List running package servers

The ffx repository server commands can identify and list Fuchsia package servers running on the host machine.


The package repository server is controlled by running the subcommands of ffx repository server. This server handles requests for metadata about the available packages and delivers the file blobs that make up the package contents.

There can be multiple package servers running on a single host machine. It is useful to be able to list these running servers and their properties. These properties are useful for troubleshooting or integrating package servers into a higher level system or workflow automation.

Basic command

ffx repository server list

This command supports the top level ffx options to support programmatic use of the command:

  • --machine produces machine reader friendly output
  • --schema produces the JSON schema of the machine output



Produce the full details for each running package server.


Limit the output to package servers with the given name. This option can be specified multiple times.


The default output is a list of:

  • name
  • listening address
  • repo_path

For example:

devhost      \[::\]:8083   /path/to/product_bundles/core.x64/repository

Full output adds additional fields:

  • execution mode
  • registration_aliases
  • registration_storage_type
  • registration_alias_conflict_mode
  • pid


List all running servers

ffx repository server list

List full details of all running servers

ffx repository server list --full

List all details for the server

List servers named devhost or devhost2 and print the output in JSON format:

ffx --machine json-pretty repository server list --name devhost --name devhost2