Contributing to Magma and best practices

Submitting a patch

See Contributing.

Source code

The core magma code is found under:

Magma service drivers are found under:

Magma client drivers are third party codebases. Open source client drivers are in third_party/mesa.

Coding conventions and formatting

  • Use the Google style guide for source code.
  • Run clang-format on your changes to maintain consistent formatting.

Build Configuration for Testing

Product for L0 testing

  • core

Packages for L0 testing

  • src/graphics/lib/magma/tests:l0

Product for L1 testing

  • workbench_eng

Package for L1 testing

  • src/graphics/examples:vkcube-on-scenic

Testing Pre-Submit

For details on the testing strategy for magma, see Test Strategy.

There are multiple levels for magma TPS. Each level includes all previous levels.

When submitting a change, indicate the TPS level tested, prefaced by the hardware on which you performed testing:

TEST: nuc,vim3:go/magma-tps#L1 nuc,vim3:go/magma-tps#S1 nuc,vim3:go/magma-tps#C0 nuc,vim3:go/magma-tps#P0


  1. Build Fuchsia:

    fx build
  2. Run the test script src/graphics/lib/magma/scripts/



If you have an attached display, execute the spinning vkcube. This test uses an imagepipe swapchain to pass frames to the system compositor. Build with --with-test src/graphics/examples:vkcube-on-scenic.

Test with present through Scenic:

ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://`


Run vkcube-on-scenic overnight (12-24 hours).


A full UI stress test. Launch two instances of the spinning_cube flutter example and let them run overnight.


For some changes, it's appropriate to run the Vulkan conformance test suite before submitting. See Conformance.


For some changes, it's appropriate to run benchmarks to validate performance metrics. See Benchmarking.


For details on the Vulkan conformance test suite, see:

See also