fx update-3p-owners

更新第三方依赖项的 OWNERS 文件

usage: fx update-3p-owners  [--rust-metadata FILE]
                            [--integration-manifest FILE]
                            [--path PROJECT_PATH]

Updates OWNERS files for projects, based on gn target references. For any
given project, the tool adds as owners the owners of the projects that depend
on that project.

--rust-metadata FILE:          update OWNERS for the projects specified in
                               the rust metadata JSON FILE.

--integration-manifest FILE:   update OWNERS for the projects specified in
                               the integration manifest XML FILE.

--skip-existing:               only generate OWNERS files for projects
                               missing owners; does not update existing
                               OWNERS files.

--path PROJECT_PATH:           update OWNERS for the projects in the
                               specified path; accepts wildcard.

--skip-rustc-3p-update:        skip updating rustc_library and rustc_binary
                               third_party dependencies.

--dry-run:                     print the generated content without creating
                               OWNERS files.

See https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/languages/rust/third_party.md
for more details.

update-3p-owners 源代码