filesystem where file contents can be modified by clients, and need to be synchronized back to disk.

Without writeback support, mutable filesystems like minfs and fxfs cannot take advantage of demand paging. As a workaround, mutable filesystems would have to use anonymous (non pager-backed) VMOs to cache files in memory, and manage contents of these VMOs themselves. These VMOs would likely need to be held in memory in their entirety even when certain pages within them are rarely or never accessed. Switching these anonymous VMOs to pager-backed ones, where pages can be faulted in and evicted as needed, allow mutable filesystems to better utilize memory. Writeback support also allows clients of mutable filesystems to directly perform reads and writes on VMOs, instead of relying on channels for data transfer, which being constrained by the channel limit can be extremely slow.

The terms user pager and filesystem are used interchangeably in the rest of this document, depending on the context.



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This RFC went through a design review with the Local Storage team.


The proposed design caters to the following goals:

  1. Enhance Zircon to support writeback of pager-backed VMOs to allow building high performance mutable filesystems (using Zircon streams).
  2. Support file reads and writes through VM mappings (think mmap'd files).
  3. Provide user pager initiated best effort flushing of dirty pages to reduce risk of data loss caused by unexpected shutdown.
  4. In a future iteration, allow the kernel to evict (via the user pager) dirty pages in response to system memory pressure.

And some non-goals:

  1. Outside of user pager initiated flushes, the kernel does not make any guarantees as to the rate at which dirty pages will be cleaned. That said, future evolution may add the ability to limit the amount of outstanding dirty data and for the kernel to initiate writeback requests based on that amount.
  2. Preventing data loss arising from violations of the kernel/pager protocol is a non-goal. If a user pager fails to query dirty pages and write them back prior to closing its handle to the VMO (or terminating), then data loss may occur.



There are two immediate use cases the proposed design is intended to support:

  • Filesystem clients can access files through streams which are kernel objects that wrap file VMOs. This can be roughly thought of as being similar to zx_vmo_read() and zx_vmo_write(), since the stream syscalls internally wrap the VMO read/write kernel routines.
  • Filesystem clients can also mmap a file, which would roughly translate to mapping (using zx_vmar_map) the file VMO into the client process' address space.

For simplicity, the rest of the document will talk about direct interactions with the file VMO, either through syscalls (zx_vmo_read/write) or through VM mappings (zx_vmar_map).

Here are a couple of examples showing what interactions involving writeback might look like.

Example 1

  1. A filesystem client performs zx_vmo_read() on a file VMO for a given range.
  2. Since the VMO is pager-backed, the kernel generates a read request for the associated user pager.
  3. The user pager hosted by the filesystem fulfills this request. It supplies pages with their contents read from disk.
  4. The filesystem client performs zx_vmo_write() on the VMO for the same range. The VMO's pages were previously populated in step 3, so they can simply be written to. The modifications made are only in memory just yet, but need to be reflected back on disk at some point.
  5. The user pager queries the kernel for the ranges in the VMO that have been dirtied / modified. This can be done as part of a periodic background flush the filesystem performs, or in response to a flush requested by a filesystem client.
  6. The user pager writes back the queried dirty ranges to the disk. At this point the modified file contents have successfully been persisted to disk.

Example 2

  1. A filesystem client maps a file VMO using zx_vmar_map(). The mapping starts at address addr. The client reads a range starting at addr.
  2. Same as example 1.
  3. Same as example 1.
  4. The filesystem client now writes to the same range starting at addr. The underlying pages have already been populated, and so the contents are modified in memory. The modifications need to be reflected back on disk at some point.
  5. Same as example 1.
  6. Same as example 1.

The examples here start off with VMO reads before performing writes. Note that this is done just to break up the population of pages by the user pager into a separate step for clarity. Clients can directly write to a file offset not in memory yet; the write will just block until the user pager has supplied the page first.

Both the examples above assume that the filesystem follows an Overwrite model for writes, where populated (committed) pages can be written to directly without requesting extra space first. Modified contents are written back to the same location on disk, so no extra space needs to be allocated for the modifications. However, filesystems like fxfs and minfs use a Copy-on-Write (CoW) model, where every modification requires new space to be allocated on disk. So we also need a mechanism to reserve space for writes to pages that were already committed; step 4 is modified to wait on that reservation before the write can proceed.

To perform writeback, the Zircon pager API is extended to support the following:

  • The kernel blocks writes to VMOs that the user pager has indicated should follow a Copy-on-Write scheme, and proceeds once the user pager has acknowledged the write.
  • The kernel tracks dirty pages in the VMO and has a mechanism to surface that information to the user pager.
  • The user pager indicates to the kernel when it is syncing a dirty range in a VMO and when it is done, so that the kernel can update the dirty tracking state accordingly.
  • The kernel also surfaces information about VMO resizes to the user pager.
  • The user pager has a way to query relevant information that the kernel tracks on its behalf, e.g. when the VMO was last modified.

Pager and VMO creation

The pager creation syscall remains unchanged, i.e. zx_pager_create() is used to create the pager with options set to 0.

Pager-backed VMOs are created with zx_pager_create_vmo(), and are associated with a pager port, and a key that will be used in page request packets for that VMO. The zx_pager_create_vmo() syscall also supports a new options flag ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY. This indicates that the kernel should trap any writes to the VMO, and request acknowledgement for the write from the user pager first. This flag is meant to be used for files that operate in Copy-on-Write mode. More details about this flag can be found later.

// Create a VMO (returned via |out|) backed by |pager|. Pager requests will be
// queued on |port| and will contain the provided |key| as an identifier.
// |size| will be rounded up to the page boundary.
// |options| must be 0 or a combination of the following flags:
// ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE - if the VMO can be resized.
// ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY - if writes to clean pages in the VMO should be trapped by the
// kernel and forwarded to the pager service for acknowledgement before proceeding
// with the write.
zx_status_t zx_pager_create_vmo(zx_handle_t pager,
                                uint32_t options,
                                zx_handle_t port,
                                uint64_t key,
                                uint64_t size,
                                zx_handle_t* out);

All pager-backed VMOs are treated as mutable by default; this also works for implementing a read-only filesystem without additional cost. The code paths that modify pages will presumably not be exercised for read-only VMOs. If the VMOs are modified though (accidental misuse perhaps), but the user pager never queries dirty pages in them and attempts to write them back, the modified contents will remain in memory only. In the future when the kernel generates writeback requests, the user pager can either treat writeback requests for such VMOs as errors, or simply ignore them.

Supplying VMO pages

Pages in a pager-backed VMO are populated by the user pager on demand with zx_pager_supply_pages() upon receiving a pager read request. This syscall already existed for use with read-only VMOs.

Page states for writeback

VMOs backed by a pager can have pages in three states - Dirty, Clean and AwaitingClean. These states are encoded in the vm_page_t.

Transitions between the three states follow these steps:

  1. A page that has been newly supplied with zx_pager_supply_pages() starts out as Clean.
  2. When the page is written to, it transitions to Dirty. If the VMO has been created with ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, the kernel blocks on acknowledgement of a DIRTY pager request from the user pager first. More details about this interaction can be found later.
  3. The user pager queries the kernel for a list of dirty pages in the VMO via a syscall at some later point.
  4. For each dirty page that the kernel returns, the user pager invokes a syscall to signal to the kernel that it is starting to write back the page, which changes its state to AwaitingClean.
  5. If the page is written to beyond this point, its state switches back to Dirty.
  6. The user pager issues another syscall when it is done writing back the page. If the page state was AwaitingClean at this point, it transitions to Clean.
  7. If the user pager encounters an error while writing back, the page remains in AwaitingClean. A future query for dirty pages returns both AwaitingClean and Dirty pages, so that the user pager can attempt to write back the page again.

The state diagram below shows the transitions between these states.

Dirty state transition diagram

AwaitingClean needs to be tracked as a separate state for a few different reasons:

  • Even though pages in both Clean and AwaitingClean states transition to Dirty when written to, pages that the user pager is in the process of writing back need to be treated differently from Clean pages. Clean pages are eligible for reclamation under memory pressure, but pages that are being written back need to be protected from being reclaimed.

  • The kernel needs to know which version of the page has been written back so it can correctly transition it to Clean when the user pager is done. This is important to differentiate page writes that came in before the flush (which will have safely made it to disk) from ones that came in after (which need to be written back later).

  • We could avoid the syscall from the user pager at the start of the writeback, and the kernel could simply mark pages as AwaitingClean when it returns the page as part of the dirty pages query to the user pager. However, it might still be a while before the user pager starts flushing out the page after the query, which leaves a longer window for it to get dirtied again. Having a tighter window bracketing the writeback increases the likelihood that the user pager will be able to successfully move the page to the Clean state.

In order to update the dirty state, the kernel tracks when pages are written to both through VMO and stream write syscalls and through VM mappings. Note that this applies to any write that happens through a VM mapping, whether performed by the user or the kernel, i.e. it also applies to writes done by the kernel with a user_copy as part of a syscall like zx_channel_read().

Inferring dirty pages during a syscall like zx_vmo_write() is straightforward, since the range is specified. The other way a VMO can be accessed is through VM mappings in a process' address space. In order to track dirty state in pager-backed VMOs, writable mappings start off with the write permission removed in the corresponding page table entries. So a write generates a protection fault, which is resolved by restoring the write permission and marking the page state as Dirty.

The Dirty state referred to here is the state being tracked by the vm_page_t, i.e. the dirty state tracked by software. Dirty bit tracking is supported in hardware page tables on x86, but we're choosing not to use that to derive a page's dirty state for the initial implementation. We need to track dirty bits in software anyway for older arm64 platforms that don't support dirty bits in page tables. So for consistency and simplicity of implementation, we choose to start out without using the hardware dirty bits to infer a page's dirty / clean state. Relying on hardware page table bits also poses complications with page table reclamation, which will need to be accounted for in the future when we do rely on hardware bits.

It is worth noting that only VMOs directly backed by a pager qualify for dirty tracking. In other words, CoW clones of VMOs backed by a pager are not opted into dirty tracking, and will not see any writeback requests. Pages that are written in clones are forked from the parent's copy of the page, and the clone owns them directly as a distinct page.

Reserving space for pending writes

Writes to VMOs that are tagged to trap dirty transitions with the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY creation option flag, require acknowledgement from the filesystem. The solution is proposed in two parts, with v1 starting off simple and focusing more on correctness, and v2 building upon v1 to improve performance. The v1 proposal follows mostly a synchronous model, with the filesystem reserving space for new writes. With v2 we will add another layer to express dirty reservation quotas in the kernel and how they apply to VMOs, so that the kernel can track reservations itself. This will help performance by cutting down on the majority of back and forth communication between the kernel and the filesystem.


The ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY VMO creation flag indicates that the kernel should trap any Clean->Dirty page transition (or AwaitingClean->Dirty transition) in the VMO. When a write comes in on a page not already dirty, the kernel generates a ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY pager request. For writes via a VM mapping, the request spans the single page containing the faulting address. For stream/VMO writes, the kernel sends a request for each contiguous run of non-dirty pages in the range that need to be written to.

A dirty request for the range [start, end) looks as follows.

zx_packet_page_request_t request {
    .command = ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY,
    .flags = 0,
    // |offset| and |length| will be page-aligned.
    .offset = start,
    .length = end - start,

The ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY creation flag is intended for files being written in CoW mode, and for sparse files in Overwrite mode. When the flag is not specified, pages are marked Dirty and writes proceed without user pager involvement; this is intended for non-sparse files being written in Overwrite mode.

The user pager acknowledges the ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY request(s) with zx_pager_op_range():

  • ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY sets the state for page(s) not already Dirty to Dirty, and the kernel proceeds with the blocked write.
  • ZX_PAGER_OP_FAIL does not alter the current state of the page, and fails the zx_vmo_write() call the write originated in, generates a fatal page fault exception for VM mappings, and in the case of zx_stream_write() returns successfully with a partial write.
// |pager| is the pager handle.
// |pager_vmo| is the VMO handle.
// |offset| and |length| specify the range, i.e. [|offset|, |offset| + |length|).
// |op| can be:
// ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY - The userspace pager wants to transition pages in the range
// [offset, offset + length) from clean to dirty. This will unblock any writes that
// were waiting on ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY page requests for the specified range.
// |data| must be 0.
// ZX_PAGER_OP_FAIL - The userspace pager failed to fulfill page requests for
// |pager_vmo| in the range [offset, offset + length) with command
// |data| contains the error encountered, a zx_status_t error code sign-extended
// to a |uint64_t| value - permitted values are ZX_ERR_IO, ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY,
zx_status_t zx_pager_op_range(zx_handle_t pager,
                              uint32_t op,
                              zx_handle_t pager_vmo,
                              uint64_t offset,
                              uint64_t length,
                              uint64_t data);

Depending on how often the filesystem is flushing dirty data and marking pages Clean, this approach could incur significant performance cost when pages are written by clients. To avoid this cost, filesystems might want to delay flushing dirty data for as long as they can, which is not a good incentive to provide - dirty pages cannot be evicted and will contribute to memory pressure, and longer intervals between flushes could also increase the likelihood of data loss. The v2 proposal attempts to reduce some of this performance cost from client-facing writes.


A new syscall zx_pager_set_dirty_pages_limit() will be added to specify a certain number of dirty pages the kernel is allowed to accumulate. The expectation here would be that the filesystem has reserved space for these many dirty pages beforehand. This will be a per-pager limit, set to zero by default. The limit can be set to a non-zero value (multiple times if required) using zx_pager_set_dirty_pages_limit(). The v1 design essentially operates with this limit set to zero.

zx_status_t zx_pager_set_dirty_pages_limit(zx_handle_t pager_handle,
                                           uint64_t num_dirty_pages);

The kernel will track the number of dirty pages per pager (more on types of pages that qualify for being tracked later), incrementing the count on transitions to Dirty and decrementing it on transitions to Clean. The kernel will still trap every Dirty transition as in v1, but it will simply increment the number of outstanding dirty pages, if it can do so without exceeding the allotted dirty limit. If the new count does not exceed the limit, the kernel will proceed with the write without involving the user pager. This is expected to be the normal mode of operation, and so will save the cost of a roundtrip to the user pager every time a page is dirtied.

With this approach, the user pager needs to communicate two things to the kernel:

  1. The pager-wide dirty limit
  2. Pages that will count against that limit when they are dirtied

For 2) we once again rely on the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY VMO creation flag. This flag now triggers the generation of a new type of pager request: ZX_VMO_DIRTY_MODE. When the kernel traps writes now, it consults the filesystem to figure out whether it should opt in those pages into being counted against the dirty limit. The user pager responds with zx_pager_op_range with one of two new operation types.

  • ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY_MODE_POOLED tells the kernel that pages in the range will count against the per-pager dirty limit. This is intended to be used for files operating in CoW mode, and for sparse regions of files in Overwrite mode.

  • ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY_MODE_UNPOOLED tells the kernel that pages in the range will not count against the dirty limit. This is intended for non-sparse regions of sparse files operating in Overwrite mode.

Pages indicated ZX_PAGER_OP_DIRTY_MODE_POOLED are transitioned to Dirty and the outstanding pager dirty count is incremented, provided it does not exceed the pager dirty limit. If dirtying the page would exceed the pager dirty limit however, the kernel starts generating ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY packets, i.e. the default mode as described in v1. An optional flag can be provided to set the dirty mode when pages are being written back (transitioning to Clean), which will save the cost of trapping future writes to generate ZX_VMO_DIRTY_MODE pager requests.

This design allows for a flexible model where the filesystem can mix different types of write modes on its VMOs. Files that are written in CoW mode would have their VMOs created with ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY, and their pages can use the Pooled mode. Similarly, sparse files in Overwrite mode can be created with the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag, and use the Pooled and Unpooled modes for sparse and non-sparse regions respectively. Files that always use Overwrite mode can omit the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag altogether and they would never have to pay the cost of pager requests on writes.

Once the user pager starts receiving ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY requests when out of dirty quota, it is expected to start cleaning pages in order to create space for new dirty pages. It will signal when it is done with zx_pager_set_dirty_pages_limit(), using the same limit as before or a new one. After this call, the kernel will resume checking the accumulated dirty count against the dirty limit on future writes, and will generate ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY requests only when the dirty limit is hit again.

Differences between ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY v1 and v2

The major difference between v1 and v2 lies with the entity that is responsible for tracking reservation counts. In v1 the filesystem is responsible for tracking reservations, and the kernel informs it of when and by how much to increase the reservation count. Since the entity responsible for intercepting potential changes to reservation (the kernel) is not the same as the entity doing the actual bookkeeping (the filesystem), tight coupling is required between the two. In v2, we try to relax this a little by having the kernel track the reservation count itself. So communication with the filesystem is required only when - 1) VMO ranges need to be set up to opt in to (or out of) the kernel reservation tracking and 2) the kernel runs out of reservation quota and the filesystem needs to intervene.

We expect 2) to be the edge case here, since the filesystem will periodically be flushing dirty pages to disk. Majority of the communication is expected to be due to 1). The kernel can request information for the same range multiple times (e.g. for writes spanning overlapping ranges), and similarly the filesystem can supply redundant information to the kernel about the same range multiple times. Setting the dirty mode on a page does not actually cost anything against the dirty limit, as the dirty count is only incremented when the page is actually written to. For this reason, the filesystem can also set the dirty mode on pages speculatively to cut down on the performance cost for future pager requests (with some caveats, since page eviction might come into play).

Discovering dirty ranges

The user pager needs a mechanism to find out about dirty pages in a VMO so it can write them back. There are two different models to consider here: a pull model when the user pager queries dirty page information from the kernel, and a push model where the kernel indicates dirty pages by sending the user pager writeback requests. The initial design starts off with the simpler pull model and introduces a dirty ranges querying syscall, which might look as follows:

// |pager| is the pager handle.
// |pager_vmo| is the vmo handle.
// |offset| and |length| specify the VMO range to query dirty pages within.
// Must be page-aligned.
// |buffer| points to an array of type |zx_vmo_dirty_range_t| defined as follows.
// typedef struct zx_vmo_dirty_range {
//   // Represents the range [offset, offset + length).
//   uint64_t offset;
//   uint64_t length;
//   // Any options applicable to the range.
//   // ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO indicates that the range contains all zeros.
//   uint64_t options;
// } zx_vmo_dirty_range_t;
// |buffer_size| is the size of |buffer|.
// |actual| is an optional pointer to return the number of dirty ranges that were
// written to |buffer|.
// |avail| is an optional pointer to return the number of dirty ranges that are
// available to read. If |buffer| is insufficiently large, |avail| will be larger
// than |actual|.
// Upon success, |actual| will contain the number of dirty ranges that were copied
// out to |buffer|. The number of dirty ranges that are copied out to |buffer| is
// constrained by |buffer_size|, i.e. it is possible for there to exist more dirty
// ranges in [offset, offset + length) that could not be accommodated in |buffer|.
// The caller can assume than any range that had been made dirty prior to
// making the call will either be contained in |buffer|, or will have a start
// offset strictly greater than the last range in |buffer|. Therefore, the caller
// can advance |offset| and make another query to discover further dirty ranges,
// until |avail| is zero.
zx_status_t zx_pager_query_dirty_ranges(zx_handle_t pager,
                                        zx_handle_t pager_vmo,
                                        uint64_t offset,
                                        uint64_t length,
                                        void* buffer,
                                        size_t buffer_size,
                                        size_t* actual,
                                        size_t* avail);

The user pager is expected to invoke this query multiple times, advancing the offset it is querying until it has processed all dirty pages.

With the pull model, the rate of cleaning pages is entirely dependent on the rate at which the filesystem chooses to query the dirty ranges and attempt writeback. There might be a few scenarios however where the kernel itself needs to initiate a request to write back pages, such as under memory pressure, so that dirty pages can be cleaned and subsequently freed. The kernel may send writeback requests for dirty pages in LRU order in this case. This is meant to serve as a hint to the user pager so it can ramp up the rate at which it is flushing pages, e.g. if it is processing requests in a delayed manner.

A writeback request for dirty range [start, end) in the VMO might look as follows.

zx_packet_page_request_t request {
    .command = ZX_PAGER_VMO_WRITEBACK,
    // |offset| and |length| will be page-aligned.
    .offset = start,
    .length = end - start,

Writing back dirty ranges

The zx_pager_op_range() syscall is extended to support two additional ops, ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN and ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END, to signal when the user pager is starting to flush the pages and when it is done, respectively.

  • ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN changes the state of any Dirty pages in the specified range to AwaitingClean. It is ignored for any pages already in AwaitingClean or Clean states, and leaves those states unchanged.
  • ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END changes the state of any AwaitingClean pages in the specified range to Clean. It is ignored for any pages that are already Clean or pages that are Dirty, and leaves their state unchanged.

If any errors are encountered while performing the flush, i.e. after ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN but before ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END, the user pager is required to do nothing more. Those pages remain in the AwaitingClean state in the kernel, assuming another write does not come through. When the kernel is queried for dirty pages again, it will include AwaitingClean pages along with Dirty pages, and the user pager can then attempt writeback on those failed pages again.

// Supported |op| values are:
// ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN indicates that the user pager is about to
// begin writing back the specified range and the pages are marked |AwaitingClean|.
// ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END indicates that that user pager is done writing
// back the specified range and the pages are marked |Clean|.
// |pager| is the pager handle.
// |pager_vmo| is the VMO handle.
// |offset| and |length| specify the range to apply the |op| to, i.e. [|offset|,
// |offset| + |length|).
// For ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_*, |data| is unused and should be 0.
zx_status_t zx_pager_op_range(zx_handle_t pager,
                              uint32_t op,
                              zx_handle_t pager_vmo,
                              uint64_t offset,
                              uint64_t length,
                              uint64_t data);

For ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN, data can optionally be set to ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO to indicate that the caller wants to write back the specified range as zeroes. This is intended to be used when the caller is processing a range that was returned by zx_pager_query_dirty_ranges() with its options set to ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO. It ensures that any non-zero content that was created in the range after the query but before the writeback was started is not lost, by incorrectly assuming it is still zero and marking it clean (hence evictable).

Resizing the VMO

Pager-backed VMOs differ from anonymous (non pager-backed) VMOs in the way absence of content in the VMO is handled. Anonymous VMOs have implicit initial content of zero, so uncommitted pages imply zeros. The same is not true for pager-backed VMOs, where uncommitted pages do not imply zeros; they simply mean that the pager has not supplied content for those pages yet. On a resize to a larger size however, the pager cannot supply pages in the newly extended range, simply because that content does not exist on the backing source (e.g. storage disk) yet, and so there is nothing to page in. The kernel can supply pages in this newly extended range as zeros without consulting the user pager.

Resizes are handled by a tracking a zero interval spanning the newly resized range, for which the kernel implicitly supplies zero pages. The user pager is not aware of this zero interval yet, so this range gets reported as dirty when the user pager queries for dirty ranges. Additionally, the options field in the zx_vmo_dirty_range_t is set to ZX_VMO_DIRTY_RANGE_IS_ZERO for this range to indicate that it is all zeros.

If the VMO has been created with the ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY flag, and pages are written to in this newly extended range, the kernel generates ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY pager requests for them before committing them. This is because the filesystem might need to reserve space for actual (non-zero) pages. This model assumes that zeros can be represented efficiently on disk by the filesystem as sparse regions, so the filesystem is only consulted when pages are committed in the newly extended range.

Detaching the VMO from the pager

A zx_pager_detach_vmo() queues the ZX_PAGER_COMPLETE packet, which indicates that the user pager should expect no further pager requests for that VMO in the future. This also indicates that the user pager should query and write back any outstanding dirty pages. Note that the detach does not block until the dirty pages have been written back; it simply informs the user pager that a flush might be needed.

After a detach, a zx_vmo_read() / zx_vmo_write() that would have required a pager request to be generated fails with ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE. Reads and writes through mappings that would similarly have required pager requests generate fatal page fault exceptions. The kernel is free to discard clean pages from the VMO. However, the kernel holds on to dirty pages until they have been cleaned by the user pager. That is, ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN and ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END continue to be supported on the VMO even after it has been detached. zx_pager_op_range() on all other ops and zx_pager_supply_pages() fail with ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE on a detached vmo.

If the pager is destroyed with dirty pages in associated VMOs, the kernel is free to remove those pages at that point, regardless of whether there were any outstanding writeback requests. In other words, dirty pages are guaranteed to be held in memory only as long as a pager is around to be able to clean them.

Querying pager VMO stats

The kernel also tracks whether the VMO was modified, which can be queried by the user pager. This is intended to be used by the user pager to track mtime.

// |pager| is the pager handle.
// |pager_vmo| is the VMO handle.
// |options| can be ZX_PAGER_RESET_VMO_STATS to reset the queried stats.
// |buffer| points to a struct of type |zx_pager_vmo_stats_t|.
// |buffer_size| is the size of the buffer and should be large enough to
// accommodate |zx_pager_vmo_stats_t|.
// typedef struct zx_pager_vmo_stats {
//   uint32_t modified;
// } zx_pager_vmo_stats_t;
zx_status_t zx_pager_query_vmo_stats(zx_handle_t pager,
                                     zx_handle_t pager_vmo,
                                     uint32_t options,
                                     void* buffer,
                                     size_t buffer_size);

The modified field of the returned zx_pager_vmo_stats_t is set to ZX_PAGER_VMO_STATS_MODIFIED if the VMO was modified, or 0 otherwise. The zx_pager_vmo_stats_t struct can be extended in the future with more fields that the user pager might find useful to query.

The modified state is updated on syscalls that modify the VMO, like zx_vmo_write() and zx_vmo_set_size(), and also the first time a write page fault comes through via a mapping. The very first write fault on a page is already tracked to correctly manage the Clean to Dirty transition, so the modified state is updated then. Future writes that come in via the mapping on a dirty page are not tracked though; doing so would significantly slow down writing to mapped VMOs. So the modified state might not be entirely accurate for mapped VMOs.

options can be ZX_PAGER_RESET_VMO_STATS if the user pager also wishes to reset the queried stats. An options value of 0 does not reset any state, and performs a pure query. Note that this call can have an effect on future zx_pager_query_vmo_stats() calls by consuming queryable state if the ZX_PAGER_RESET_VMO_STATS option is specified. For example, if a zx_vmo_write() is followed by two consecutive zx_pager_query_vmo_stats() calls with the ZX_PAGER_RESET_VMO_STATS option, only the first of those will see modified set. Since no further modifications took place after the first zx_pager_query_vmo_stats(), the second zx_pager_query_vmo_stats() will return modified as 0.


Pager writeback has been in development for a while, with all the new API pieces available in the @next vDSO. fxfs has adopted the writeback APIs to support stream reads/writes and mmap.


With pager writeback, fxfs was able to switch from performing I/O over channels to using streams, which resulted in around 40-60 times performance improvements across various benchmarks.

Security considerations


Privacy considerations



Kernel core tests and stress tests have been written to exercise the pager syscalls. There are also storage tests and performance benchmarks.


The kernel syscall documentation is updated.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Rate limiting writeback requests

In a future iteration when the kernel generates writeback requests, (under memory pressure or at a steady background rate), we will need some kind of policy controlling the number of writeback requests queued on the pager port. One option is for the kernel to track the number of outstanding requests in flight and try to keep them within a certain limit.

Another option is for the user pager to configure tunables that determine, directly or indirectly, the rate of writeback request generation. For example, the user pager could specify the recommended length of time a page can be left dirty before queuing a writeback, or the typical data transfer rate the user pager can support for writes. There might be filesystems that need a background writeback rate much higher than the global system default. It might also be helpful for the user pager to specify the granularity (multiple of system page size) at which it can process requests. The kernel could then take this into account when computing ranges, and might be able to generate fewer requests overall.

Tracking and querying page age information

For the initial implementation, the kernel tracks dirty pages in a page queue, which is ordered by when a page is first dirtied. This queue can be used to generate writeback requests in the future, and once pages have been cleaned, they can be moved out of the dirty queue to the (clean) pager backed queues, which currently track and age read-only pages. We might want to more finely track ages of dirty pages too; it might make sense to unify dirty and clean pages into a common pool to take advantage of aging and accessed bit tracking w.r.t. a global working set. We might also want to expose this age information to the user pager via a new API, so that it can be factored in when processing writeback requests.

Blocking further writes during writeback

The design proposed here does not block new writes that come in while a writeback is in progress, i.e. between ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEGIN and ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_END. Instead, pages that are written to are simply marked dirty again. Perhaps certain filesystems would like to block writes on pages when they are in the AwaitingClean state. We could consider adding a ZX_PAGER_OP_WRITEBACK_BEING_SYNC in the future, which blocks writes during writeback. Note that ZX_VMO_TRAP_DIRTY v1 does provide a way to solve this with the ZX_PAGER_VMO_DIRTY pager requests, which the filesystem can hold off on processing while a flush is ongoing.

Prior art and references