RFC-0255: System Activity Governor

RFC-0255: System Activity Governor
  • Power

Defines a component that manages the suspend state of the platform by leveraging power topology concepts.

Gerrit change
Date submitted (year-month-day)2024-05-07
Date reviewed (year-month-day)2024-08-02


This RFC proposes adding a core component named System Activity Governor (SAG) to manage the power level of the system. This document presents the requirements of SAG, its policies, and the flows used in its implementation to enable management of the system power level. This RFC can be viewed as a part of the implementation for RFC-0230: Suspend-To-Idle in Fuchsia.


  • Enable management of when suspend-to-idle occurs.
  • Provide statistics about suspension to further future power improvements and enable monitoring fleet-wide power consumption.


  • Implement transitions of specific hardware systems to different power states including, but not limited to, CPU, GPU, memory, network interfaces, etc.
  • Implement logic to trigger task suspension, e.g. zx_system_suspend_enter.


Fuchsia is a general purpose operating system designed to power a diverse ecosystem of hardware and software. To satisfy the needs for power-sensitive hardware and software, Fuchsia must be able to manage the power consumption of the hardware platform it is running on. This includes having the ability to transition the CPU to low power mode, trigger system-wide task suspension, activate memory self-refresh, and any number of other power-saving hardware features. A set of hardware configurations or states designed to lower power consumption are grouped into a concept called a suspend state.

Many systems support multiple suspend states. Each suspend state has a set of hardware states, power usage, and resume latency (the time delay to exit the suspend state). Each system may define the same suspend state in concept (Suspend-to-Idle) which maps to a completely different set of hardware configurations.

For example, Fuchsia may be running on two systems with different CPUs. One CPU may support a power state with a lower power consumption than the other; however, both systems may consider a transition to the lowest power state to be part of its operations to enter a Suspend-to-Idle state.

When considering this topic, the state of the platform is as follows:

  • RFC-0230: Suspend-To-Idle in Fuchsia defines the high-level requirements and design for Suspend-to-Idle. Currently, this is the only suspend state supported by the Fuchsia platform.
  • RFC-0250: Power Topology defines the power topology which underpins future power management systems within Fuchsia.
  • A separate RFC defines the component that manages the power topology at runtime: Power Broker.
  • A variety of signals from various subsystems must be interpreted to coordinate a transition into Suspend-to-Idle.

In order to implement RFC-0230: Suspend-To-Idle in Fuchsia using the RFC-0250: Power Topology, a component implementing the policies to manage a transition to Suspend-To-Idle needs to be created: System Activity Governor.



Adam Barth abarth@google.com




This design was discussed with the Power team and subsystem owners who manage the kernel, drivers, driver framework, component framework, product policy, and power framework.


A system that supports a transition to suspend must support the use cases of a Fuchsia product along with the hardware requirements of the suspend state. To properly facilitate transitions to suspend while upholding the use cases of the product, SAG must meet the following requirements:

  1. Fuchsia components (including drivers) must be able to prevent transitions to suspend when critical operations are in progress. For example, consider the scenario where the user is watching a video. The device should not attempt to suspend the system while the video is playing; otherwise, the user will have a poor experience.
  2. To enable product-driven suspend policies, statistics about suspensions must be collected and exposed . For example, consider a product where transitions to suspend may only be triggered at least 1 second after the previous resume. In order for product components to support this feature, it must be able to calculate the time since the previous resume transition.
  3. SAG will just be responsible for determining when to transition. The definition and facilitation of a transition to each suspend state will be handled by a component that implements the fuchsia.hardware.suspend.Suspender protocol which SAG uses. This RFC defers defining the full protocol, but Suspender MUST provide the following functionality:

    • List suspend states supported by the hardware.
    • Transition the hardware to a suspend state.

For this design, SAG acts as a governor (or limiter) on the system's ability to execute code which is fulfilled by a Fuchsia Suspend HAL (which implements the Suspender protocol described above) to transition the system to suspend. To accommodate this concept, we make the following assumptions:

  • The hardware platform refers to the collection of hardware and software systems which enable a computing device to execute code in this RFC. This typically includes the CPU, memory, operating system, and other controls required for these to function (clock trees, power domains, etc.). This explicitly DOES NOT include traditional peripheral components such as microcontroller units, wireless radios, display controllers, secondary storage (solid-state drive, eMMC), etc.
  • The power broker component MUST be present in all products that wish to support hardware platform suspension.
  • Fuchsia components will not be executing on the CPU during suspension including SAG itself. Firmware that runs on microcontrollers or other peripheral hardware may continue to process data. When the hardware platform enters a suspend state, CPUs may be taken offline, the scheduler may update its policies, and peripherals may change configuration.
  • Fuchsia components MUST integrate (directly or indirectly) with the power topology to allow and/or prevent transitions to suspend. This centralized accounting mechanism enables SAG to know what the rest of the system requires without having to know the state of those components.
  • Fuchsia components that do not integrate with the power topology MUST NOT expect uninterrupted execution. This requires any component that does expect uninterrupted execution in order to perform critical tasks (e.g. receive data from a network or peripheral) to account for hardware platform suspension by directly or indirectly interacting with power framework in one of the methods described in Preventing Suspend.
  • The hardware platform MUST NOT suspend while a waking interrupt is pending. This is important for all drivers since it gives them a chance to service their interrupt regardless of their interaction with the power framework. Drivers that need to do more processing after ACKing an interrupt MUST interact with the power framework to prevent hardware platform suspension.
  • SAG MUST be available to drivers and eager components that are power-aware and present in the first file systems that are read by the kernel (e.g. bootfs from RFC-0167: Packages in early userspace bootstrapping). Without this, components that are power-aware will not be able to set up power configurations that prevent system suspension until SAG becomes available later. Additionally, during suspend transitions, higher level file systems may be configured such that they power down earlier than drivers that exist in lower level file systems. This would create power element dependency issues.
  • SAG WILL drive the hardware platform towards its lowest power level whenever possible using power topology concepts. Ultimately, how long the device enters/stays in this lowest power level or not is determined by product behavior and policies, environmental conditions, and user behavior.


System Activity Governor consists of the following parts:

  1. A power element
  2. Business logic for initialization, state management, and handling for power level changes.
  3. A FIDL service to provide access to statistics about suspend/resume.
  4. FIDL services to allow clients to keep the hardware platform awake and be notified of suspend/resume transitions.

The exact definition of the FIDL services will be deferred to an API review/calibration session.

Power Topology

See RFC-0250: Power Topology for info on power topology diagram conventions.

Power Topology

SAG creates and manages a power element, Execution State, that represents the ability for the hardware platform to execute code. This power element aggregates signals from other components to determine when a suspend transition should be attempted.

By creating a power element, SAG allows other components to:

  • Raise the power level of the execution state of the hardware platform for as long as they hold an assertive claim
  • Give reasoning for why the hardware platform should continue executing code via power elements and their dependency chains
  • Respond to changes in the execution state by holding opportunistic claims. This also allows the SAG implementation to produce side effects in response to power level changes for each dependent of Execution State.
  • Most importantly, the RFC-0250: Power Topology requires that a power element tends towards its lowest power level. This naturally leads to a governing action on the execution state of the hardware platform when no dependent power elements are active.

Execution State

This power element maps as closely as possible to the hardware platform's ability to execute code. It supports 3 power levels:

  • Active
  • Suspending
  • Inactive

When the hardware platform is running normally, this element is expected to be at the Active power level. While at the Inactive power level, the hardware platform is expected to be either in a suspend state or actively attempting to transition to a suspend state. Only parts of the device that are not power-aware or are power-agnostic should be running at this time. See Constraining a Device by Execution State for more info on this design pattern. See Suspend/Resume for more info on when and how suspend is triggered.

The Suspending power level sits between the Inactive and Active power levels. This power level exists to separate power dependencies that are only allowed to run when the hardware platform is running and those that may need to run when the hardware platform is transitioning between a suspend state and a running state (in either direction). See the Storage example below for a scenario where this distinction is useful.

Design Patterns

Preventing Suspend

To prevent the hardware platform from suspending, a component can construct a power element that has an assertive dependency on Execution State.

Consider a product that has a media player feature. The product owner wants media playback to prevent the hardware platform from suspending in order to support continuous music playback. To support this feature, the component that manages the playback state could create an assertive dependency on Execution State to prevent SAG from triggering a suspend transition.

Preventing Suspend via Execution State

In the diagram above, the Media Player component has a power element called Playback. The Playback power element has an assertive dependency on the Active power level of Execution State. When media playback needs to start, the Media Player component will request a lease for the Active power level of Playback in order to prevent the hardware platform from suspending. After the lease is satisfied, the Media Player component can run the media playback logic without needing to worry about the hardware platform suspending unexpectedly.

Constraining a Device by Execution State

One powerful pattern that a product can employ is constraining a device's power level by the hardware platform's execution state. This can be used to tie peripheral device power consumption to the hardware platform's suspend state. As the hardware platform transitions to suspend, a driver can power down its device or change its configuration. This setup may be useful for products that want to power down specific features or subsystems when the hardware platform suspends to reduce power consumption.

Audio Example

Consider a product with power-intensive audio hardware. The product owner only wants to activate the audio hardware when the hardware platform is awake. The product owner could represent this configuration with a power topology with an opportunistic dependency on Execution State.

Constraining a Device by Execution State

In the diagram above, the audio driver, called Audio in the diagram, has a power element called Power. The audio driver has an opportunistic dependency on the Active power level of Execution State. The audio driver can watch for its dependencies to be fulfilled by requesting a lease from Power Broker. When Execution State transitions to Active, The audio driver's lease on Power will be satisfied. At that time, The audio driver can run whatever logic it needs to activate the audio hardware. Conversely, when Execution State wants to drop its power level from Active, the audio driver's lease on power becomes unsatisfied. At that time, the audio driver can run logic to deactivate the audio hardware before notifying Power Broker that its power element has dropped its power level.

Handling Waking Interrupts

When the hardware platform is suspended, it may be resumed by an external stimulus. This external stimulus typically comes in the form of a CPU interrupt that is raised by one of the peripheral components. To properly handle a waking interrupt, the following is expected to occur:

  • Wake vectors for drivers are programmed at some point before suspension.
  • When handling an interrupt:
    1. If a driver is waiting on a port for an interrupt, its interrupt handler thread (IHT) is scheduled by the kernel.
    2. The IHT or another component notified by it may create a lease to block hardware platform suspension.
    3. The driver communicates with the hardware and/or other components as required to handle the interrupt. During this time, other components may request leases.
    4. The driver calls zx_interrupt_ack once interrupt handling is done.

While an interrupt is being handled, SAG can run at any time since the kernel resumes the tasks that were suspended when the hardware platform transitioned to suspend.

Storage Example

Consider the audio example from Constraining a Device by Execution State . While storage hardware could follow a similar pattern to audio where it is normally turned off when the hardware platform is suspended, it would also be off while the hardware platform is transitioning to suspend or resuming to service a waking interrupt. This may cause issues if a component that is currently paged out needs to power down and perform cleanup operations before suspension. Since the order of power-down operations is not deterministic, this simplified design is insufficient.

One way to address this shortcoming is to allow the storage driver to run while transitions are occurring.

Powering Up Storage

In the diagram above, the storage driver, called Storage, has two power elements:

  • Power has an opportunistic dependency on (Execution State, Suspending). This dependency will be satisfied when another power element raises Execution State's power level. As long as storage driver holds a lease on Power after Execution State powers up to Suspending, Execution State cannot drop its power level. This is required to allow the storage driver to watch for when it should power down.
  • Waking Request has an assertive dependency on (Execution State, Suspending). This dependency forces Execution State to raise its power level. The storage driver will lease this power element when it receives a storage request. This is required to allow the storage hardware to power up even while other parts of the system are powering down.

Handling System-wide Transitions


When SAG is first started, it will not trigger suspension until the system has completed the boot process. While in this booting state, the Execution State power element is expected to be at the Active power level to reflect the reality that the hardware platform is actively running and not attempting to suspend.

During this time, other components can create dependencies and leases that affect Execution State; however, Execution State will always be at the Active power level until boot completes. In order to exit the booting state, a FIDL service hosted by SAG must be notified that boot has completed. This service is expected to be used when higher layers of the system can express their power needs, e.g. by the session when user interaction is possible.


Suspend transitions will be requested while the Execution State power level is Inactive, the lowest power level. Before starting a suspend transition, SAG will inform registered listeners that a suspend is about to occur. To properly handle potential races between itself, Power Broker, and the interrupt-handling driver, SAG requires the following:

  • The Fuchsia Suspend HAL MUST return an error if a waking interrupt has not been ACKed. This prevents a race where SAG runs before the interrupt handler has a chance to request a lease and ACK the interrupt.
  • SAG MUST NOT change the power level of Execution State while a suspend request is in progress. When SAG resumes from suspend, the power level of Execution State should always be Inactive. Devices that depend on Execution State will transition to and stay at their appropriate power level immediately before and during the transition to suspend. SAG "locks" the power level of Execution State to ensure this by delaying the processing of power level changes requested by the Power Broker.
  • The driver or interrupt handler MUST take a lease before ACKing its interrupt if the driver needs to execute work afterwards.

When the hardware platform resumes execution, SAG will receive a response from the Suspender device indicating the result of the suspend request. SAG will then notify registered listeners of the result of the suspend request. At that time, listeners can request a lease that blocks hardware platform suspension. See Preventing Suspend for more info.

It is also possible for a suspend request to fail before a transition occurs. This may be caused by a pending interrupt that will immediately wake the hardware platform or other error in the Fuchsia Suspend HAL or kernel. When a suspend request fails, SAG notifies listeners of the failure and waits for them all to acknowledge the notification. This setup allows product-level components to request leases and change the system configuration to prevent repeatedly sending suspend requests that will ultimately fail.

In the case where no listener raises the power level of Execution State during a resume transition, SAG logs this failure. This scenario can occur in the case of crashes of listeners or on products that have no active (or an incomplete/in development) product experience.



When a shutdown or reboot is requested by a component running in the system, component manager begins terminating components based on the capability graph. This creates a problem where components that are keeping the hardware platform from suspending will be terminated before SAG. This would cause SAG to erroneously trigger a suspension while a shutdown is in progress.

To address this problem, the component responsible for coordinating shutdown (shutdown-shim and/or power-manager) must hold a lease that keeps Execution State at the Suspending power level. Since shutdown-shim and power-manager are some of the last components that are left running before a reboot, this prevents erroneous suspensions.


Adding this feature requires many individual changes and support from critical subsystems before full implementation is completed. This can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Basic suspend support
    • Trigger suspend when Execution State becomes Inactive
    • Send listener notifications on resumes.
    • Connect listener for resume notifications that will keep the system awake.
  2. Connect all critical subsystems to SAG interfaces as they become power-aware.
  3. Optimize suspend timing.
    • Expose presence of interrupts and/or other waking conditions from kernel and/or Fuchsia Suspend HAL.
    • Use kernel/Fuchsia Suspend HAL signals to delay triggering suspend requests that are expected to fail.
  4. Continuously integrate other suspend-aware subsystems.


The overall impact on system performance largely depends on the performance of Power Broker. Most clients of SAG will perform a one-time call during their initialization to set up dependencies with future interactions being indirect, facilitated by Power Broker. Clients that are listening to SAG events have a direct impact on system performance since they MUST acknowledge handling of the resume and suspend fail notifications. We should closely monitor latency metrics for these event handlers to ensure resume and suspend failures are handled in a timely manner across products. Finally, latency for triggering a suspend is reported by the Fuchsia Suspend HAL. We should monitor this latency to ensure suspend operations are completed in a timely manner across products. This includes monitoring latency and performance impact of reversing a suspend request when a suspend failure occurs.

Security considerations

The power framework established by RFC-0250: Power Topology defines the security model for power topologies. SAG exposes access to power elements via a protocol capability. Having access to this protocol allows other power elements to make dependencies on SAG's power elements. Ultimately, SAG security relies on guarantees provided by the Component Framework for routing the protocol capability.

SAG has protocol capability dependencies on a Fuchsia Suspend HAL and Power Broker. Any deviation from expected behavior in those components may cause misbehavior in the SAG implementation. SAG will need to account for missing and misbehaving dependencies to mitigate the potential for cascading negative effects.

There is potential for abuse from clients that register listeners. A malicious component may prevent proper suspend or resume by not acknowledging events in a timely manner. It may be possible to avoid this class of issues by having a timeout on the response.

Privacy considerations

We expect no personally identifiable information to be collected by SAG; however, data derived from suspend/resume behavior will be collected and exposed by SAG via FIDL protocols and Inspect. This data will be aggregated in off-device systems for analysis by product owners and Fuchsia engineers. This will require a privacy review for the implementation.


SAG will be tested by a collection of integration tests and end-to-end tests. Integration tests will ensure SAG transitions between internal states and sends suspend requests properly.

Clients can test their implementations with a set of test support libraries that use Power Broker and SAG but remove the Fuchsia Suspend HAL. This test support library will allow a client to invoke specific states in SAG to ensure client components respond correctly to those changes. This includes ensuring all side effects triggered by power level transitions are handled appropriately. A complete test suite for a component that depends on SAG's power elements should include the following scenarios:

  • No power framework
  • SAG in the initial, booting state with locked power levels
  • Execution State at Active power level
  • Execution State at Suspending power level
  • Execution State at Inactive power level
  • (If applicable) No suspend during critical operations


Extensive documentation will be needed to explain SAG's role in the system, configuration (including expectations from product owners), API patterns, and test support libraries. The documentation should include examples and best practices for manipulating SAG power elements and using its API appropriately. Examples should include step-by-step guides for scenarios listed in the Design Patterns section above.

This documentation should be part of a larger set of documentation for the power framework and its concepts.

Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns

Drawbacks to implementing this proposal build on drawbacks for the power framework in general.

Signals to trigger a suspend are decentralized. No single component can guarantee suspend will occur with this API unless the product owner organizes components to enforce this pattern. This leaves the behavior of the system ambiguous when viewed from an API use perspective. For example, when a component that has a lease on Execution State drops the lease, SAG may not suspend if other components have a lease. A component will only know a suspend is triggered by registering a listener with SAG which increases complexity.

RFC-0230: Suspend-To-Idle in Fuchsia notes the following:

If the user space provides a resume latency requirement, Fuchsia should honor the same. If no resume latency is provided, Fuchsia should enter Suspend-To-Idle with the lowest possible resume latency.

This RFC does not consider this requirement since only one suspend state is currently supported by the platform.

We have not identified all possible power control patterns that exist for drivers and hardware in the field, so this design may need to evolve as these patterns are discovered. This includes but is not limited to resume latency considerations, support for more suspend states, etc. These design changes will be codified in follow-up RFCs as needed.

Prior art and references