The Fuchsia Bluetooth system aims to provide a dual-mode implementation of the Bluetooth Host Subsystem versions 4.2 and 5.0+. This includes
A framework for developing Bluetooth Low Energy applications in central, peripheral, broadcaster, and scanner roles.
DDK interfaces for building LE and Traditional service drivers that have high throughput requirements.
A DDK surface for building vendor-specific HCI drivers to support a wide range of Bluetooth controllers as well as generic transport drivers.
Services for policy and management to integrate a system with the Generic Access Profile.
Device stack
Bluetooth controllers that are present on the system surface as a hierarchy of devices. On an x86 platform this hierarchy may look like the following:
[pci] pid=1633 /boot/driver/
[00:14.0] pid=1633 /boot/driver/
<00:14.0> pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[xhci] pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[usb] pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[005] pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[ifc-000] pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[bt_transport_usb] pid=2179 /boot/driver/
[bthci-passthrough] pid=2179 /system/driver/
[bt-host] pid=2179 /system/driver/
Generic HCI transport functionality is provided by the bt-transport
Fuchsia provides drivers that implement the HCI transport over
and UART.
The transport protocol abstracts the HCI control, ACL, and SCO
channels (currently as Zircon channels).
A transport driver publishes a bt-transport device (e.g. /dev/class/bt-transport/000
Each of these devices only represents the transport and not an initialized
Bluetooth controller since most Bluetooth controllers require vendor-specific protocols
for their setup (e.g. to load firmware). That logic is implemented by vendor HCI
drivers that bind to a bt-transport device.
Vendor drivers have access to the bt-transport protocol for HCI transactions, as
well as other underlying protocols that the transport device supports. Once a
Bluetooth controller has been initialized and is ready for the host subsystem,
the vendor driver publishes a bt-hci
The system provides the bthci-passthrough
driver, which binds to bt-transport
devices that are not claimed by any vendor-specific driver. bthci-passthrough
simply publishes a bt-hci device without doing special initialization.
The bthost
driver implements the core Bluetooth protocols that form the
Generic Access Profile. bthost binds to bt-hci devices and publishes bt-host
devices. A bt-host device claims the HCI control and data endpoints of the underlying
and implements:
- The core dual-mode GAP bookkeeping
- Handling of FIDL messages for core services
- L2CAP and fixed channel protocols (GATT, SMP, SDP)
- Pairing protocols and delegation
- Other types of IPC (such as L2CAP sockets)
- Bus protocol for child devices for services implemented as device drivers
Host devices are managed by the Bluetooth system service. The service allows only one bt-host to be accessed for service requests at a given time. This bt-host is represented as the "active Adapter". host_watcher.fidl provides a management interface to designate an active adapter when multiple adapters are present.
bt-host devices implement the host.fidl protocol to communicate with the Bluetooth system service.
Host bus
TODO(armansito): child devices
Bluetooth environment services are the primary way to implement Bluetooth services and applications.
The Sys FIDL library is intended for privileged clients and is for device-level control/policy.
TODO: describe other services