
Usage: assembly_generate_config <command> [<args>]

Arguments to construct an assembly config.


  --help            display usage information


  product           Arguments to generate a product config.
  hybrid-product    Arguments to generate a hybrid product config.
                    Arguments to generate a board input bundle.


Usage: assembly_generate_config board-input-bundle --output <output> [--drivers <drivers>] [--base-packages <base-packages...>] [--bootfs-packages <bootfs-packages...>] [--cpu-manager-config <cpu-manager-config>] [--energy-model-config <energy-model-config>] [--kernel-boot-args <kernel-boot-args...>] [--power-manager-config <power-manager-config>] [--power-metrics-recorder-config <power-metrics-recorder-config>] [--system-power-mode-config <system-power-mode-config>] [--thermal-config <thermal-config>] [--thread-roles <thread-roles...>] [--sysmem-format-costs-config <sysmem-format-costs-config...>] [--depfile <depfile>]

Arguments to generate a board input bundle.


  --output          the directory to write the board input bundle to.
  --drivers         the path to the file that describes all the drivers to add
                    to the bundle. The format of this file is a json list of
                    dictionaries that specify the following fields: 1)
                    'package': The path to the package manifest 2) 'set': The
                    package set that it belongs to ("bootfs" or "base") 3)
                    'components': A list of the driver components in this
  --base-packages   the paths to package manifests for all packages to add to
                    the base package set.
  --bootfs-packages the paths to package manifests for all packages to add to
                    the bootfs package set.
                    cpu-manager configuration
                    energy model configuration for processor power management
                    arguments to pass to the kernel on boot
                    power-manager configuration
                    power metrics recorder configuration
                    system power modes configuration
  --thermal-config  thermal management configuration
  --thread-roles    thread role configuration files
                    sysmem format costs configuration files Each file's content
                    bytes are a persistent fidl fuchsia.sysmem2.FormatCosts.
                    Normally json\[5] would be preferable for config, but we
                    generate this config in rust using FIDL types (to avoid
                    repetition and to take advantage of FIDL rust codegen), and
                    there's no json schema for FIDL types.
  --depfile         a depfile to write.
  --help            display usage information


Usage: assembly_generate_config hybrid-product --input <input> [--replace-package <replace-package...>] --output <output> [--depfile <depfile>]

Arguments to generate a hybrid product config.


  --input           the input product config directory.
  --replace-package a package to replace in the input.
  --output          the directory to write the product config to.
  --depfile         a depfile to write.
  --help            display usage information


Usage: assembly_generate_config product --config <config> --output <output> [--depfile <depfile>]

Arguments to generate a product config.


  --config          the input product config with absolute paths.
  --output          the directory to write the product config to.
  --depfile         a depfile to write.
  --help            display usage information