Usage: configc <command> [<args>]
Tool for compiling structured configuration artifacts
--help display usage information
cvf Generates a Configuration Value File (cvf) from a given
manifest and JSON value file.
cvm Generates a Configuration Value Manifest (cvm) from a given
manifest and JSON value file.
fidl Generates a FIDL client library from a given manifest.
rust Generates a Rust client library from a given manifest. This
also requires a FIDL client library to be generated for the
given manifest.
cpp Generates a C++ client library from a given manifest. This
also requires a FIDL client library to be generated for the
given manifest.
validate-package validate that any components in the package which declare
structured config are able to have their configuration
resolved from their package
dump-values dump configuration values for a component in a
human-readable format
Usage: configc cpp --cm <cm> --h-output <h-output> --cc-output <cc-output> --namespace <namespace> --fidl-library-name <fidl-library-name> --clang-format <clang-format>
Generates a C++ client library from a given manifest. This also requires a FIDL client library to be generated for the given manifest.
--cm compiled manifest containing the config declaration
--h-output path to which to output a header file
--cc-output path to which to output a source file
--namespace namespace used by library
name for the internal FIDL library
--clang-format path to clang-format binary
--help display usage information
Usage: configc cvf --cm <cm> --values <values> --output <output>
Generates a Configuration Value File (cvf) from a given manifest and JSON value file.
--cm compiled manifest containing the config declaration
--values JSON5 file containing a single object with each config field
as a top level key in an object.
--output path to which to write configuration value file
--help display usage information
Usage: configc cvm --cm <cm> --values <values> --output <output>
Generates a Configuration Value Manifest (cvm) from a given manifest and JSON value file.
--cm compiled manifest containing the config declaration
--values JSON5 file containing a single object with each config field
as a top level key in an object.
--output path to which to write configuration value file
--help display usage information
Usage: configc dump-values --cm <cm> --cvf <cvf> [--output <output>]
dump configuration values for a component in a human-readable format
--cm path to the compiled manifest
--cvf path to the configuration value file
--output path to the JSON output, print to stdout if not provided
--help display usage information
Usage: configc fidl --cm <cm> --output <output> --library-name <library-name> --fidl-format <fidl-format>
Generates a FIDL client library from a given manifest.
--cm compiled manifest containing the config declaration
--output path to which to output FIDL source file
--library-name name for the internal FIDL library
--fidl-format path to fidl-format binary
--help display usage information
Usage: configc rust --cm <cm> --output <output> --fidl-library-name <fidl-library-name> --rustfmt <rustfmt> --rustfmt-config <rustfmt-config>
Generates a Rust client library from a given manifest. This also requires a FIDL client library to be generated for the given manifest.
--cm compiled manifest containing the config declaration
--output path to which to output Rust source file
name for the internal FIDL library
--rustfmt path to rustfmt binary
--rustfmt-config path to rustfmt.toml configuration file
--help display usage information
Usage: configc validate-package <package> --stamp <stamp>
validate that any components in the package which declare structured config are able to have their configuration resolved from their package
Positional Arguments:
package path to the package manifest to validate
--stamp path to the stamp file to write when done validating
--help display usage information