Fuchsia uses the ICU library for the commonly shared internationalization services such as date, time, timezone, locale and language handling.
The ICU library consists roughly of two different parts: the ICU library code which contains the ICU algorithms, and the ICU library data, which contains locale-specific information that is packaged for independent reuse.
Add ICU library dependencies
Include the necessary library dependencies in your BUILD.gn
The ICU library is a single third-party dependency, used as ${icu_root}:icu
third_party_icu_headers("icu_headers") {
headers = [
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
The rust_icu
library is subdivided into several crates that correspond to
specific ICU4C headers:
deps += [
non_rust_deps = [ "//src/lib/icu:lib" ]
Import ICU headers
Add the imports for the specific ICU library features your program requires:
The ICU documentation provides additional information about the APIs the library supports.
#include "examples/intl/wisdom/cpp/client/icu_headers.h"
The rust_icu reference provides additional information about the APIs the library supports.
use anyhow::Error;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_examples_intl_wisdom as fwisdom, fidl_fuchsia_intl as fintl, rust_icu_sys as usys,
rust_icu_ucal as ucal, rust_icu_udat as udat, rust_icu_uloc as uloc,
rust_icu_ustring as ustring,
Initialize ICU data
In Fuchsia, the ICU data must be loaded by the program at runtime. Initialize
the ICU data with the icu_data
ZX_ASSERT(icu_data::Initialize() == ZX_OK);
// Force the loading of ICU data at the beginning of the program. Since
// Fuchsia's ICU does not have `libicudata.so`, we must load the data here
// so that locales could be used in the server.
let _loader = icu_data::Loader::new()?;
For more details instructions on loading ICU data from various sources, see ICU timezone data.
You are now ready to use the ICU library features in your Fuchsia program.