Target List

ffx target list lists the visible targets. Four kinds of targets are listed:

  • targets that implement mDNS
  • targets that are visible on USB
  • user-mode emulator targets
  • manual targets, added via ffx target add


The fundamental behavior of ffx target list is to discover targets. Depending on configuration options, it gathers the information about targets in one of two ways, via the daemon, and directly:

Daemon-based Discovery

When mDNS and/or USB discovery is enabled (via the discovery.mdns.autoconnect and fastboot.usb.disabled configuration options, respectively), ffx target list will ask the ffx daemon what targets it has discovered, and report that information. Whatever is cached by the daemon will be reported to the user.

Local Discovery

When both the above discovery options are disabled, ffx target list will perform local discovery: it will do its own mDNS, USB, emulator, and manual target discovery. It will actively broadcast mDNS requests, and scan USB devices. Because targets don't always respond to mDNS requests immediately, in this mode ffx target list waits for a period (by default, 2000 milliseconds, configurable via discovery.timeout), in order to give time for targets to respond.

Target Information

The output of ffx target list includes information about each discovered target, including:

  • Name
  • Serial number
  • Type (e.g. core.x64)
  • State (Product or Fastboot)
  • Addresses (a list of IP addresses)
  • Remote control status (whether the Remote Control Service is available)

Depending on the information available, any of these may be listed as "unknown".

Local Discovery and State Information

When performing local discovery, ffx target list must actively probe each discovered target to determine its state and remote control status. Depending on various factors, this probe may take multiple seconds, but see below for controlling this behavior.



If a nodename is provided, the information given will be restricted to that device. Note that when local discovery is used, a full mDNS query and USB scan is performed to find the named device, but see below for controlling this behavior.

Local Discovery Options

The following options only have an effect when performing local discovery:

  • --no-mdns: do not do an mDNS broadcast
  • --no-usb: do not do a USB scan
  • --no-probe: do not make a connection to targets to probe for their type, state, and remote control status

Filter Options

The output can be restricted by address type:

  • --no-ipv4: do not return IPv4 addresses
  • --no-ipv6: do not return IPv6 addresses

Format Options

ffx target list can provide the information in a variety of formats. By default it produces a formatted table. However, the format can be controlled with the following options:

  • --format simple|s: tabular format
  • --format tabular|table|tab|t: tabular format
  • --format addresses|addrs|addr|a: addresses only
  • --format name-only|n: names only
  • --format json|JSON|j: JSON format