Build workbench

workbench (workbench_eng) is an open source reference design for Fuchsia. workbench is not a consumer-oriented product. workbench is a tool for developers to explore Fuchsia and experiment with evolving concepts and features.

workbench does not come with strong security, privacy, or robustness guarantees. Bugs and rapid changes are expected – to help improve Fuchsia, please file bugs and send feedback.

Get started with workbench

To get started with workbench, you need to be familiar with how to get the Fuchsia source code, build Fuchsia images, and run Fuchsia on a device or emulator – the instructions in this section are based on the Get started with Fuchsia flow.

workbench is designed to be used with an Intel NUC or the Fuchsia emulator (FEMU).

Intel NUC

To install workbench on an Intel NUC, do the following:

  1. Complete the Download the Fuchsia source code guide.
  2. As part of Configure and Build Fuchsia, set your build configuration to use the following workbench product:

    fx set workbench_eng.x64 --release
  3. Complete the Install Fuchsia on a NUC guide.


To try workbench on the Fuchsia emulator, do the following:

  1. Complete the Download the Fuchsia source code guide.
  2. As part of Configure and Build Fuchsia, set your build configuration to use the following workbench product:

    fx set workbench_eng.x64 --release
  3. Complete the Start the Fuchsia emulator guide.