
Usage: fserve [options]
  -bucket string
        Specify the GCS bucket for the prebuilt packages.
        Cleans the package repository first.
  -data-path string
        Specifies the data path for SDK tools. Defaults to $HOME/.fuchsia.
  -device-ip string
        Serves packages to a device with the given device ip address. Cannot be used with --device-name."
              If neither --device-name nor --device-ip are specified, the device-name configured using ffx is used.
  -device-name string
        Serves packages to a device with the given device hostname. Cannot be used with --device-ip."
              If neither --device-name nor --device-ip are specified, the device-name configured using ffx is used.
        Prints the package-repo path for the specific device. Doesn't start the package server.
        Show the usage message
  -image string
        Specify the GCS file name for prebuilt packages.
        Kills any existing package manager server.
  -level value
        Output verbosity, can be fatal, error, warning, info, debug or trace. (default info)
  -name string
        Name is used as the update channel identifier, as reported by fuchsia.update.channel.Provider. (default "devhost")
  -package-archive string
        Specify the source package archive in .tgz or directory format. If specified, no packages are downloaded from GCS.
        Persist repository metadata to allow serving resolved packages across reboot.
        Downloads any dependencies but does not start the package server.
  -private-key string
        Uses additional private key when using ssh to access the device.
  -repo-dir string
        Specify the path to the package repository.
  -server-port string
        Port number to use when serving the packages.
  -sshconfig string
        Use the specified sshconfig file instead of fssh's version.
  -version string
        SDK Version to use for prebuilt packages.