Set up the compat device server in a DFv2 driver

This guide provides instructions on how to set up and use the compat device server in a DFv2 driver for communicating with DFv1 drivers.

The compat device server helps DFv2 drivers maintain compatibility with DFv1 drivers during the migration process. The compat device server offers the fuchsia_driver_compat::Device interface (see compat.fidl). This interface allows DFv2 drivers to provide their resources to descendant DFv1 drivers.

The key features of the compat device server are:

  • Resource sharing: Provide resources from your DFv2 driver to descendant DFv1 drivers seamlessly.

  • Banjo services: Offer Banjo protocols implemented in your DFv2 driver to DFv1 drivers.

  • Metadata handling: Forward, add, and parse DFv1 metadata for communication between DFv2 and DFv1 drivers.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions and examples to help you with the following tasks:

Set up the compat device server

This section provides the compat device server setup instructions based on the DFv2 Simple driver example.

The steps are:

  1. Specify the compat device server as dependencies.
  2. Initialize the compat device server synchronously or asynchronously.
  3. Offer the compat device server to the target child node.

1. Specify the compat device server as dependencies

To specify the compat device server as dependencies in your DFv2 driver, do the following:

  1. Add the following dependency to your fuchsia_driver target in

  2. Include the device_server.h header in your driver's source file:

    #include <lib/driver/compat/cpp/device_server.h>
  3. Include the driver_component/driver.shard.cml shard in your driver's component manifest (.cml), for example:

     include: [

    (Source: simple_driver.cml)

    This shard defines the use, capabilities, and expose fields for fuchsia.driver.compat.Service.

With this setup, your DFv2 driver can now create a DeviceServer object for a descendant node. Each DeviceServer object must have only one targeted node.

2. Initialize the compat device server synchronously or asynchronously

Initialize a DeviceServer object synchronously or asynchronously. By default, it is recommended to use synchronous over asynchronous initialization.

However, you may consider using asynchronous initialization if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • Synchronous or blocking calls on the current dispatcher are not allowed.

  • Your DFv1 driver is already structured for asynchronous code and you need the performance gains from asynchronous behavior.

Synchronous initialization

For synchronous initialization, do the following:

  1. Add a SyncInitializedDeviceServer object to the class, for example:

    class SimpleDriver : public fdf::DriverBase {
        compat::SyncInitializedDeviceServer compat_server_;
  2. In the driver implementation, call this DeviceServer object's Initialize() function:

    zx::result<> Initialize(const std::shared_ptr<fdf::Namespace>& incoming,
                              const std::shared_ptr<fdf::OutgoingDirectory>& outgoing,
                              const std::optional<std::string>& node_name,
                              std::string_view child_node_name,
                              const ForwardMetadata& forward_metadata = ForwardMetadata::None(),
                              std::optional<DeviceServer::BanjoConfig> banjo_config = std::nullopt,
                              const std::optional<std::string>& child_additional_path = std::nullopt);

    See below for the parameters of this function:

    • The values of incoming, outgoing, and node_name can be passed by invoking DriverBase's accessors with the same names (see the example below).

    • child_node_name is the name of the targeted child node for this DeviceServer object.

      However, if there are any intermediary nodes between your DFv2 driver's node and the target child node, you need to set child_additional_path to the topological path between the nodes separated by /. For example, if there is node-a and then node-b before the target child node, then the value of child_additional_path needs to be node-a/node-b/.

    • forward_metadata contains information about the metadata to be forwarded from the parent nodes. (For more information, see Forward metadata.)

    • banjo_config contains information for serving Banjo protocols to the target child node. However, if the device server is not serving a protocol, you can set the param to std::nullopt. (For more information, see Provide Banjo services to descendant DFv1 drivers.)

    The example below initializes a synchronous compat device server object:

    // Initialize our compat server.
        zx::result<> result = compat_server_.Initialize(
           incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name);
        if (result.is_error()) {
          return result.take_error();

Asynchronous initialization

For asynchronous initialization, do the following:

  1. Add an AsyncInitializedDeviceServer object to the class, for example:

    class SimpleDriver : public fdf::DriverBase {
        compat::AsyncInitializedDeviceServer compat_server_;
  2. In the driver implementation, call this DeviceServer object's Begin() function:

    void Begin(const std::shared_ptr<fdf::Namespace>& incoming,
                 const std::shared_ptr<fdf::OutgoingDirectory>& outgoing,
                 const std::optional<std::string>& node_name, std::string_view child_node_name,
                 fit::callback<void(zx::result<>)> callback,
                 const ForwardMetadata& forward_metadata = ForwardMetadata::None(),
                 std::optional<DeviceServer::BanjoConfig> banjo_config = std::nullopt,
                 const std::optional<std::string>& child_additional_path = std::nullopt);

    The parameters are nearly identical to the synchronous Initialize() function above, except the callback field.

    The callback function is invoked when the DeviceServer object finishes initializing and is ready to be accessed. It's recommended that you use this callback function to add the child nodes. The other parameter values are populated the same way as synchronous initialization.

    The example below initializes an asynchronous compat device server object:

    void SimpleDriver::OnDeviceServerInitialized(zx::result<> device_server_init_result) {
       // Add the child nodes here
    void SimpleDriver::Start(fdf::StartCompleter completer) {
       device_server_.Begin(incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name,

3. Offer the compat device server to the target child node

Once the compat device server is initialized, pass its offers to the target child node.

However, if the target node is not the direct child, you need to pass the offer to the next closest child in the chain of descendants. For instance, the node topology shows A -> B -> C -> D and if node A is your current node, and node D is the target node, then you need to pass the offer to node B, which is the closest child node in the chain.

Use your DeviceServer object's CreateOffers2() function to set the offers2 field in the NodeAddArgs struct, for example:

auto properties = std::vector{fdf::MakeProperty(BIND_PROTOCOL, ZX_PROTOCOL_SERIAL_IMPL_ASYNC)};
zx::result child_result = AddChild(child_name, properties, compat_server_.CreateOffers2());
if (child_result.is_error()) {
  return child_result.take_error();

If there are any additional offers, add them to the DeviceServer object's offers before setting the offers2 field in the NodeAddArgs struct, for example:

auto offers = compat_server_.CreateOffers2();

auto properties = std::vector{fdf::MakeProperty(BIND_PROTOCOL, ZX_PROTOCOL_SERIAL_IMPL_ASYNC)};
zx::result child_result = AddChild(child_name, properties, std::move(offers));
if (child_result.is_error()) {
  return child_result.take_error();

If your compat device server is initialized synchronously, you need to perform this operation after the SyncInitializedDeviceServer::Initialize() function is called. Otherwise, you need to do this in the callback function passed to the AsyncInitializedDeviceServer::Begin() call.

Provide Banjo services to descendant DFv1 drivers

If your DFv2 driver implements a Banjo protocol and wants to provide it to a target child node, you need to add the protocol to the compat device server.

Let's say your driver implements the Misc Banjo protocol, for example:

class ParentBanjoTransportDriver : public fdf::DriverBase,
                                   public ddk::MiscProtocol<ParentBanjoTransportDriver> {

(The examples in this section are based on the Banjo transport example.)

To add the Misc Banjo protocol to the compat device server, do the following:

  1. Include the following header in the driver's source file:

    #include <lib/driver/compat/cpp/banjo_server.h>
  2. Create a compat::BanjoServer object for the Banjo protocol:

    compat::BanjoServer banjo_server_{ZX_PROTOCOL_<NAME>, this, &<name>_protocol_ops_};

    In the template above, replace NAME with the protocol's name in upper case and name in lower case. So for the Misc Banjo protocol, the object looks like below:

    class ParentBanjoTransportDriver : public fdf::DriverBase,
                                       public ddk::MiscProtocol<ParentBanjoTransportDriver> {
      compat::BanjoServer banjo_server_{ZX_PROTOCOL_MISC, this, &misc_protocol_ops_};
  3. Create a BanjoConfig object and set the protocol callback to the Banjo server's callback, for example:

    compat::DeviceServer::BanjoConfig banjo_config;
    banjo_config.callbacks[ZX_PROTOCOL_MISC] = banjo_server_.callback();

    This setup passes the Banjo configuration information from the BanjoServer object to the compat device server.

  4. When you initialize the compat device server, set the Initialize() function's banjo_config field to the BanjoConfig object, for example:

    // Initialize our compat server.
        zx::result<> result = compat_server_.Initialize(
           incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name, ForwardMetadata::None(),
        if (result.is_error()) {
          return result.take_error();

For the remaining steps on providing this Banjo protocol to descendant DFv1 drivers, see the Serve Banjo protocols in a DFv2 driver guide.

Forward, add, and parse DFv1 metadata

Many existing DFv1 drivers use metadata to relay information between parents and their children. In DFv2 drivers, you can use the compat device server to perform the following operations:

Add and send metadata

Metadata is passed to child nodes through a driver's compat device server. To add and send metadata, the driver needs to create a compat device server and call its AddMetadata() function:

zx_status_t AddMetadata(MetadataKey type, const void* data, size_t size);

(Source: device_server.h)

The example below adds metadata using the AddMetadata() function:

const uint64_t metadata = 0xAABBCCDDEEFF0011;
zx_status_t status = compat_device_server.AddMetadata(
    DEVICE_METADATA_PRIVATE, &metadata, sizeof(metadata));

However, if the metadata is FIDL type, you need to make it persist with the fidl::Persist() call first adding it to the AddMetadata() function, for example:

fuchsia_hardware_i2c_businfo::wire::I2CChannel local_channel(channel);
fit::result metadata = fidl::Persist(local_channel);
if (!metadata.is_ok()) {
  FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to fidl-encode channel: %s",
  return zx::error(metadata.error_value().status());
compat_server->AddMetadata(DEVICE_METADATA_PRIVATE, metadata.value().data(),

Forward metadata

If your DFv2 driver receives metadata from the parent node and needs to pass some or all of metadata to its child nodes, you can forward the metadata using the compat device server.

To forward metadata, set the forward_metadata parameter when you initialize the driver's DeviceServer object:

  • If you want to forward all metadata, set the parameter to ForwardMetadata::All(), for example:

    zx::result<> result = compat_server_.Initialize(
           incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name,
  • If you want to forward only some metadata, create a ForwardMetadata object with ForwardMetadata Some(std::unordered_set<MetadataKey> filter) and pass this object to the parameter.

    The example below forwards metadata with the DEVICE_METADATA_GPT_INFO key only:

    zx::result<> result = compat_server_.Initialize(
           incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name,
  • If you don't want to forward metadata, set the parameter to ForwardMetadata::None(), for example:

    zx::result<> result = compat_server_.Initialize(
           incoming(), outgoing(), node_name(), child_name,

Retrieve metadata

The compat device server's metadata library (metadata.h) provides helper functions for retrieving metadata from drivers.

To use this metadata library, do the following:

  1. Add the following dependency to your fuchsia_driver target in

  2. Include the following header in the driver's source file:

    #include <lib/driver/compat/cpp/metadata.h>
  3. To retrieve metadata from the driver's compat device server, use the compat::GetMetadata<T>() method and replace T with the metadata type.

    The example below retrieves metadata with the DEVICE_METADATA_VREG key and the fuchsia_hardware_vreg::wire::Metadata type:

    fidl::Arena arena;
    zx::result<fuchsia_hardware_vreg::wire::Metadata> metadata = compat::GetMetadata<fuchsia_hardware_vreg::wire::Metadata>(
              incoming(), arena, DEVICE_METADATA_VREG);
    if (metadata.is_error()) {
      FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to get metadata  %s", metadata.status_string());
      return completer(metadata.take_error());

    For the complete list of metadata keys and types, see this file.

  4. (Optional) If the driver is composite, you need to pass the parent's name to specify which parent node the metadata is from, for example:

    zx::result<fuchsia_hardware_vreg::wire::Metadata> metadata = compat::GetMetadata<fuchsia_hardware_vreg::wire::Metadata>(
         incoming(), arena, DEVICE_METADATA_VREG, "pdev");

However, if the metadata type is a dynamically sized array, use compat::GetMetadataArray<T>() and replace T with the array's type.

Let's say we need to retrieve metadata for DEVICE_METADATA_AML_VOLTAGE_TABLE, which is an array of the aml_voltage_table_t structs:


Then you need to replace T with aml_voltage_table_t and retrieve the metadata as shown below:

zx::result<std::vector<aml_voltage_table_t>>  voltage_table =
 if (voltage_table.is_error()) {
   FDF_LOG(ERROR, "%s: Failed to get voltage table metadata");
   return zx::error(voltage_table.take_error());

Likewise, if the driver is composite, pass the parent's name to specify which parent node the metadata is from, for example:

zx::result<std::vector<aml_voltage_table_t>> voltage_table =
      incoming(), DEVICE_METADATA_AML_VOLTAGE_TABLE, "pdev");